SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Nov. 8



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm quite modest - I don't think I could handle a clothing optional place - but the waters sound nice.
    I'm sure it will all turn out well, MM.

    Today: might do a yoga video this morning and walk this evening. I got a new yoga video a little while back, so I need to watch it.

    Almost 100%, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Woke up rejoicing for being the queen of spa day, and my cat immediately pulls me back to earth by peeing on the (new) sofa. Caught it mostly in time, and it was covered mostly with plastic. I thought cats were supposed to lower your blood pressure? I can't figure out this weird habit of the male cat' happens intermittently, and for no apparent reason (no discernible litterbox troubles, no apparent health issues), we bought a new couch hoping that it was just a scent remnant making him do it, it makes no sense. Grr.

    Moving on, I discovered that last night's spin class was "moderate" activity. I also decided during class that I really, really, really don't like working out at night anymore. Decided to start doing a spin bike or arc trainer session on my own during the day on Thursdays, or schedule with my trainer on Thursdays. Anyway, trying to formulate an alternate "work out in the daylight" plan for Thursdays.

    Today is a (now more needed) spa day, in which I hope to symbolically/literally wash off the degree up until now and be renewed. Also, imagine that I am a queen in the manner of Cleopatra (hopefully without the snakebite suicide):tongue:

    Cat pee, really? boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Enjoy your spa day, V! And, sorry about the poor cat behavior. Both my cats are girls, and generally stay in the box as long as we keep it clean with the litter they like. Fighting and hairballs are our main problems.

    Anyway, I may follow your lead and get a massage tonight. I am starting to panic because this is the last weekend before our trip -eeeeeeeep! And, I have a couple of hours of work, and then socializing on Sunday, so I gotta get packing. But, it's been over two months since my last massage, and I know I could use one. If not tonight, tomorrow - and I'll work out tonight instead. I have to work out at night because I just don't think I can get up early enough to do it in the morning. At least, not at the gym - by the time I get there, work out, shower (with long hair) and get ready for work (meaning I have to get my clothes and lunch and everything ready the night before)... ick.

    Speaking of work - gotta go! Boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, have a blast today!

    CP, a nice. I know packing is stressful but how nice it would be to get away. Still waiting to be able to do that, and going to Russia doesn't count!

    I went through about 6 boxes of boy clothes and I am giving two bags of them away to my friend, so I consider that progress. It only cleaned out one or two boxes completely, and by the time I got Alex's drawers cleaned out, those boxes were full again. But at least I did something. I am ready to get rid of more, however, if we do get a sibling pair and one is a boy...or even if it's one girl and she's little then I don't know if I should get rid of things like the stroller, highchair etc. So I may hold off on that stuff till I know for sure and just go through other things like adult clothes and books. But I'm happy I made progress! I may try to do some more today.
    I must get off wheat. Why does it have to be so stinking hard? I've just blown it this week. I really think it's making me feel bad (though not necessarily right away) and it makes me gain weight. And I don't know how to get motivation back to work out. It's like I can either work out or clean. I can't do both. :ohwell: I'm blaming hormones.

    Making progress? boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Enjoy your massages!

    There are so many things that cause inappropriate urination or spraying. If it's a vertical surface, it's spraying - and though it is more common in males, females also spray. It's probably the newness of the couch, but usually cats spray to show their territory, so there could be some perceived threat. They also mark with their saliva by rubbing against stuff, and, yes, your cat is marking you. I have two cats that go on pads rather than in the litterbox. One is very old. The other has submissiveness issues. We brought a cat expert out, but nothing she said changed anything. I'm usually the one people contact, so if I'm lost as how to help... Oh, just as an aside, declawed cats have more litterboxes problems than regular cats when they get old. This is a big soap box issue for me, but I'll shut up now.

    Today: teach and take yoga - 2 hour class tonight! Also, run errands and maybe get a walk in. Only got a short walk and yoga session in yesterday, so I want to make up for it today.

    Kitties, boogaloo!

    ps: after reading MM's post, I think I clean out a little bit of stuff today as well
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    he's got claws and it is on the flat surface (exactly where I sit) of the couch. The only thing that was slightly new is I came home and sat on the sofa in my sweaty workout clothes. Is he marking ME? and not so much the sofa...any answer/theories welcome. OK, really have to get ready to go now...
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    he's got claws and it is on the flat surface (exactly where I sit) of the couch. The only thing that was slightly new is I came home and sat on the sofa in my sweaty workout clothes. Is he marking ME? and not so much the sofa...any answer/theories welcome. OK, really have to get ready to go now...

