SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Nov. 8

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Another busy week this week. I have the French translation exam today, and I think that I just sort of used up all my worry capacity on last week's exam. Although I have barely prepared at all, I'm not that nervous about this. I either A: pass it, and get to be ABD (hooray) or B: fail it and have to take it again (no other penalty is involved except for annoyance). I'm just praying for a short excerpt (the Spanish exam was a two-column page, so really two pages) and speedy dictionary skills.

    Other than that, I have the following goals for the week:

    1. Eating all my calories, and trying to get lots of activity in my days.

    Sample sobering fact from the new armband: Yesterday, I spent nearly 13 hours lying down. And 9 hours and 42 minutes of that was asleep. (I'm chalking it up to crashing off of the adrenalin). Other interesting facts: apparently, it's about 40 steps total to travel from the bed to the bathroom and back.:tongue: and an average zumba class
    consists of around 5,000 steps.

    2 .Eating at home consistently. A fridge over-full of leftovers will help with this, after my weekend of cooking.

    3. Workout for six hours this week, either six days or five with one double. Have at least one day completely off of exercise.

    4. Take a recovery week academically, which will only consist of getting together forms/paperwork/guidelines for proposals for the next phase (I have to do five major proposals and finish a re-draft for a publication submission before Dec. 31st).

    That seems like plenty.

    Plenty, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm feeling better each day. I felt great yesterday, but I got tired when we went for a walk. So today, I might do a little walk this morning and long yoga session this afternoon.

    The weather is incredible. Just enough heat to be warm during the day and cold at night. Perfect exercising and sleeping weather.

    Goal for the week is no sweets. I've had way too many lately.

    November weather, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I hope you all are well today! :smile:
    Today we are at home again. Alex's has tumbling class but no car, so we will be spending it at home. He's still coughing anyway.
    My special lady time is here (didn't I just go through this?), so my don't wannas just kicked in. I will get as much done as I can today but I'm not going to kick myself if I give out. I had a bad eating/exercising weekend, so I really need to try to get back on the wagon (I really don't like that cliche' lol). Today's goals are to get on the treadmill (I don't know about intervals today, maybe just walking) and do upper body taebo. Need to do some cleaning and I'd like to go through some boxes to get rid of stuff. That's the part I usually never make it to. Goals for the week? Just get through it. :laugh:
    I got Alex's cake drawn out on paper yesterday. Going to try to make it a reality later this week, and have some sort of party this weekend. For some reason, decisions are very difficult to make right now and it's hard for Steve and I to get motivated about stuff. I hope we snap out of it soon! We're entering the holiday season. I want to enjoy it, no matter what country we are in. :tongue:
    Going for it boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Now I want armband thingy.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Now I want armband thingy.

    So far, pretty much the coolest thing ever. I'll give a full report/review after a week with "the dude" as I call it. Also, they're coming out with a bluetooth sync-able model on Nov. 15th, which might be worth the wait.
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Here we are...reboot time.

    I'm feeling heavy today. and impatient. I'm noticing that those days I don't do at least 30-45 min of exercise I feel heavy. I mean, I AM heavy, but those days I exercise, I do feel a little stronger/lighter. The problem with some days and excercise is the feeling of futility. Mostly I think I just have to ignore and be robot-girl in order to be consistent.

    1. Conscious effort to eat more protein, less bread/cereal etc.
    2. Get back to regular green smoothies. I need the iron. seriously.
    3. Spend a little time each day outside in the daylight
    4. Attend at least 2 groupex classes at Goodlife...likely candidates: Zumba and Newbody
    5. Try to not be so impatient.

    here we go...

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Early teaching day = up too darn early. What 20 year old can learn at 8:30 in the morning, anyways? (complaining over).

