Starting Insanity 60 Day



  • GetFitWithTwins
    GetFitWithTwins Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone I just started insanity I am on Day 3 and so far I am taking it pretty slowly. My diet is excellent throughout the day.... until dinner time. I ruin it every single night. I bought shakeology so hopefully I can do that for dinner. Excited to see the changes.
  • iceycream
    iceycream Posts: 6
    My copy of Insanity has sat unused for 3 months! I was always too scared to use it cause I knew how unfit I am.....but I've started tracking my food etc, lost a few pounds and am starting couch to 5k so am tempted to give Insanity a go!!!

    Hearing all these stories really makes me want to achieve it :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Admittedly something has always confused me about Insanity and peoples approach to it.

    I watched a couple of insanity videos. I consider myself reasonably fit, I ran a 10k in close to 50 minutes, I can run for hours if need be, I work out 6 times a week, I am 170 pounds and 6' tall.

    I took one look at those videos and thought "Yeah, not quite in shape enough to do that". Then I come on MFP and see people who are just starting to diet and exercise going out and picking up Insanity. Many of these people are seriously overweight as well or have not exercised at all for years.

    No offense OP but can you actually do these workouts? I doubt I could and from your description yourself I think I'm probably in better shape. Why do people seek out the hardest thing they can possibly find and then slam their face against it repeatedly rather than finding a workout that better fits their level of fitness.

    I'm honestly not trying to be rude but seriously I think I probably could run a half marathon and I would say flat out I am not in good enough shape to do Insanity.
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    I'm on week 4 of Insanity and it has definitely made me feel healthier and given me more energy. Weight hasn't been coming off, but I can see physical changes which is my main goal anyways. I'm going to keep pushing through as this is the farthest I've gotten through the program so far. Hoping to finish right before my vacation at the end of July. I welcome any friend requests as you're all great motivators!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    People with knee pain from Insanity should try doing it barefoot - modern running shoes could be the cause of your discomfort! Shaun T himself advocates barefoot training:

    I am all for barefoot training but really don't want to get into argument with other people on the net, especially those who look down on me just because I have never done a full marathon...LOL
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Admittedly something has always confused me about Insanity and peoples approach to it.

    I watched a couple of insanity videos. I consider myself reasonably fit, I ran a 10k in close to 50 minutes, I can run for hours if need be, I work out 6 times a week, I am 170 pounds and 6' tall.

    I took one look at those videos and thought "Yeah, not quite in shape enough to do that". Then I come on MFP and see people who are just starting to diet and exercise going out and picking up Insanity. Many of these people are seriously overweight as well or have not exercised at all for years.

    No offense OP but can you actually do these workouts? I doubt I could and from your description yourself I think I'm probably in better shape. Why do people seek out the hardest thing they can possibly find and then slam their face against it repeatedly rather than finding a workout that better fits their level of fitness.

    I'm honestly not trying to be rude but seriously I think I probably could run a half marathon and I would say flat out I am not in good enough shape to do Insanity.

    You know...just like any exercise, there are various levels of follow the moves, it's not as hard...I won't say more, but can see where you come from...I had the same question myself...
  • shilpa6010
    I was just going through this thread. I have been doing Shaun Ts T25 workout from 2 weeks. It was so fun doing until one of my friend said such intense exercise arent that good to build your body. it should always be the mix of cardio/run/jog and weights.

    However i'm very confused now if i should continue or not.

    Does these intense workouts have any side effects or loosens your body later?
  • JasonKnight85
    JasonKnight85 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm on day 25 of my second round of the Insanity program, and I just wanted to share this link because it pretty much says it all:

    On a slightly more serious note, you can do it! Insanity is rough, but just listen to Shaun T, and follow the cues about going at your own pace, taking breaks if you need them, and landing softly on your knees. I'm 5'9" 224.3lb and have had a full knee replacement on my right knee that is 14 years old now, the first time I started Insanity I was 254.6lb. The first go around was a LOT rougher, even though they don't have modifiers in the program I had to modify nearly all the jump moves or replace them with lower impact versions like the power squats/lunges also done in the program, etc.

    I've personally had great success with Insanity, even doing things my own way at times to prevent injury, it's all about cardio interval training, and Shaun T has a winning program there!

    ***Edited for additional info.

    P.S. Insanity actually lasts 63 days according to the schedule I was supplied with in my kit, but I got the deluxe version, so maybe it's different?
  • pdmitra
    pdmitra Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Its really nice to read all the motivating comments. I am starting Insanity today. I'm scared out of my mind but its 60days. I'm here to motivate whoever needs the motivation. Good luck you insane people!
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    I am about 20 days in myself. The biggest thing I can suggest is too push yourself but not to the extreme. If you can only make it through the warm up one day then stop after the warm up. Also there are some of the exercises that I just cannot do right now. You may have to modify some activities, for instance doing squats instead of doing some of the jumps. If you cannot do something don't force your body to do it right away. The biggest thing is you stay moving. I have some friends that have done Insanity and P90X several times and they still cannot do everything in these workouts.

