Hi!! I am Jena a mother of 3 and along with them came 3 c-sections!! I KNOW my battle with my stomach will not be an easy one. After 3 major surgeries all in the same spot I literally don't feel my abdomin at all. It can be a challenge to "find my core".
My question is what are you other c-section mommy's doing to help in your pooch area?? Of course we mommy's do our crunches but what other kinds of things can we do to give that area some special attention?? I would love to hear some success stories of people like me, who have already overcome this and could give me some pointers on how to battle the buldge when you can't feel the buldge! :grumble: I will admit it is starting to worry me a little because I KNOW I will get to goal one day, my fear is I will have a horrible tummy!! :sad: TRAINERS please feel free to give me some pointers too!! :wink:


  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    bumping for advice..I too have had 3 surgeries in the same area and know what you are talking about, my lower abdomen has no feeling either, and now that I have lost 57lbs. I don't think the area has budged at all.....thanks for the post!!
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    I am a momma of two (2yrs old and 9 months old), both c-sections. I am on the quest as well to find out how to lose the pooch. I have lost 25lbs, and well in the range of a healthy weight now, but still the pooch clings to my stomach. I managed to lose my boobs, my thighs, fat in my fingers? but i still jiggle like jello in the lower tummy area! Very frustrating. But I AM NOT GIVING UP!!! If I have to do 1,000 crunches a day I will.
    Seriously though, I do need to accept that my body has changed since having two beautiful children via c-section.
    Hopefully we can find a solution but at least we can look at our bellies and know that the little pooch on our bellies was worth it when we look at our kids.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I didn't have a C section, but I am a mother of 2 still battling the bulge in my lower ab area, even after losing over 20 lbs! So you "C-Sectioners" aren't alone!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    I want to see the response to this post, I have two kids and both by c-section and as I am on my path to loosing the weight I am hoping that my stomach goes down I hate having the pooch and I want to see it gone. Please Please respond if you have any tips to be successful on this journey
  • amyjo519
    amyjo519 Posts: 72 Member
    LOL!!! We're all looking for answers...where are they? I've only had one c-section and wish I didn't have any feeling down there. I have quite a bit of soreness just from taking a walk. I'm starting the Biggest Loser workouts but it's too early to tell if it's going to do anything for that pooch. Sorry I don't have any answers either. :ohwell:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I had a Csection and 2 herniated discs that flared up when I was preg, so I lost ALL core muscles. I could not even bend over and put my son in his crib for a year! (It was sad, I had to lower him in by his arms and let him slump over!) When I finally got back to the gym I still had 0 muscle there so I avoided it quite a bit because even 2 situps and it would hurt.

    But finally (read - two years later!) I just got to it. I started just doing a few each evening - like 15 to 20 then more just to get a little muscle. Then I started doing actual abs classes a couple times a week and noticed a big dif. Then I did P90x (got in 2 months and found out I'm preg again, so laid off since it was sapping my energy something awful!) and the abs program 3 times a week did wonders. I noticed right away in 2 weeks a much stronger core. I think it would have flattened up quite a bit if I stuck with it for another couple months. I highly recommend a core workout 15-20 mins long that you do religiously 3 alternating days a week. I won't do it on my own, so I like someone saying what to do.

    Now, just hoping hoping hoping that it was not all for naught with this new preg. I'm deadset on a VBAC if possible!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I"m so happy I'm not alone here! I had 2 c-sections in 2 years, my girls are 9months and 2 1/2 years old. I've lost about 20 of the 32 lbs I put on with #2, but the pooch is no smaller. It's not a pretty sight either, I look nice and flat (well, flat for me) on top but then once you get to my belly button and lower it's all jiggly and loose and hangs way down. EW. Granted, I am no where near my goal weight, but I am very close to pre-pregnancy weight and still can't even try to fit into my old pants. Some of it I think will always be there in the form of excess/loose skin because we did have the surgeries, but I know much of it CAN go away, it's just HOW?

    I've heard that all the crunches in the world won't completely get rid of the pooch. Not that core/abdominal exercises will do us any harm, but if it really is excess skin and some fat, what are we to do?

    Basically, I'm bumping for advice and also putting in my 2 cents. :)
  • ginnyroxx
    this is the worst part of my body. i've always had a little tummy there but it could be sucked in :laugh:

    now it's horrible. i've had 2 c/s's and they were not exactly 'neat' with the first one. it left me w/ 2 cut lines - and as much as my 2nd ob tried to cut in the same place....it still looks bad.

    couple this with the appearance that my skin hangs over the incision line....*sigh*.....not.pretty.at.all. :sick:

    i want to believe i can get rid of that fat/skin. please nobody burst my bubble. :embarassed:
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Bumping as well. No c-section, but after I gave birth, I have this ugly flap!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I lost 30 lbs and now have less pouch but a ton of loose skin. :sick:

    This makes me laugh. My daughter (who just turned 5) was cuddling with me the other day and asked me “why do you have this?” as she pulled on my pouch (fun right?) I said “because I love you” she said “What? Why?” I said “my tummy got stretched out when you were growing in my tummy, then even more when your little brother was growing inside me” she looked at it long and hard for a few long seconds then said “I think we should say it is daddy’s fault”

    I agree! Lets blame Daddy!

