what to do on thanksgiving?

I've lost 5 lbs so far and i'm hoping to lose 10 by thanksgiving. On thanksgiving my family has a huge party where we all come together and eat (about 50 of us). Almost all of the food is going to be homemade so I can't really count calories, and I know i'm going to be tempted to eat a lot.

My plan was to fast the day before and the morning of thanksgiving, does anyone think this is a good idea or have any other advice?


  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    If you fast the day before and morning of, you will be much more likely to binge on food at your gathering. The better idea is to take smaller amounts of everything you want to try, but keep your bigger portions to the turkey and veggies (unless they're doused in butter or cream cheese). Another idea is to eat a small meal before you go so that you are full enough that you don't binge.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    You can estimate how many calories you'll be eating, just serve yourself small portions and do a bit of extra exercise during the week. I wouldn't advise fasting, since then you're likely to eat more because you'll be so hungry.
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Don't forget to drink water....and maybe extra water. My plan is to have 2 glasses of water for every glass of wine.
  • leakejb
    This is what I would do ~ stick to your goals and on Thanksgiving day if you go over your cal intake then start fresh again the next day. Its ok. I dont think fasting the day before and the morning of Thanksgiving you will just be really hungry when its time to eat and you will feel miserable. Just do your best ! :flowerforyou:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I've lost 5 lbs so far and i'm hoping to lose 10 by thanksgiving. On thanksgiving my family has a huge party where we all come together and eat (about 50 of us). Almost all of the food is going to be homemade so I can't really count calories, and I know i'm going to be tempted to eat a lot.

    My plan was to fast the day before and the morning of thanksgiving, does anyone think this is a good idea or have any other advice?

    Portion control and think about what you are eating before you eat it. Like if you got a helping of mash potatoes don't go and get another matching size portion of sweet potatoes or if you eat some bread to start the meal off dont go and get rice as well.

    I try to hit one of each food group, IE Turkey or Ham, Yams or sweet potatoes(drained), a little bit of wheat bread, some veggies for sure and maybe if I feel like being frisky a piece of pumpkin pie or 2.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Why can't you count calories with homemade food? If nothing else you can give yourself an estimation. Turkey is about so much, gravy is about this much. You might not be exact, but one day of non-exactness won't kill you. It'll just be to keep you in a moderate zone.

    I would land on the side of NOT fasting just to gorge- you are going to send really wonky signals to your body.

    Instead go for moderation. I have a pretty large family thanksgiving- I'd say about 30 ppl depending on who shows. Just prioritize what you want most. I for one, like pie and lamb. So I am planning to skip most of the banal apps like chips, extraneous filler like rolls, and even skip the other meats (we make ham, turkey and lamb) and just have my lamb and potatoes and veggie dishes and cap it off with some pie (mmmm blueberry).

    You want to learn moderation long term, it just doesn't make sense to make a yearly ritual of starving yourself before thanksgiving. That's the opposite of moderation.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Find out if there is at Turkey Trot in your city that morning. Do the Turkey Trot, even if you have to walk the entire way! Then you won't want to waste the calories you burned by loading up on calorie laden foods. Fill your plate up with healthy stuff first, then have small portions of the "bad" stuff. I always make and take a salad and eat that first. Then eat all your "bad" stuff last that way you are full and you eat less.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I usally do okay on Thanksgiving. I do all the cooking and, for some reason, don't feel like eating after spending the whole morning and afternoon in the kitchen. My problem comes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Eating leftovers.
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    I would advise the portion control and choosing one or the other for food groups. Drink a large glass of water before you eat (no more than 30 minutes before) and just estimate those calories and do a bit of extra working out if you feel bad.
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    Remember that its okay to take a day off and enjoy yourself because 1 day is not going to ruin all your hard work :) With that in mind just take smaller portions of all the "fatty" stuff and fill up on fruit and veggies and the white meat. Don't deprive yourself because it will make you want stuff more so just have a half piece of pie instead of a full one. You will be fine :) Enjoy yourself
  • rundgrenfan
    I'm eating whatever I want for Thanksgiving dinner, while I am hungry and stopping when I am full, and planning to do lots of talking and water-drinking during the meal so I eat slowly. And if it doesn't work out, well, I'll park really far from the stores on Black Friday to get some walking in!
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    I agree with the others - fasting leads to binging!

    First and foremost, AVOID the Chex Mix. Seriously - that stuff is evil.

    Also, be prepared before the meal. Look up the NI for turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, cranberry sauce, stuffing, etc. Even if its not your family's exact recipe, it will give you an idea of what you're putting in your mouth.

    Bring a couple of dishes to share that you would like to snack on, i.e. fruit kebobs, spicy pretzels, low fat cheese & water crackers.

    Do not take home fattening leftovers.

    Though my ticker doesn't show it now, I have previously been very successful losing weight, (Lost 50 lbs & maintained for nearly 2 years) and one holiday never truly ruined it:happy:
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    This is a great idea. I am going to look into this in my town!

    Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to the Turkey Trot idea.
  • someday120
    Find out if there is at Turkey Trot in your city that morning. Do the Turkey Trot, even if you have to walk the entire way! Then you won't want to waste the calories you burned by loading up on calorie laden foods. Fill your plate up with healthy stuff first, then have small portions of the "bad" stuff. I always make and take a salad and eat that first. Then eat all your "bad" stuff last that way you are full and you eat less.

    ahh i never thought of that!
  • nlhr2011
    nlhr2011 Posts: 12 Member
    I have lost 78 pounds so far....I read in a book once that what matters is what you eat 355 days out of the year, not the other 10 days when it is your birthday, thanksgiving, christmas, 4th of July as so on. So my plan for thanksgiving is to eay whatever I want and then back on the next day. Some people may not agree but it has worked for me.
  • someday120
    and thank you everyone for the help!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I'm eating whatever I want for Thanksgiving dinner, while I am hungry and stopping when I am full, and planning to do lots of talking and water-drinking during the meal so I eat slowly. And if it doesn't work out, well, I'll park really far from the stores on Black Friday to get some walking in!

    LOVE this idea!! :-)
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I'm running an 8K and then eating a bit of everything. Moderation is key. Like others said, fasting is just going to really do bad things for your appetite and metabolism. Just eat lighter and exercise that day. Drink lots of water and enjoy yourself. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet...one day won't kill you. Just be sensible.
  • charmed2570
    I agree with the others, I am going to drink my water, and skip the alcohol, and soft drinks. I will eat a tsp. of things I want, and write it dwn, and I have also figured it out that you might be surprised to find your taste buds have changed and stuff no longer tastes like you thought. Good luck, and remember there is always, the next day, and walk after dinner, it helps with the guilt from eating, but don't drink ur calories.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Fast the day AFTER instead then you'll prevent a Thanksgiving binge and you'll probably still be full from the day before so it won’t be too hard on you. I fasted my first time this past Saturday and It was easy since I spent the day cleaning my basement.

    Log everything just to remain accountable but it’s ok if you eat 2800 calories and workout for example b/c with the next day as a fast until dinner you'll make up for those 1000+ calories, no biggie! Just go easy on the desserts, have tastes not entire slices. The turkey, potatoes, carrots and such won’t kill you but bread and dessert will (not literally but calorically).

    The fasting idea comes from the book “Eat Stop Eat” just type that into a MFP search and you’ll see the huge thread of successful people.