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Some people! Major vent...

I was in the gym on the treadmill this morning, as I am 4 mornings per week. This guy came over and started yelling at me to "Slow down your rate or get the f*%$ off the machine!" It turns out that he didn't like the fact that I was holding on to the bar while I walk, and he took it as some kind of personal affront.

I told him to leave me alone, and he persisted. Luckily my trainer was there with another client and saw the whole thing, and he came over and told the guy to stop bothering me and either wait for a treadmill to become available, go do something else, or leave. The guy left.

So, first of all, it is none of his darned business if I hold on to the bar or not. Second, I can't walk on the treadmill without holding on because I have cerebellar ataxia. The treadmill makes me walk with my feet too close together, which makes me very unstable at ANY speed. If I'm not holding on, I spend the whole time on the treadmill banging from one side to the other, which is not particularly comfortable and the bruises aren't pretty either. Third, that is where the heart rate monitor is, and since I'm a complete geek, I like watching the numbers.

Any ideas on how to handle this guy if this happens again? I've seen him a few times before, so it is likely he will be there again at some point... I don't like confrontation, but I like being bullied even less!


  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Wow. I mean WOW what a major d**k! If he bothers you again go straight to management. No one should be harrassed by anyone else at the gym.
  • How rude! I agree, go to management!
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    OMG! That's outrageous! Maybe the guy had 'roid-rage???

    If he bothers you again I would just ask him to leave you alone...don't justify your walking speed and/or handle holding. Tell him the equipment is for everyone to use and you were there first...then keep on walking your pretty little *kitten* off. :) If he keeps bothering you I would mention it to management...they don't like people like him around anyways!

    Good Luck and keep on keepin' on!
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    That is terrible! It's none of his business what you are doing. I would ask a worker to keep an eye out for you when the man is there. You should not have to deal with that!
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    I hold on as well because I cannot allow my arms to hang because of trouble with my shoulder.

    That guy was very rude. What he did was uncalled for
  • in all seriousness, the next time you see him at the gym perhaps you should explain your situation to him nicely, and ask that he not confront you like that again. that was extremely rude of him as nobody has a right to treat a person like that without knowing more about the situation.

    he doesn't need to know your personal business, but if you think it would help you could do that too, but maybe have one of the trainers or management with you while to do it.
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    Depends on what type of person you are. The adult thing to do would probably be to turn up your iPod and stare right past him like you can't see him. This would probably be effective too, since being ignored would probably piss this guy off something fierce.

    Me, on the other had, prefer a nice wide smile and a "I'm sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone who gives a ****." THEN turn up my iPod and stare right through him.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    He had absolutely no right to do that. It pisses me off when people treat other people really badly, especially when they have physical or mental conditions.
    My friend has EDS and was on crutches when we went into london. And because she was on crutches she was in agony with the rest of her joints. She had to keep stopping to put her wrists, arms and shoulders back into place and people just barge past her and not let her off of trains.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Also, it was absolutely none of his business and he doesn't deserve to know about your condition. If he does it again i'd speak to management and get him kicked out for harassment.
  • Oh heck No!!! Id go straight to management if he attempted to come my way again!! He has no right to harrass you. You dont need to explain anything to anyone!! You are at the gym to improve your health and if he has a problem with it he can go F*&% himself!! Sorry but that makes me mad. I hate going to the gym alone because of people like him. Thank goodness you had your trainer right there to help you out, but if he had done it to me, i would have told him the heck off!! Dont disrespect me because you are having a bad morning!!

    Keep up the work outs, dont let anyone get to you! If it happens again go to management and threaten to pull your membership if he is allowed to come back!!! Good luck!!
  • That man is completely out of line and you shouldn't explain anything to him, its none of his business.

    The most you should have to do is give him a disdainful look and continue with your workout.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I don't think you should justify anything, like many have said its none of his business and I would suggest brining it up to management's attention if it happens again. Who knows he could become crazy dangerous!
  • I agree with the other posters about going to management. Stand your ground. You don't have to explain your medical condition to him. It's private and absolutely none of his business!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    The smart thing to do would be complain to management. That's what I would recommend.

    I would tell him to kiss my a55, but I don't recommend that.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Do you have an ipod or MP3 that you listen to? I would crank it up and give him the "I can't hear you" sign, then put my hand up (the "stop sign") so he knows that he can TALK TO THE HAND.

    What a tool! He isn't even worth explaining anything because it is none of his business.

    If he ever approaches you again I would definately to to the management and make a stink. You don't pay to go to their facility to be abused. Wow!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Squirt gun!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I am quite shocked that anyone is that legally retarded.
  • yeah going to management is the best way to go. they can revoke the guy's membership. the thing is....you're not SUPPOSED to harass anyone at a gym you join, thats kind of part of the contract. if someone is on the machine you want....tough luck dude, go do something else! management wont tell him who reported him if you do report him. they have the right to revoke his membership.

    and besides.....LOTS of people like watching their heart rate, i know i do. i always hold on to the part of the machine where the HRM is. ha! maybe the guy's on some super steroids and he has roid rage XD
  • Squirt gun!

    :laugh: JUST LIKE A BAD DOG!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I would not wait for it to happen again, I would complain to management now. I think you should get a free month of tanning for having to put up with that crap. I'm sure the gym across the street doesn't think you need to put up with it either.