

  • amyjo519
    amyjo519 Posts: 72 Member
    :laugh: Wait....maybe that's the answer!!! If we all laugh hard enough....maybe our pooches will go away!?!?!?! :laugh:
  • ginnyroxx
    LMPO!!! (pooch)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    My kids refer to my stretch marks as "scratches", and tell everyone they were trying to dig out :laugh: That's about what it looks like I'm sorry to say :blushing:

    I'm there with ya ladies - I've had 3 c-sections and 3 hernia repairs. I've got zero feeling below the belly button. I'd like to think with time that will come back, but considering my last was 3 years ago I'm not so sure. I've dropped shirt sizes but my darn belly just won't let me drop pant sizes.

    A lot of my problem is the muscles are actually so far distended, I don't think it will matter what weight I'm at, they just poke out funny. I do plenty of core work and honestly haven't seen any improvement. I've told hubby if I get to my goal weight I'm saving for a tummy tuck - I really don't think any amount of workouts will put things back to normal.

    I have seen some pretty impressive progress from some of the women on the boards who use P90X and Insanity - but I think it depends on how far the muscles were stretched and genetics as much as anything.
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    Bump!! I have had a C-Section and would really love to have help with the pooch area. I feel like I am still 6 months pregnant and think some of the time, I could pull it off...LOL! HELP would be wonderful!!
  • LosingLbsAndGainingConfidence
    I just had a C-section 8 months ago..And i noticed that sometimes that area hurts..like it's pretty sore sometimes..once the area was red for a week...As for the numb feeling I know what you mean, but it's starting to come back now it kinda feels like needles..I'm afraid i'll never lose my tummy..everyone always tells me c-section mommies will forever have that "pooch"
  • RunConquerCelebrate

    I have seen some pretty impressive progress from some of the women on the boards who use P90X and Insanity - but I think it depends on how far the muscles were stretched and genetics as much as anything.

    I am on my second month of p90x so I really hope that I can loose that pooch and get some what back to normal I would hate to loose all the weight but still have sagging skin. As for blaming daddy if the exercise does not work they should pay for a tummy tuck LOL!!!!!
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    I've had two c-sections as well and at 35 and 28lbs lost so far later I don't think any amount of weight loss or crunches is going to get rid of the kangaroo pouch all of us c-section moms have been branded with! That is why I made a deal with my hubby that if I was going to work hard and lose the weight than a tummy tuck was in the future after all the weight is off. No I can't afford it and yes I will have to make payments. This would be a last resort if nothing else works but honestly well worth it I would hate to work so hard to lose the weight and still not feel good enough to wear some fun sexy outfits for my hubby! He of course after that comment agreed! :laugh:

    I don't know...we'll see.
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    dr. 90210 said the tummy area is the hardest for woman especially c-section and surgery is the only sure fire way to get rid of it. I have had 2 but I still consider my thighs my worse area. I dont like the look of the tummy tuck scars they are hidious
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I lost 30 lbs and now have less pouch but a ton of loose skin. :sick:

    This makes me laugh. My daughter (who just turned 5) was cuddling with me the other day and asked me “why do you have this?” as she pulled on my pouch (fun right?) I said “because I love you” she said “What? Why?” I said “my tummy got stretched out when you were growing in my tummy, then even more when your little brother was growing inside me” she looked at it long and hard for a few long seconds then said “I think we should say it is daddy’s fault”

    I agree! Lets blame Daddy!

    I told Daddy about this and he told me she always sells me out and wants to blame me while talking to him, lol. One smart cookie!

    Alright! I am all about blaming it on Daddy! :laugh:

    Me too!
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    dr. 90210 said the tummy area is the hardest for woman especially c-section and surgery is the only sure fire way to get rid of it. I have had 2 but I still consider my thighs my worse area. I dont like the look of the tummy tuck scars they are hidious

    Yep I agree they are eeeww but I guess it will be one of those things I have to decide and debate on forever lol!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am in the same boat I had a emergency c section with my first and in march2011 I will have my second c section and last.
    hehe I said that in 2000 :wink: :tongue:

    hahaha yeah my husband told me I was cut off...this will be our first together but our fourth....well we found out it was a boy and he was like well down the road maybe we could try for a girl cause I know you wanted one... I was like WHAT lol are you thinking?!!?!?!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    My kids refer to my stretch marks as "scratches", and tell everyone they were trying to dig out :laugh: That's about what it looks like I'm sorry to say :blushing:

    I'm there with ya ladies - I've had 3 c-sections and 3 hernia repairs. I've got zero feeling below the belly button. I'd like to think with time that will come back, but considering my last was 3 years ago I'm not so sure. I've dropped shirt sizes but my darn belly just won't let me drop pant sizes.

