Why Insanity?



  • MilaCzech
    MilaCzech Posts: 3
    I don't know why other people chose insanity as their first workout, all I can say is why I chose insanity.
    First to say, I'm 25, 5'7 and about 210 lbs, so obese young female. I put most of my weight on due to thyroid problems but I was always doing all kinds of sports. I played softball and volleyball on high school, after high school I did some jogging, walking, swimming, bellydancing, aqua aerobics, power yoga, gym and finally one of my biggest sport interest long sword fighting (historical European martial arts).
    While doing longsword, I lost quite a bit of weight due to the high intensity trainings. I found out, that my body reacts very well to high intensity workout, that I adapt fairly quickly and my aver all condition is improving fast while losing the excessive weight.
    Now I moved back to my country and live in the middle of nowhere is small house. There is no gym nearby, and running is hard and discouraging (you can go either up the hill or down the hill, nothing between) since there are no good running paths.
    I was looking for something what is high intensity, versatile enough for me not to get bored too easily and what I can do at home where no one can see me struggle through workout.
    One of my friends offered me to borrow his insanity (he quit after first 2 workouts), so I gave it a shot and I love it now.
    It's hard and intense but I know I'm nowhere near the condition of people in that video, so I'm nowhere near their speed and I'm OK with it. I do all exercises at slower pace, I'm being careful to keep my form correct (as Shan T says, form over speed) and listen to my body. If I need a break I take short time to catch my breath and then keep exercising. I hope to improve my overall fitness with this program, weight loss would be just a bonus.
    I like that exercises changes quite quickly during the workout, I don't get bored of one move so fast. Also Shaun T is great motivator.

    So that was just my 2 cents on your question.
  • hartmamp
    hartmamp Posts: 80 Member
    I wouldn't pay for it myself, but I did a cycle with a friend who owned the DVDs. They are really, really hard which I actually like. It's really easy to measure improvements because you start by barely being able to survive.

    I also think it's a GOOD concept to have it be SO HARD, that even the people on the DVD can't get through it, because then, you can continue to use it over and over and maybe never have it become "too easy". I loveeeeee Jillian Michael's DVDs, but I can't do 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 anymore because they're too easy.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I was in the best shape of my life when I did it and hated it. The videos were too long and repetitive for my taste. HOWEVER, I did have to modify a lot because of my bad knees, but as I kept pushing through, I had to modify less and less. I also didn't have to rest as long. It's a mindset thing; if you think you can do it and want to do it, you will.

    Well yeah if I had to crawl through a field of broken glass to save my SO I probably would to, doesn't mean I'd voluntarily choose the field of broken glass over the field of grass if given the choice. I'm just not convinced that killing yourself in your cardio workout (elevating your HR way above the aerobic range) is really beneficial. There seems to be this prevailing belief that the harder you push yourself the better it is for you and I'm really not convinced that is true.
    I think you are absolutely right. I do cardio 2 or 3 times per week, but lifting weights is my priority now, and the results I am getting are way beyond what I could ever get from just cardio.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    If people lifted weights properly they'd look like Ah'nold did in his prime. Even the women. Or both your statement and mine are stupid.
    That wouldn't happen unless they were intentionally trying to bulk up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If people lifted weights properly they'd look like Ah'nold did in his prime. Even the women. Or both your statement and mine are stupid.
    That wouldn't happen unless they were intentionally trying to bulk up.

    And on steroids.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    If people lifted weights properly they'd look like Ah'nold did in his prime. Even the women. Or both your statement and mine are stupid.
    That wouldn't happen unless they were intentionally trying to bulk up.

    That was that posters point. They posted one absolutist statement as a mirror to another absolutist statement in order to criticize it