Egg Free Low Carb Breakfast



  • emclean72
    emclean72 Posts: 11
    what about some strawberries & blueberrys with cool whip? or even a grape fruit or pear/orange? along with something else
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    Does anyone have any recipes for a low carb, egg-free breakfast? (also no bananas either) I am thinking of just eating dinner foods because I can't seem to get any ideas, I have way too many carbs in my breakfasts right now (a small smoothie and either cereal or toast). \However, when I look online all I can find is recipes for egg meals which I could not eat daily.

    I've just started working out so I'm trying to go higher protein and lower carbs in the morning. For example my carbs were at 68g in this morning's breakfast.

    I also dislike eggs and bananas which are like, the staples of every healthy recipe suggestion.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I eat a lot of things like apples with sunflower butter on top and sausage, or a smoothie of frozen mixed fruit with some spinach and some hemp powder/chia seeds alongside a handful of nuts. I guess there's a decent amount of carbs in fruit, but I can't make myself just eat protein for breakfast.
  • amabbott927
    Scrambled Tofu is one of my favorite protein packed breakfasts...amt of carbohydrates depends on the brand of tofu... here's the recipe

    Sauté an onion, pepper, garlic(whatever veggies you want).
    Add a block of extra firm tofu and mash, but leave a bit chunky.
    This is the tricky part as I don't measure....
    Add 1/2-1 tsp. turmeric, about a tsp. of imitation chicken seasoning, a sprinkle of soy sauce, some parsley, and some pepper. Adjust seasonings to taste.
    Cook till tofu is almost dry and very yellow. I like mine well done so I wait till its dry and lightly browned....
    At this point I like to add fresh chopped tomatoes and spinach.... You can get 4-6 servings out of this. I like to keep it handy in the fridge and just reheat.

    My mom uses silken tofu in her smoothies and even adds nuts(but those tend to be high carbohydrates
    I don't like eggs but can tolerate eggwhites so I will sometimes make a low sugar eggwhite custard and keep it handy... the sweet disguises the egg taste, Hard boiled eggwhites ice cold and drowned in black pepper or sirracha are tolerable too... good luck! I've been trying to increase my protein, cut back on carbohydrates but as a vegetarian it isn't easy.....
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    There's no reason, unless medically diagnosed by a DOCTOR to go low carb.
    Unless it triggers cravings in you that make you eat more. Some people don't like the word "addiction" but to some of us, that is exactly what it is. Not everyone has this problem, my husband doesn't. But to those of us who do, processed carbs can be the slow path to morbid obesity. #been_there_done_that

    My husband is very slender but has to watch his fats, because his cholesterol can go through the roof. My body processes fats well (but I keep to "good" ones like olive oil, nuts).

    Breakfast foods... Tofu scramble, with cheese if you can have dairy. Turkey sausage. Tofu bacon.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Can you have berries? I make a smoothly with whey protein, unsweetened almond milk, either berries/PB2/coffee and ice. I use a cup of berries and 1-1.5 cups of the berries and almond milk, depending on how hungry I am. I blend it in the blender with ice to thicken. I find it very filling, especially if I use berries. I use stevia extract to sweeten a little, usually about 3 drops. This makes an enormous serving and is low carb, ( especially with coffee or pb2) and not bad on calories,either. Usually around 200, sometimes 300, depending on how big I decide to make it and what ingredients I choose. Sometimes I use banana or mango but they're much higher in carbs,I guess.
    I truly believe that a low carb diet is very important for people with impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes or tendency towards diabetes. ( like somebody who had gestational diabetes or whose whole family is diabetic). I really feel that if you're Native American, Eskimo, Samoan, Hispanic or African American, that low carb is essential. There is quite a bit of evidence that a high carb diet in people prone to diabetes can advance the disease.
    I'm a physician and also have a Master's in Nutrition.
  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    1) Greek yogurt with choice of mix-ins.
    2) Cottage Cheese
    3) Protein pancakes
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    1/4 cup of nuts; cheese sticks; cottage cheese; ricotta cheese; turkey bacon; turkey sausage; Dannon light n fit vanilla yogurt/Dannon light n fit Greek coconut/vanilla yogurt.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Two more options-tofu scrambled with veggies or a "breakfast burrito" made with tofu. The old South Beach book has a bunch of meal ideas. You can eat lunch or dinner for breakfast if you like. The Schwarzbein Principle recipe book also has fantastic recipes, but they are higher in fat and calories.
    I have always lost weight on low carb. On the South Beach induction plan I can lose like crazy. However, I gained back in the past 5 years due to medications, not watching what I ate and from being totally wheelchair bound/unable to exercise for half a year.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I love eggs, but bacon has protein. So, my answer is BACON!


    +1 on the bacon

    And I puffy heart eggs too. Why you hate on eggs OP?
  • avibachar
    avibachar Posts: 47

    Best breakfast ever.

  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    try bacon, sausage pattie with cheese on top, i like to do a fage yogurt witha tbsp of sugar free jelly (low ish carb, high protein, keeps me full for hours), i put unflavored protein powder in my coffee instead of cream.

    You can totally have 'dinner foods' for breakfast, do what you like!