    A lot of my problem is the muscles are actually so far distended, I don't think it will matter what weight I'm at, they just poke out funny. I do plenty of core work and honestly haven't seen any improvement. I've told hubby if I get to my goal weight I'm saving for a tummy tuck - I really don't think any amount of workouts will put things back to normal.

    I have seen some pretty impressive progress from some of the women on the boards who use P90X and Insanity - but I think it depends on how far the muscles were stretched and genetics as much as anything.

    you have a beautiful family btw
  • lilangiec88
    My four year old thinks it's funny how my stretch marks feel. I had an emergacy C-section with my 2 month old (cord around his neck) I have no clue how to lose the tummy flab ugh! He was worth every pound and the loss of feeling but I wouldn't mind feeling sexy again.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Lots of core work seems to be helping me. I do yoga 3-4 times a week and anything that activates the core muscles (plank, etc.) give me a pretty good workout.

    I was fortunate with both of my c-sections though. My first, while an emergency, healed nicely and for my second (pre-planned) my OB said, "Hey, you don't mind if I thin out this scar do you?" Um, heck no! She also, because she didn't have anything else going on, stitched the muscles back together. It hurt like mad but I don't have a large pooch.
  • colekay
    i've had 2 c-sections, my last one was 5 yrs ago and just recently I've been able to lose the weight from the last one and I still have a very weak area in my tummy, i was told only surgery can fix that because of the damage to the muscles.....after losing the weight it's not to bad a little better :) but i'm still numb in that area and it's been 5 yrs.....
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Well for those of you who are wondering how long the 'numbness' lasts sorry to say it is a badge we will carry for the rest of our days. My oldest is almost 16 and my second child came along over 5 years later but I never did re-gain any feeling below the belly button. It really sucks when you have an itch!! :laugh:
    So it sounds like the PX90 might be our best bet, which is something I want to try anyway. Our other option plastic surgery or just turn the lights off!! :tongue:
    Thanks for the responses!
    Maybe we should start a c-section group???
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    My kids refer to my stretch marks as "scratches", and tell everyone they were trying to dig out :laugh: That's about what it looks like I'm sorry to say :blushing:

    I'm there with ya ladies - I've had 3 c-sections and 3 hernia repairs. I've got zero feeling below the belly button. I'd like to think with time that will come back, but considering my last was 3 years ago I'm not so sure. I've dropped shirt sizes but my darn belly just won't let me drop pant sizes.

    A lot of my problem is the muscles are actually so far distended, I don't think it will matter what weight I'm at, they just poke out funny. I do plenty of core work and honestly haven't seen any improvement. I've told hubby if I get to my goal weight I'm saving for a tummy tuck - I really don't think any amount of workouts will put things back to normal.

    I have seen some pretty impressive progress from some of the women on the boards who use P90X and Insanity - but I think it depends on how far the muscles were stretched and genetics as much as anything.

    you have a beautiful family btw

    Thank you!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    I had my first almost 5 months ago and have lost 31 pounds so far. I havent really noticed much of a flap but it feels as though the more I lose the more it hangs, but I am curious to see how it looks after I get back down to my pre-prego weight. This does not sound promising... but nonetheless its so worth it :)
  • princesspurple
    I am proof that the c-section pooch thing does not have to last! You have to do it for yourself though---please....no surgery! Silly, think about it....a plastic surgeon is going to tell you to get surgery to remove the pooch that your surgery caused:huh:

    I changed my diet, continued treating myself to sweets-but way less....picked up my cardio and I did Insanity. I don't think you have to go out and purchase Insanity-though I found it on a discount site for only $70.00 compared to beachbody which is like

    Anyway...the moves he does are a lot of repeater knees, squats kicks, scissor kicks...they work that lower abs...
    ALSO....Cindy Whitmarsh has an ab system...I do it on 'ON DEMAND'.....she really works those abs...it is the lower part that struggles the most, you still need to work your upper abs though....

    CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO to lose the extra flab....ab work to tighten what is left:)