    I told Daddy about this and he told me she always sells me out and wants to blame me while talking to him, lol. One smart cookie!
  • leggymomma64
    leggymomma64 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in the same boat, 2 c sections, let's hope someone jumps in that has an answer to the belly flap!! I feel like a kangaroo sometimes, I wanna lose the pouch!!! LOL :laugh:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My twins are 8, and one of them required a c-section (how incredibly lucky am I that it was the second one who needed the C? SO lucky....)

    At this point (so many years later), I have regained feeling, have reconnected muscles, and have no overhang on the incision, but some noticable pudge.

    So, I don't know what's really worked...time passing was the biggest factor in me regaining feeling, however.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am in the same boat I had a emergency c section with my first and in march2011 I will have my second c section and last.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I lost 30 lbs and now have less pouch but a ton of loose skin. :sick:

    This makes me laugh. My daughter (who just turned 5) was cuddling with me the other day and asked me “why do you have this?” as she pulled on my pouch (fun right?) I said “because I love you” she said “What? Why?” I said “my tummy got stretched out when you were growing in my tummy, then even more when your little brother was growing inside me” she looked at it long and hard for a few long seconds then said “I think we should say it is daddy’s fault”

    I agree! Lets blame Daddy!

    I told Daddy about this and he told me she always sells me out and wants to blame me while talking to him, lol. One smart cookie!

    Alright! I am all about blaming it on Daddy! :laugh:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I lost 30 lbs and now have less pouch but a ton of loose skin. :sick:

    This makes me laugh. My daughter (who just turned 5) was cuddling with me the other day and asked me “why do you have this?” as she pulled on my pouch (fun right?) I said “because I love you” she said “What? Why?” I said “my tummy got stretched out when you were growing in my tummy, then even more when your little brother was growing inside me” she looked at it long and hard for a few long seconds then said “I think we should say it is daddy’s fault”

    I agree! Lets blame Daddy!

    I told Daddy about this and he told me she always sells me out and wants to blame me while talking to him, lol. One smart cookie!
    That is tooooo funny!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I am in the same boat I had a emergency c section with my first and in march2011 I will have my second c section and last.
    hehe I said that in 2000 :wink: :tongue:
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I had one in 2008. I have friends that have delivered via c section and some that have delivered vaginally, and both kind have been able to get rid of the bulge. It's not a c section issue. It's a "my gut was stretched beyond belief for nine months" issue. My pooch is getting smaller by cutting out junk foods (abs are created in the kitchen) and by building the muscles by doing barbell squats, prone jack knifes (google it) and crunches on the swiss ball.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I had a hysterectomy which removed a five pound fibroid along with my uterus, so it was similar to a c-section. 21 stitches and a 10 inch incision. It's been five weeks so there's still swelling and I have numbness, too, so I'm glad to hear that's not unusual.

    I think the swelling will still shrink some, but I'm pretty sure I'll have a pouch, too.

    Can I "join" you all?

    I'm still prevented from doing much of a workout, but in a few weeks I'll be cleared to get back on the sweat wagon.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Wow! I am glad:huh: I am not alone!!!
    Two pregnancys an ectopic pregnancy hat required surgery and a tubal-ligation has left me witha belly bulge and a Shar pei belly. I crunch and walk and nothing!!! I do not like being heavy,but I prefer the way the skin on my stomach looks when I am!:grumble:
  • amyjo519
    amyjo519 Posts: 72 Member
    I lost 30 lbs and now have less pouch but a ton of loose skin. :sick:

    This makes me laugh. My daughter (who just turned 5) was cuddling with me the other day and asked me “why do you have this?” as she pulled on my pouch (fun right?) I said “because I love you” she said “What? Why?” I said “my tummy got stretched out when you were growing in my tummy, then even more when your little brother was growing inside me” she looked at it long and hard for a few long seconds then said “I think we should say it is daddy’s fault”

    I agree! Lets blame Daddy!

    I told Daddy about this and he told me she always sells me out and wants to blame me while talking to him, lol. One smart cookie!

    ROTFL!!! I'm crying I'm laughing so hard!!! It's always Daddy's fault!!!! LOL too funny!!!