Childhood Obesity= CHILD ABUSE



  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I think we should start licensing pregnancy, so only the people who can afford children and who are physically fit can reproduce.

    I like this idea!!!

    plus we could have mandatory sterilization for stupid fat people....
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    I was a fat kid BECAUSE my mom kept trying to push her diets on me. When I was 8 until I was out of the house. These ads are just shaming and ridiculous.
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    I think we should start licensing pregnancy, so only the people who can afford children and who are physically fit can reproduce.

    I like this idea!!!

    plus we could have mandatory sterilization for stupid fat people....

    I feel like this isn't a new idea for some reason.... I can't quite remember where I've heard this before....
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think we should start licensing pregnancy, so only the people who can afford children and who are physically fit can reproduce.

    I like this idea!!!

    Me too!!!

    Hitler LOVED this idea. Implemented it too.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    What's actually child abuse is raising your kids to be Red Sox fans.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I think we should start licensing pregnancy, so only the people who can afford children and who are physically fit can reproduce.

    I like this idea!!!

    Which is horrifying.

    But you'd be denied your license anyway because your unusual hair color and have more than 5 pounds to lose, so.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member



    "No, your face does." David Spade, Tommy Boy
    Such a good movie! :love:

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Not happy with the fat cats, either.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Boy what a can of worms. I'm shocked and worried as much as the next person when I go places and see overweight families--not just kids. But is it really abuse when it's lack of education or lack of income? Maybe the kids are sneaking into food when no one's home to say no. Maybe there are emotional or physical (medical) reasons we don't know about. I can see it now...the Obese Police :frown:
  • natalee8
    natalee8 Posts: 34
    There are four categories of child abuse- emotional, physical, sexual and neglect.

    I happen to agree that allowing a child to reach the stage of obesity (we're talking obesity here, not being chubby, or overweight but a child being obese) is a type of neglect and is therefore abusive.
    I trained as a social worker and did part if my training was done in a primary school. If a child came to school and they were clearly under nourished alarm bells would ring immediately. It is wrong to not feed your child enough because it is bad for their health, why then should it be deemed acceptable for a child to be fed so much that they become obese. Children today are getting type 2 diabetes for goodness sake.. if that isn't abusive I don't know what is.

    That said, does that make the parents of obese children unloving abusers who need their children removed from their care? Of course not. Many parents who are physically abusive don't realise that they are and can be educated on better parenting techniques, a parent suffering from crippling depression might not be able to care for their children properly, are they an abusive person? Again, no. Should they seek out help for their children of course.

    The issue is with education, and if a parent is unaware of how to help their child maintain or reach a healthy weight then they should find help or educate themselves. If they fail to do so they set their child ul for a life of obesity and all the may many associated health risks. That is irresponsible, it is neglectful and in my opinion it is abusive.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member

    Wait a second? I'm to blame for my fat cat? What do you think I do, hold her down and shove kibble in her mouth?

    You know when she got fat? When I took her in, spayed her and forced her into a sedentary indoor lifestyle. Lack of activity kills, but there is no way I could replicate the exercise she got outdoors.

    Extremely simple solution. Feed the cat less food. If its fat, its overeating. As the one providing the food, yes, its absolutely on you.
  • natalee8
    natalee8 Posts: 34
    apologies for typos, I'm using my phone ;)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    OP must not have children. Otherwise she would not suggest having children taken from their family for being overweight.

    I have a friend with 3 daughters and everyone in their family is overweight. My son is 6, pretty well filled out and weighs less than 50 lbs. They have a 7 or 8 year old who is close to 100 pounds. Everyone in that family is obese because they overeat. It pisses me off that they let their children get that way but they are still loving, supporting parents. Do they deserve to have their children taken? No. Are they potentially creating major struggles in their children's lives by teaching them unhealthy lifestyles? Yes.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    This is a real child. A child that posed for this advertisement. Don't we have enough shame to go around already? It will take a while to get everyone on board with a solution - but this is NOT the way. Foster care is not the answer.

  • natalee8
    natalee8 Posts: 34
    In situations like that something needs to be done, despite what the media says, children are not whisked off to a foster carer the minute a problem arises, there is a lot of supportive intervention first and I think this should be in place for families with obese children.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    In situations like that something needs to be done, despite what the media says, children are not whisked off to a foster carer the minute a problem arises, there is a lot of supportive intervention first and I think this should be in place for families with obese children.

    I think government should mind their own business. Seriously?? The obese police?
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