    If it's on the couch cushion, then it's urination. The easiest thing to try is a different litter - or putting a little cat nip in the litter you have. I've heard of many cats who just decide they don't like the litter they've been using for 10 years. I don't know what you use, but "The World's Best Cat Litter", really is - it's made from corn and has very little dust.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I love cats. I can't help it. Even when my cat gets sick on the floor. So when she's rubbing her nose on my fingers and on my laptop and everything else, she's marking?

    My plans just changed this afternoon. Dh needs me to pick him up at the dealer where we bought the mustang. We got it back Wednesday and already it is not driveable. It's stalling etc. :grumble: After that we will have an hour or so then we're going out to see a movie. Tomorrow is going to be busy as well.

    Being adaptable boogaloo.
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    happy to report that two days of "rest" for my foot put me back in the game. I walked 3 km today and it felt easy!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    happy to report that two days of "rest" for my foot put me back in the game. I walked 3 km today and it felt easy!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yegads, I've turned into a farmer. I was asleep by 8:45 (spa related detox exhaustion) and up by 3:45. Under the advice of my acupuncturist, I am now attempting to stay awake. I am also freezing cold. Our new neighbors (who are 18 year old girls, and are driving me batty) turned down the thermostat last night. I'm sure that they don't know they just turned off the heat for the entire building. Or, they do and they don't care. I'm pondering going to the gym now in order to warm up and get it out of the way for the day. Also, if I sit in a comfy chair or something, I'll likely go back to sleep.

    Other than that, I have to go buy something at the dance store downtown, grocery shop and run the vacuum. That seems like enough.

    The spa was indescribably awesome. After the waters, a massage and a body scrub thing, I could barely stumble out of there I was so relaxed, conked out in the back of a cab, ate a huge meal of chinese food (no snacktime at the spa...most only stay for a few hours, and I was there from 11 to 4:30) and went to sleep almost immediately. Definite bliss. I know money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly rent you some relaxation.:wink:

    Up too early, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    oh, p.s. Mary, that's the litter I use. They just changed their packaging..and I'm wondering if they changed their formula? (I use the multi-cat, which I'm certain has something other than corn in it (chicory? or something to help control odours) I think he's just very, very picky about the state of his box. I keep it super clean, but he's finicky. Something that usually wouldn't put him off suddenly does (remnants of a cleaning smell, girl cat smell, other things unknown to humans). I'm on high alert now, and the couch is covered in a painter's tarp. Blergh.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I prefer the regular formula but can't remember why.

    Today, I'm up early as well. I haven't been able to sleep in like I normally do. I'm on allegra D. While I know sudafed (the "D") effects some people, I've never felt anything, though this could be an issue since I'm taking it at night. But my theory is that I can now breath better and thus need less sleep. This happens when I go on vacation too.

    Today: go to yoga class, then observe the following yoga class. I have a friend coming over about 2:30, so I should pick up a little bit. I don't have any plans tonight and husband is going to San Antonio (grrr, we can't get our weekends to match up), so I should have oodles of time tonight. I could do my homework, hmmm, there's something so wrong about doing homework on at Saturday night.

    Sleep schedule, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Well, I guess today is a backwards day for all of us. I actually got to sleep in till 7:30 this morning. The cat came in meowing which is why I woke up then. V, glad you had a good spa day. Sounds great (except the neckid part. :wink: )
    Mary, hope you finally kick the stuff in the butt that's been bothering you.
    SMJ, glad to hear your foot is better!

    We went on a date last night. :heart: First time in a long time. We went to see Inception and I was impressed. I really thought it was going to be gory and super intense but it wasn't that bad. I could have been unknowingly squeezing Dh's hand though. :laugh:
    Today is a crazy day. I need to go birthday shopping this morning, then I am meeting friends for lunch (I only get to see them once a year at the women's retreat and I didn't go this year), then we have a birthday party to go to. It will be evening by the time I get home again. I will probably want to crash then. And just for the record I will be having a piece of cake today. Some people can go to a party and say no thank you. I can say that but I don't want to. :tongue:
    Feeling a bit more myself, though still tired, so I hope to get back to a decent work out routine next week, but it's also going to be a crazy week. My dad may be coming down in the next few days for a visit. I haven't seen him in almost 3 years. Then I have to get ready for Alex's party. I'm also determined to finish going through everything in the house and getting rid of stuff. It's crazy around here but so glad to have a lot to do while we are waiting for news.
    Crazy life boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey, that's funny - an ad for V's armband thingy just popped up in the sidebar!

