arghhhh i cant stop cheating on my diet



  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Sweet treats can also be low fat yogurt, bananas, oranges, watermelon, etc.
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    Try to find Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt bars. They come in flavors like Chocolate Fudge and Salted Caramel. They're prepackaged (so you don't accidentally eat more than the serving size!) and only ~100 calories with ~6-7 grams of protein. They're delicious, filling, and relatively good for you.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    This is super hard. I cant stop cheating after dinner i keep looking for sweet treats.

    You and me both! The good news is that when I get obsessed there's no stopping me from losing weight. Right now I don't have that obsession.

    Probably not the best way to live I guess.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    Just go to bed instead of eating. Sometimes when I think I crave sweets, I'm actually just tired. Get in bed with a good book, or a magazine, or a tablet and see how fast you fall asleep. Sleep is *very* important to appropriate body weight, and worth it's weight in exercise, IMO.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    if you can't stop bedtime snacking, cut down your calories in your other meals and apply them toward bedtime treats. i have a bowl of cereal before bed almost every night, which isn't a problem as i plan its calories as part of my daily intake. also weight watchers and some other companies make low fat desserts, some of which are quite yummy. and i used to eat these delish fat free devil's food cookies that were lower in calories than most store cookies.
  • newmom_2012
    newmom_2012 Posts: 96 Member
    Eat a sweet, or maybe two then stop. Plan your day to allow for them.

    Don't have them in the house, or only have a limited number. If stuff is around I want to eat all the things so I try not to have it around at all.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    A lot of us have sort of programmed ourselves our whole lives that after dinner, you get a sweet treat. If your life has been like that (mine has!) your body and your brain are primed to wait for that little sweetness to signal that you're done eating for the day. If you don't give your body that signal, then the later the evening wears on the more you feel this almost irresistible urge to find something sweet to eat. That's just what your body is used to, and a "reward" your brain has come to expect.

    I pre-plan my calorie intake every day to include some sort of treat between dinner and bedtime. It doesn't have to be much to soothe that beast. A couple of squares of chocolate will do in a pinch (but I try to reserve 300 calories a day for this). You do have to measure your portion out, and it's always a good idea to not eat directly from the packaging. If my treat for the evening is a cookie, I take it out of the packaging, put it on a plate, put the package away, then go sit down and eat.

    Moderation is hard, but you really do have to learn it. All or nothing, binge vs. abstinence, etc. is simply no way to live.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    I exercise so I can have a sweet treat every night. :-)

    Eventually resisting other temptations during the day becomes a habit and I make myself a super awesome treat every night. One day I may forgo it for better weight loss, but not right now.
  • nanboot
    nanboot Posts: 4 Member
    I understand completely! I am a type 2 diabetic and I crave sweets and carbs. Since I went to a naturopath and have made some big changes I don't crave sweets so much. In fact I have been "cheating" with date squares which aren't too bad. But I should stop this guilty pleasure if I want to reach my goals. Good luck to you. One day at a time!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Save some calories for later in the day and find a lower calorie sweet treat. Also, maybe increase your exercise a little to account for a little extra treat later in the day. A lifestyle change needs to be workable for you in order to make the changes permanent.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    This is super hard. I cant stop cheating after dinner i keep looking for sweet treats.
    This is an easy one: save some of your calories for your after dinner snack, and make it whatever you like. :smile:
  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    drink a glass of water before eating any treats. if you still want it 5mins later then go for it
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    You've gotten lots of good advice and I hope some ideas about different ways people deal with their eating. Personally, I don't keep sweet stuff in the house as it's too difficult for me to control my intake if I have it around. On the other hand, I really enjoy having a glass of wine after dinner in the evening and have no difficulty stopping at one. So I build my day with the expectation that I'll have that glass of wine, which serves a double purpose: I can have my wine if I want it, but I also have room if I decide I specifically want something else.

    Today was one of those days. Instead of my wine I drove to MdDonald's and ordered a chocolate chip cookie. It cost me 40 cents and 150 calories and was still warm and gooey and I enjoyed it very much and it didn't come with any friends that would live in my kitchen and I would have to try not to eat.

    The point is to think strategically instead of bemoaning that you can't stop cheating. If you can't stick to what you're doing now, you certainly won't be able to stick to it after you lose all the weight, so it's time to tweak it to something that you can stick to. Whether you call it a diet or not, remember you have to do it forever or the weight will come right back. So it's time to rethink. You can manage your calories, keep the food out of your house, schedule in a treat, take up a hobby to get you out of the house (a lot of night eating is actually boredom,) or otherwise change what you're doing.

    Or don't. Maybe you don't want it enough right now. Maybe you'd rather not put forth the effort. If that's the case, that's okay too. MFP isn't going anywhere. The boards and tools will still be here if you decide to take a break. If you're like me though, I slowly gain when I'm not working on my food intake, so be prepared for the possibility that you could lose ground if you give up and stop.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    I am a BIG bedtime snacker. I work afternoons, so on an average day I consume 900 calories between breakfast and lunch, and save my remaining 1000 for dinner and 1-2 BIG snacks before bed.

    It's midnight and I just finished eating a big piece of frozen leftover Easter chocolate. I'll be up for another 3 hours so I'll probably have a PB&J. I just do as everyone else suggested and plan days around treats :).