    Also, need to prep for said teaching (my mind has been on other things). French exam went, IMO, very well. I pretty much got my "short excerpt/speedy dictionary skills" wish, and it was all about music, so a lot of words I already knew like "mesure", "alto" "ténor", "entrée" and the like. The language seemed a bit archaic, but I pretty much would be shocked if I didn't pass. Now it's just waiting so that it's official, so cautious "yay?"

    Today, it's teaching (sample armband information: in my commute up to campus on public transit, which takes an hour one way, 35ish minutes each way of that counts as "moderate activity" (this may have been due to my semi-truck size dictionnaire de Français) I'll see about today when I have less to carry. Also, I'm burning, even on lazy days with a workout, at least 2200 calories a day. I've added a mini-fitness/activity goal...which is to always take the stairs instead of the escalator for the rest of the month (I try to do this anyways, but I give in pretty easily if I have a heavy backpack, etc. I still hate stairs.)

    Other than teaching, it's an appointment downtown, some light shopping (window shopping to get some more steps in and some vitamin D) and a scheduling of a celebratory spa day (I was online last night shopping packages). I've decided to get the same "the works" as I did when I met goal weight, minus the hotel stay. I'm hoping for Friday. I plan to use my brain as little as possible for the rest of the week.:tongue: If the social energy holds out, I'm thinking about a yoga class at the gym. If I feel like being alone, it's vacuuming and yoga at home. (so, either

    Obsessed with steps, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post.
    Still feeling bad this morning, but I have to get out of the house today and be more social than usual on a Tuesday. I want to go back to bed.
    I am pretty sure I have the best husband in the world (alright at least in this side of Texas. :tongue: ). He cleaned up a really bad cat mess this morning because he knows I'm a mess right now and he knew this would tear me up if I saw it. Apparently she made a mess from both ends on the floor downstairs. :frown: I worry about my kitty now. Maybe she just ate something she shouldn't have. So he saved me from a lot of crying this morning. I love my hubby!:bigsmile: :smooched:
    Today the goal is to get the house cleaned up in an hour. A friend is picking us up today and she hasn't seen the house yet. I would like to invite her in and give her the tour, but the house has to be at least picked up, if not vacuumed and swept too. Other than that I might possibly walk on the TR (walked 40 minutes yesterday), or go for a walk outside. Could possibly be eating out with friends twice today. I'm actually not feeling it. The second day of my cycle is about the only day I don't feel like eating out. :laugh:

    Doing it anyway boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    A cautious ABD, V? :drinker:
    Hope you feel better soon, MM.

    I'm still on the mend. I have to observe (means sit in the corner and watch) 5 yoga classes for my certification. I thought they were due in April, but it turns out they are due in December - so I'm going to do one today, one Saturday, and one Monday. There are a lot of classes I would like to observe, so it's just a matter of choosing.
    Also today: lots o' errands and walking. Maybe a little yoga session too.

    Mending, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    OK, I'm addicted to checking my stats on this dude...

    by noon today, I'd burned 1240 calories (this would easily explain why I die at 1200 calories a day). And an hour of teaching equals 1.9 kilometres (nearly a mile) of walking. Information is awesome.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Okay I want an armband thingy now. I noticed last week when I started eating more the scale went down a little,so maybe I'm burning more calories than I realize. Or maybe I'm just wishing. lol.
    Headache this afternoon. I am not feeling bad enough not to work out but I am feeling pretty tired. I may nap, or just rest. Had a good morning with my friends. Such a blessing.
    If we don't go out with friends I'll see if we can go for a walk later. Oh, yeah, it's getting dark by the time Dh gets off work. :grumble: I'm done complaining.
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    So far so good. Walked 2.9 km yesterday and 3.3 km today. It was harder today for some reason...but I don't feel like going to sleep right away, so I guess that's a good sign. Legs feel stronger and stronger, as do lungs. Glad of this weather, not too cold and bright sun. Won't be so fun in bad weather but that's what the gym is for!

    Happy that I have somewhere to report these small victories.

