Need help with hubbie and kids, please



  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    First of all let me start by saying i didn't read all the replies yet. For one thing i don't agree with throwing out all the junk food because for you husband it is a control thing and the more you try to control him the the more he is going to fight you. There has to be a middle ground.

    Do you bake? If you made the junk food cakes, cookies bars and stuff. Then you can control what is in them swap apple sauce or plain yogurt for oil. Swap out ground flax or chia for some of the flour. Flax and chia are both high in omega 3, fiber and good fat. Add veggies to your baking.Slowly cut the sugar back in some of the recipes. There is lots of awesome recipes online that tell you how to make those changes. I think if you take all the bad stuff away they will just find somewhere else to get it.

    Will they eat salads? server salads with dinner, it will help fill them up, add protein to the salads and healthy fat like avocado, sunflower seed a flax seeds are awesome on salads too. Make your own dressing with good fats like olive oil. I know everyone is scared of fats but there are fats that are good for you and kids need fats to help keep them full and not crave junk.

    Keep healthy snacks around all the time fruits, veggies and home baked goods to help them make better choices.

    I would talk to you husband tell him what you are worried about with the boys and ask him to not bring home junk food, if he wants it, ask him to keep it at work. But otherwise i would leave him alone he has to decide if he wants to change his eating habits. I think once he sees all of you eating better he will want to also.

    Ok like my kids would love to have ice cream every day but i tell them they can only have it in the weekend so they have it on Sunday. But since i know they like cold snacks i make them popsicles, just fruit and 100% juice in the blender freeze in molds and you have no sugar added fruit pops. Or I milk shakes just milk, banana and frozen fruit. They like also like a shake i make with milk, unsweetened cocoa and i use bananas as a sweetener its like chocolate milk without added sugar.

    Good luck
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Another idea......incorporate competition. Many of us are competitive so incorporate into your family. Set goals and rewards. For example, I started an Ultimate Frisbee family night and we'd go out for italian ice later. Now, it's grown into our family plus a lot of my kid's friends joining us and we do it once a week now!