    One thing, after the first day or two, your quads, hamstrings and calves will be incredibly sore as they get used to the abuse. Do not give up, it gets better and easier.

    I agree 100 percent I'm in week 3 and the first few times i made it to the stretch after the warm up and turned it off. Also i don't follow the schedule everyday i do the schedule but take a day off in between work outs. It is intense so if your soar then take the day off to avoid injury. Also DO NOT watch the scale. It's intense so your muscles will tear which is normal and good. But when the muscles do that they retain water which may cause you to gain a few pounds in water weight that can last up to 3 weeks. As for your calories maybe it's to much i don't know. I am a truck driver so i sit all day. I eat 1800 calories a day if i work out or not and it's been working good for me. Anyone can add me if you want motivation or help or whatever.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    Admittedly something has always confused me about Insanity and peoples approach to it.

    I watched a couple of insanity videos. I consider myself reasonably fit, I ran a 10k in close to 50 minutes, I can run for hours if need be, I work out 6 times a week, I am 170 pounds and 6' tall.

    I took one look at those videos and thought "Yeah, not quite in shape enough to do that". Then I come on MFP and see people who are just starting to diet and exercise going out and picking up Insanity. Many of these people are seriously overweight as well or have not exercised at all for years.

    No offense OP but can you actually do these workouts? I doubt I could and from your description yourself I think I'm probably in better shape. Why do people seek out the hardest thing they can possibly find and then slam their face against it repeatedly rather than finding a workout that better fits their level of fitness.

    I'm honestly not trying to be rude but seriously I think I probably could run a half marathon and I would say flat out I am not in good enough shape to do Insanity.

    You know...just like any exercise, there are various levels of follow the moves, it's not as hard...I won't say more, but can see where you come from...I had the same question myself...

    I think I can answer that for you. The way beach body markets there products makes them sound awsome. Insanity p90x for example. Also i believe they are much more polished some other work outs. If your new to working out and searching for a program you will see these work outs come up all the time. The hosts such as Shawn t and Tony Horton really do a good job at motivating you in the workouts with helpful tips. They also have some funny things that make them seem like people not just the video you watch if that makes sence. I'm 3 weeks in and I can't do all the work outs. But if this is what gets me excited to work out and I pace myself then why should I not be doing it. The goal is to get up and move for us beginners so what ever makes you want to do it is good. Plus there programs all talk about students and graduates and made it through so it some how makes you feel special and accomplished that you joined this elite group that made it to the end. Hopefully that helps you understand at least some of my reasons for doing this insane work out when not being in great shape.
  • jadejames171
    jadejames171 Posts: 26 Member
    Insanity is BRILLIANT. I love it! Its hardcore but you know you are working your body hard as you sweat like a pig. I've started and stopped at least three times now - due to holidays and work commitments etc. But at the moment, I'm consistent and in to the recovery week (which by the way is just as much of a workout as the others!)

    I've gone from 168 pounds to 148 pounds since starting (although most of the loss was pure diet before being consistent with insanity) and have lost a good few inches all round. However now, weight loss has stalled - I think this may be something to do with muscle weighing more than fat. I feel so much fitter now - when I started I couldn't even do a push up!

    My tips - go at your own pace - if you need a break then stop, catch your breath then carry on. The guys on the video take breaks so why shouldn't we?! The workouts are hard, so just do what you can do. No one is expecting you to get all the moves right or do a work out without stopping when you first start. Drink plenty of water through out and ALWAYS do the warm up and cool down stretches. I always find that as soon as I finish - if I sit on my *kitten* for the rest of the night I ache like hell in the morning, so maybe do house work or go for a walk or something after to keep the muscles working.

    Also - this biggest tip is to measure your progress by how fit you feel and by inch loss rather than using the scales.

    Good luck and have fun!!
  • mattmcleary1
    I'm 23 and done Insanity last year, I wouldn't go in with too high expectations if I am honest.

    I wanted to use it for the sake of muscle shape and building. It did work in some aspects however, I injured my knee doing it and now have bother with it.

    So make sure to do everything properly and with suitable clothing and space to do it in.