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey, you guys had some interesting conversations last week! Sorry I missed them. :frown: V, way to go on your comp & exam!!! :drinker: Mary, I hope you are finally on the mend - 6 weeks of coughing is way too much. MM, hope your energy comes back.! Hi, Sarah! Yay for reporting small victories. :smile:

    I've been reasonably good about getting back to regular workouts - I shoot for gym yoga in the AM twice a week, and then plan to go to the gym after work most days. I've discovered the rowing machine - not very exciting, but I think it's easier on my ankle than the elliptical, and 20-25 minutes tires me out pretty good. I've been supplementing with a bit of strength training and stretching. I decided to drop belly dance for the holiday session (partly because of our trip coming up - I'd miss 2 out of 8 weeks). But, they've added ANOTHER Zumba class at the gym - so I could do it 3x/week if I wanted to. Today I was a downright gym rat - yoga before work, then back after work for some cardio (treadmill and rowing), and then it was almost time for another Zumba class, so I went ahead and stayed for that too! And then I did more stretching afterwards because I busted my butt in class. :laugh: Who is this crazy lady who spent 3 cumulative hours at the gym today? (Unfortunately, I kinda needed to be there due to some -ahem- indiscretions earlier in the day. Stupid Tuesday bagel/donut day at work on the table right next to my cube!)

    Glad you still remember me around here, boogaloo. :heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Armband thingy saga continues. I decided mid-day yesterday to make Tuesday an actual scheduled day off from an official workout. What with getting up at 5 am, teaching, traveling, my therapy appointment (often exhausting as we're working through trauma right now), etc. It just feels like enough in the day. I haven't been having a consistent day off, so that's my new goal. Tuesday is my day off.

    Anyways, today is not a day off, although it's an academic day off (today through braining allowed!). I have cardio salsa at 9, followed by cleaning the bathroom, followed by an acupuncture appointment (which I now call "the needley nap"). Then it's home for some blissful brain-turning off, and eating virtually no work involved. Hooray!

    I hope you all have renewed energy, coughing fit free days with plenty of sunshine!

    Hooray, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    edited to add: detailed armband thingee related new blog boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad to see you're still keeping with it, CP! I miss your posts though.

    Today is teach and take yoga. Might sneak a walk in there too. Also, cooking for today and tomorrow and a dentist appointment. We got our homework today, so I get started on that as well - probably a good thing to do after the dentist.
    I'll pretty much be out of town the week of Thanksgiving (hotel has wifi, so I will check in and maybe have very short posts), so I need to get ahead. Sure would be nice if we are not assigned any homework during that week - it's a possibility, we have a test the first weekend of December, so the homework may be "study". I'm not worried much about the test.
    So far, good this week on no sweets.

    Still mending, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi CP! Glad to see you! Also glad to hear you are still getting work outs in!
    Mary, good job on no sweets this week.
    Sarah, hooray for small victories!
    V, glad to see you are scheduling a day off each week, and that you are getting some brain rest this week.

    I was slow moving this morning. I have not been sleeping well, so a nap may be in my future, though I am going to try to stay awake. I don't like naps. I feel like I have a slight sinus infection, or something that's been hanging on for a couple of weeks. I hope it doesn't get worse. I already feel dragged down enough.
    Yesterday is one of those days we won't talk about. :laugh: Not a good eating/exercising day at all, but I had a lot of fun with friends and I really really needed that. Today I am going to work on a grocery list, and some how fit ingredients for Alex's special birthday cake into the budget. I am also going to try to get a walk in, either on the TR or outside. It will be nice outside but with a little boy I either have to walk slower with him walking, or pull a wagon carrying 40 pounds. I am also feeling the need to start getting rid of stuff. This causes some emotional stress for me. I need to go through baby/kid clothes and give some away. I have boxes and boxes of them. I want to have another baby but I don't even know if I can, so getting rid of baby clothes is very difficult for me. I will keep my favorites and try to give the rest away. And there's other things I need to get rid of like books, adult clothes, etc. So if I can't emotionally do baby clothes today I at least need to go through something else.
    So I guess, if you wanted to skip all that rambling, here are my goals for the day: walking, school, grocery list, and going through at the very least one box of stuff. :smile:
    Overcoming emotions boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Update: I went for a walk pulling the wagon. It's so nice outside but I also got a headache when I was out there. lol