    I got up a little late for a weekday, but rather early for a weekend. Spent a while writing email, sorted and put in a load of laundry, ran down the street and back barefoot, and am now ready for a nap. :laugh: But, I have a lot to do before my massage later this afternoon (couldn't fit it in last night) - several more loads of laundry, coming up with a packing list and then figuring out what errands I need to run to fill in the gaps. I am worried about my feet being able to handle all the walking, and not having any shoes that are comfortable for me - I've been wearing these really thin, loose Mary Jane type slippers all the time with no arch support that give my toes plenty of room to spread out, but I don't think they'll be good for Costa Rica because they're fabric and it's the rainy season. Also, the soles have no traction at all. I took a leap of faith and ordered a couple of pairs of minimal-type shoes online, but neither one fit (one too big, one too small - erg!) and I doubt the exchanges will get here before we leave on Thursday. I'm afraid that my old running sneakers won't be comfortable since I'm not used to wearing them lately. So that leaves my Converse (which are sorta in between - thicker sole so I walk more heel-heavy than in the slippers but have no arch support), or flip-flops, or Tevas (which have a bit of arch support). My feet were pretty sore at the Vegas conference back in September, and that was only a few days. But, it was also pretty early in my transition out of the orthotics, so I am hoping my feet are stronger now.

    No rest for the wicked, boogaloo! :wink:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I wear almost exclusively converse or converse-style things now that I've gotten out of my orthotics. I confess that I can't get used to the vibrams. My fourth and fifth toes don't like to be that spread out from each other, and it takes forever for me to put them on. So, they languish. Sigh. I hear that vibram's going to make soles (I think partnered with new balance) for some non-gorilla feet minimalist shoes. I'll most likely look into them.

    today is Zumba at 12, followed by a meeting with some fellow grad students (half social hour, half support group) and then some more rest. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept til 7:15. (at according to my dealio, 92% sleep efficiency...some sort of formula that measures time spent lying down against actual time asleep) I feel super-charged now. I'm going to keep going with this "if you're falling asleep on the sofa, go to bed and see what happens" trick.

    Pondering workout/nutrition goals for the week. I'm not measuring until next week (my special lady time is impending) but my pants feel considerably looser (especially encouraging due to said impending special lady time).

    Beauty Sunday, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I still love my gorilla shoes, but my toes were already spread out - and I now hate wearing shoes of any other type. In fact, I was at a wedding a couple weeks ago, and I switched out of my boots after about 2 hours. So... what size do you wear V? :tongue:

    Yesterday the weight bench and weights left the house. I also did not renew my gym membership. If I really want to go to the gym sometime, I can just do the "pay as you go" at another gym, but most my fitness money goes to yoga.
    I also filled two boxes of stuff to be shredded for "shred day" at my bank tomorrow.
    I would also like to go through the closets and minimize some more. Need to have husband around for that though. I think dusting or going through the books is on the list today. Also: finish my homework.

    My cough was disruptive again last night. I only have a couple more days on the antibiotics, so I may call the allergist and see if he wants to see me before December.

    Exercise: teach yoga, either go to a class this afternoon or do some at home or walk.

    Winter cleaning, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post.
    Hope you all are having a good weekend! I am. We've been doing lots of things with friends, but it's also including eating out multiple times. I need to stop it. I feel the pounds creeping up. I have really lost all motivation to work out. I know once I start again I will get back in the groove, but getting started is the hard part.
    Today's goals are to goof off for one hour and then I am going to get to work on the house. Alex is napping for that hour so that's why I am giving myself an hour. I have been watching a couple episodes of Hoarders and I realize that I have some of those tendencies. Although my house is nowhere near a Hoarders house, I could let it get that way if I don't crack down on it every so often and get rid of things. So I watch it to get me motivated to clean. That's also how Biggest Loser helps me to get off the couch. (I guess I need to watch some reruns.)
    I'm going to try to get back on track now.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Quick post regarding shoes...

    I'm considering picking up some gorilla feet (I love calling them that!) before we leave, but I haven't decided yet. It does seem like they would be good for Costa Rica. I've been lurking on some barefoot running forums lately -- the other minimalist shoes that I hear a lot about are the TerraPlana EVOs, and various models from FeelMax (none of which have the separated toes). Also, there are Soft Star moccasins that are supposedly good for winter. If I end up with any of them, I'll let you guys know what I think. :smile:

    Oh, and it's funny you mention Hoarders - we got together tonight with two friends I used to work with and their families, and they were saying we needed to have them over to our place next time (since each of the two have hosted once now). I'm kinda reluctant to have folks over because I'm messy, and never really got the hang of interior decorating. (I do need to get rid of stuff, too, but it's not like that.) But they were teasing - is there at least a little path we can walk through? :tongue: I'm also an introvert, you know? But, alright, I got the message - dinner party at our house when we get back!

    Anyway, it's late so probably nobody will see this. 3 days left!
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