    Good luck.
  • Bellabooksa
    Bellabooksa Posts: 25 Member
    To Aaron_K123, No offense taken and you have a good point. I cannot speak for others, but for myself I have seen and read transformations of those who have done Insanity and or are currently doing the program that are my size or larger and I must admit the positive results are very motivating for me. I agree with you that I am in no shape to be able to keep up with Insanity right now, nor do I expect to...but it looks challenging and also fun, which I am hoping will keep me motivated to push play each day. Hopefully a year from now I will be closer at keeping up with those on the DVD! ;) I'm not expecting anything more than what I put into it, and right now I'm determined to give it my all. :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    To Aaron_K123, No offense taken and you have a good point. I cannot speak for others, but for myself I have seen and read transformations of those who have done Insanity and or are currently doing the program that are my size or larger and I must admit the positive results are very motivating for me. I agree with you that I am in no shape to be able to keep up with Insanity right now, nor do I expect to...but it looks challenging and also fun, which I am hoping will keep me motivated to push play each day. Hopefully a year from now I will be closer at keeping up with those on the DVD! ;) I'm not expecting anything more than what I put into it, and right now I'm determined to give it my all. :)

    Hey fair enough and I in no way want to sabotage your motivation. Just take it easy and be aware of your knees and your heartrate and don't overdo it or you are potentially going to injure yourself. Its a very tough workout for people of any fitness level really.
  • MilaCzech
    MilaCzech Posts: 3
    Hello, I'm super new here, can I join?
    I started insanity this Monday, so today I completed the 4th exercise (cardio recovery). I'm 25, 5'7 and about 210 lbs. So I'm overweight too.
    So far I love it. It's intense and I have to modify some of the moves. I struggle especially with the push ups but hope I will get better in time. Also my stamina isn't the best, so during the cardio workouts and plyometric I have to take breaks to catch my breath. I think everybody needs to listen to their body and stop if needed.
    Also I'm nowhere near the speed of the video, I go at my own speed, as Shaun T says. Form over speed!
    I know that my body reacts well to high intensity workouts, that's a reason why I got insanity. I lost the most weight when I trained longsword fighting, which was intense too.
    Hope to find someone here who will help me to keep myself motivated and vice versa of course!
  • Bellabooksa
    Bellabooksa Posts: 25 Member
    I'm so happy to read everyone's comments! Thank you so much for commenting! It's so nice to read everyone's experiences with Insanity as well as advice as it really means a lot. My DVDs will be here tomorrow!! YAY!! :) Glad they will arrive prior to Monday so I can play through a few first to see what I've gotten myself into lol! Very excited to see/feel the results. I will definitely post starting pics/day 30/day 60 and pics as I continue.
  • TenderWalnut
    TenderWalnut Posts: 13 Member
    Just be sure and stretch very good before you workout (including calf muscles). I injured myself twice doing that workout and have decided to not ever do it again. Best of luck to you though. In my honest opinion Insanity is more about the diet than the workout. I mean I barely broke 850 calories burned in most workouts. (I am 6'4" 225) My current workout exceeds 1250 calories six times a week and that affords me more wiggle room on food.
  • amyylase
    amyylase Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm super new here, can I join?
    I started insanity this Monday, so today I completed the 4th exercise (cardio recovery). I'm 25, 5'7 and about 210 lbs. So I'm overweight too.
    So far I love it. It's intense and I have to modify some of the moves. I struggle especially with the push ups but hope I will get better in time. Also my stamina isn't the best, so during the cardio workouts and plyometric I have to take breaks to catch my breath. I think everybody needs to listen to their body and stop if needed.
    Also I'm nowhere near the speed of the video, I go at my own speed, as Shaun T says. Form over speed!
    I know that my body reacts well to high intensity workouts, that's a reason why I got insanity. I lost the most weight when I trained longsword fighting, which was intense too.
    Hope to find someone here who will help me to keep myself motivated and vice versa of course!

    I just started this monday as well! good luck :)
  • MilaCzech
    MilaCzech Posts: 3
    Just be sure and stretch very good before you workout (including calf muscles). I injured myself twice doing that workout and have decided to not ever do it again. Best of luck to you though. In my honest opinion Insanity is more about the diet than the workout. I mean I barely broke 850 calories burned in most workouts. (I am 6'4" 225) My current workout exceeds 1250 calories six times a week and that affords me more wiggle room on food.

    I would say the stretching is highly subjective. For example I can't stretch before workout, I would most likely hurt myself. On the others side, I do a lot of stretching AFTER workout. I just found out it works much better for me to stretch when all muscles are warmed up and my heart rate is up.
    Personally, I do more stretches than Shaun T does. I find his stretching routine too short and inadequate. He doesn't do any calf stretches which I miss the most after insanity workout. So I ended up doing the insanity stretching and then continue with my own stretching routine.