    We got news from our agency. There are no healthy children that meet our criteria, so they have asked us to give a bigger age range. I am willing to go 0-10 at this point. So it means we will have to redo some paper work (some for the third time), and it's more expense. We're not sure what we are going to do. I think we will call our agency tonight and see what she thinks. There are treaties and laws that will be going through in the next few months that could make things harder or even shut things down. Who knew this would be so complicated and drawn out. Oi. More waiting.
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    I'm bummed because I couldn't walk tonight like I'd planned to after rehearsal. I only managed 20 minutes because my achilles heel is so sore. It's been bugging me for a while now but it's never stopped me from walking. Ate more than I planned - but tomorrow is another day.
    I wish I could grab the perfectionist in me by the throat and strangle her. She makes things so bleak, when actually it was a beautiful day today and I have a lot to be thankful for. Life can be so confusing and hard sometimes.

    complaining over.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Awake early, but feel good. My acupuncturist is asking me to listen to my body as far as sleep is concerned. Last night, I dozed off on the sofa at 8:30. I woke up and thought: I have to wake up, or I'll never sleep. Then, I went to bed. I slept until 5, and feel rested. Essentially the theory that the waking up at three or four and falling back to sleep and being groggy for the rest of the day is due to the fact that I'm going to bed too late. Tricky. I may be turning into a farmer.:wink:

    Today, it's tea (apparently with a shark...yikes!) for some sort of jewelry organizers (no, I do not have a problem!) and a double of spin and strength/stretch. I want to work super hard in my workouts, because....

    Tomorrow is spa day! I've booked at a "waters" spa, where there are all kinds of pools (dead sea salts, cold plunges, green tea, etc.) and saunas and whatnots, followed by a massage, followed by this scrubby/washy/body treatment extravaganza. Clothing optional (all women). Eep. It does look like my version of heaven, but I'm hoping my "do I look fat in this nekkid?" thinking wears off quickly. I'll be sure to report back.

    SJ, the perfectionist is an a-hole. Mine is a punisher, a paranoid delusional idiot. I say to her "oh, silly voice...I know you are trying to help...but you are so dumb. You are really dumb. I'm moving forward. You can stay here if you like, but you're welcome to come along." I say all of this in my inside voice. :tongue: Usually.

    Forward, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, I'm envious of your spa day. Mine will be awhile.
    SM, don't beat yourself up. Keep plugging along and you will get in a groove. :)

    We talked it over last night and decided on a girl 0-10 years old and even opening ourselves up to a sibling pair. I have felt since the beginning we are to get more than one, but I didn't know how that was going to work out. It's all in the Lord's hands. :smile:
    Today I have to go grocery shopping, and one of the stores I've only been to once before and it's HUGE! So I'm a little intimidated by that, but I should be able to find everything I need. I just hope I don't find more! That will pretty much take up my whole morning. I never did make it around to going through boxes yesterday. It seems my whole day stopped after hearing from our agency. So goals today: shop (probably till I drop), laundry, go through boxes, and clean the house. I *should* work out, so we will see if I can fit that in too.
    I have eaten very very badly this week. All I have wanted are comfort foods. I'm burned out on food right now. Nothing sounds good. I need to change things up a bit.
    Oh, and Steve came home from work and said he has to leave town for two days....this morning! He'll be in your area Mary, doing some cabling in a new building for a client. So I may not see him until tomorrow night or Saturday. :frown:
    Have a good day!
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