what to do on thanksgiving?



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Like others said, fasting is just going to really do bad things for your appetite and metabolism.

    A one-day fast wont hurt your metabolism it allows you to detox and it’s the same as zig-zag eating where you eat less one day and more on others. The fast is 24h so usually 7pm-7pm so you wont be starving, you could still eat 700+ calories. Eating nothing for 24 hours is not recommended.

    The most important thing is to do resistance training to prevent lean muscle loss.

    Check out the “Eat Stop Eat” thread here on MFP for more info.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    I def plan on eating what I want but practicing my habits of eating slowly so I notice when Im full and also drinking a glass of water before. Water is a huge help to keepin ya full. But it's Turkey Day, enjoy your family and the good eats and just pick up fresh the next day! :)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    See my signature...

    These words are thousands of years old.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm planning on fasting from the night before until Thanksgiving dinner at 5. That way I can enjoy whatever the heck I want and not care. I'm also gonna sneak in a workout in the morning.
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    Find out if there is at Turkey Trot in your city that morning. Do the Turkey Trot, even if you have to walk the entire way! Then you won't want to waste the calories you burned by loading up on calorie laden foods. Fill your plate up with healthy stuff first, then have small portions of the "bad" stuff. I always make and take a salad and eat that first. Then eat all your "bad" stuff last that way you are full and you eat less.

    Great suggestion. I took it. I will be doing a 5 mile race Thanksgiving morning. This also gives me great motivation to train for it over the next couple of weeks. This is why I love this site.
  • If you fast the day before and morning of, you will be much more likely to binge on food at your gathering. The better idea is to take smaller amounts of everything you want to try, but keep your bigger portions to the turkey and veggies
  • Eat some snacks; fresh fruit/veggies/nuts/yogurt, before the meal that way you can still enjoy some of the food and the meal with you family but will be less tempted to eat everything because you will be already full!
    Good luck!!! :)
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I only saw a couple of people who stressed getting in your water (and some extra) on Thanksgiving. I plan on eating smaller portions of everything I want since Thanksgiving is my favorite meal of the year. But I also plan on getting in about twice as much water. And I plan on getting in a couple of walks that day to since I probably won't take the time to work out.
  • Best thing to do about Thanksgiving - smaller plate. Take the food you like, eat slow and put your fork down in between bites. There is no need for us to "stuff" ourselves. It is just another day in the calendar year. Eat a larger breakfast so you are not that hungry when the turkey (all the fixin's) is ready to eat.

    Most important thing is to eat what you like on Thanksgiving. That way you do not feel cheated. ;)
  • One plate rule. That's what I'm doing. I can have one plate so I don't go overboard.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Find out if there is at Turkey Trot in your city that morning. Do the Turkey Trot, even if you have to walk the entire way! Then you won't want to waste the calories you burned by loading up on calorie laden foods. Fill your plate up with healthy stuff first, then have small portions of the "bad" stuff. I always make and take a salad and eat that first. Then eat all your "bad" stuff last that way you are full and you eat less.

    Great suggestion. I took it. I will be doing a 5 mile race Thanksgiving morning. This also gives me great motivation to train for it over the next couple of weeks. This is why I love this site.

    I've started the couch to 5K program. I'm only on week 2, so I wont be able to run it like I would like to but I'll be able to run SOME of it :) I downloaded the app to my iPhone/iPad. So easy!

    I did the Turkey Trot a few years ago and I want to beat my time. a lot.

    Check active.com for turkey trot locations near you.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    OK... I know this is going to sound weird.. but why not just induldge, be excessive and feast? The harvest excess feast has been a tradition in Northern Europe for thousands of years. Get Ancestral. Eat and drink! Remember your familly and thank your God for the abundance!

    Get on track tommorow.

    Geez ya'll are silly.

    (For more info on this tradition, see my blog called "Winter Nights")
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I will be cooking the dinner, so have to be mindful about "tasting."

    I don't expect to obsess on every bite, but not going to go overboard either.

    This year, I plan that the only thing at the table that will be "stuffed" will be the turkey!!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    If I falter, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are other days for good choices and extra exercise.

    Happy Turkey Day, everyone!!!
  • adrianhelen
    adrianhelen Posts: 31 Member
    I plan to eat small portions throughout the day. Sort of graze. I will have little mini meals that way my body has a chance to use up what I take in as energy before it goes into the fat stores plus I am going to get in a good work out that morning.
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