Awkward topic and I apologize for this...



  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    Ok....from my personal experience,....avoid bananas....avoid white rice...and cherries are in season and they are a sure fire fix for me!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Try some ground flax seed. Increase fiberous veggies consumption.

    Ditto for both!

    Also, have you cut out carbs? I hear some people have problems with constipation when they reduce their carb intake.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Something I learned once I had a young child: focus on some "p" fruits and veggies. Prunes, plums, peaches, peas, and pineapples all help get things moving.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    Bananas are the enemy of healthy bowels? This is news to me. I eat bananas like nobodies business and I've never had this problem. I usually eat at least 8 bananas a week, sometimes 10 or even 11.
    Thank you! That is completely false. I eat at least 1-2 every day, and I go every single morning first thing like clockwork. I do have a little shot of coffee before, but I don't even track fiber because I go way over every day. Actually under ripe bananas are can contribute to a firming so to speak, but over ripe bananas can actually have the opposite effect. Drink more water, get more fiber from whole food and you should be fine. If that doesn't work, you should see a doctor.
  • Ella1882
    Ella1882 Posts: 27
    A quick peek at your diary looks like you may be on the lighter side for fiber intake. You might try modifying your diary settings to show you your fiber count, like you can see carbs, fat, protein, etc. Then you will be able to see what your intake and find ways to increase it, if necessary.

    Not sure if this applies to you, but if I get busy with life, I forget to go. It's something I have to make time for each day. Articles I read suggested going to the bathroom at generally the same time everyday and just sitting there. Maybe nothing will happen for a while, but eventually, you can train your body to know that's when to go. It helped me tremendously!

    Everyone here had great advice, especially ^^^^,

    I'd also note that replacing your evil bananas with other fruits -- especially mangos, apricots, strawberries, plums -- might help. Most fruits have a slight, natural laxative effect. (I hadn't heard of the banana's constipating effect, but I'll believe the anecdotes!)

    And I find that dairy products noticeably slow my digestion. Yogurt is far less constipating than cheese, but I think many people find that dairy of almost any kind messes with their digestion.

    Make sure you don't add too much fiber too quickly to your diet. Gradual fiber increases are a good idea, but sudden, dramatic increases in fiber will constipate you more.

    *Edited to correct spelling and add a sentence.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Make lentil and broccoli soup and chase it with an apple and prune juice mixture. Make sure your phone is fully charged and your toilet has hand holds.
  • DesertStar86
    DesertStar86 Posts: 41 Member
    Nothing awkward about poop!

    I can't speak highly enough of the virtues of fibre.

    I eat a LOT of veg and grains to stay regular. My failsafe poop foods are are lentils, roasted onions and bell peppers, beetroot, sweet potato, peas, sweetcorn, beans. I try to eat generous portions of bulk. I don't eat much meat. A 3 bean stew/chilli or a veg curry for dinner usually does the trick. Tonight it's a baked sweet potato. And sweetcorn. And beetroot... :blushing:

    I have heard that bananas can be binding, as can dairy and eggs. Not sure how accurate that is but if I eat too much protein everything definitely slows down.

    Make sure you get enough fat. A good serving of nuts, cheese or olive oil may help.

    Bran flakes or Weetabix?

    I'd definitely recommend incorporating some of the above foods into your diet daily for a few weeks, remember to drink plenty of water and see if that helps.

    I'd be really sad if I didn't poop daily. (FYI & TMI - if you can get your bowel movements regular, you'll be done and dusted in a matter of minutes - no more half hour toilet sessions!)

    Good luck!
  • darnice2013
    darnice2013 Posts: 8 Member
    I, too, have had a issue with this all my life. It got better and then worse after having a bowel surgery. The only things I could add to the good ideas already expressed, is to consider magnesium. I found out I have low on magnesium levels chronically, which causes sluggish bowels. I use a product called Natural Calm because of its 'bioavailablity'. (I get the Lemon raspberry flavor) Even so, I know I am in for problems if missing ample amounts of daily veggies, fiber (I use Fiber One because it has a lot in 1 cup serving) AND exercise. I am pretty sure part of my recent increased problems are related to less physical activity. A stool softener, Docusate Sodium is helpful as well as supplement with Anise in it, the same plant used to flavor licorice... or you can just eat licorice. :)

    Good you brought this up.. we all have to have regularlty!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Metamucil is really helpful when I have this... issue. Fruit, coffee, and running also help me in the less severe cases.
  • vividreflection
    vividreflection Posts: 3 Member
    I have to chime in here and agree that it is not good advice to tell someone to stop what is likely their main source of potassium. One a day is totally fine and your body NEEDS potassium.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    OP- have you had your thyroid checked? Constipation is a very common symptom of low thyroid.
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    A daily Probiotic will help this issue greatly. Start with 2 a day till you regulate then just one a day. This should relive your issue!
  • Ella1882
    Ella1882 Posts: 27
    I have to chime in here and agree that it is not good advice to tell someone to stop what is likely their main source of potassium. One a day is totally fine and your body NEEDS potassium.

    She can get plenty of potassium from beans, potatoes, spinach, fish, etc. Bananas are a good source of potassium, but not the best source. I think bananas get all the attention because they are convenient and because most people like them. Spinach and mushrooms are harder to carry around in your bag and much less sweet, but they are arguably better sources of potassium.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I would recommend upping your fiber goal to 35.

    I wouldn't worry about a single banana a day causing you constipation.
  • Berkables
    Berkables Posts: 35
    Bananas are the enemy of healthy bowels? This is news to me. I eat bananas like nobodies business and I've never had this problem. I usually eat at least 8 bananas a week, sometimes 10 or even 11.
    Thank you! That is completely false. I eat at least 1-2 every day, and I go every single morning first thing like clockwork. I do have a little shot of coffee before, but I don't even track fiber because I go way over every day. Actually under ripe bananas are can contribute to a firming so to speak, but over ripe bananas can actually have the opposite effect. Drink more water, get more fiber from whole food and you should be fine. If that doesn't work, you should see a doctor.

    Oh, gracious. Just because something isn't a problem for you doesn't mean that all science, or that other people's opposite anecdota, is incorrect. I'm so happy for you that you don't have this problem, but to claim that what doctors have told me and what many other people on this thread agree with is "completely false" just because it isn't true for you is silly and unhelpful.
  • sinker59
    sinker59 Posts: 130
    A heaping teaspoon of metumucil every morning does the job for me. Along with a well-balanced diet, of course. And coffee... can't forget the coffee!
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Increase fiber and water. Also fruits other than bananas-- cherries, melons.
    Eat a salad every day.
    Bananas are part of the BRAT (bananas rice applesauce toast) diet recommended for people suffering from diarrhea, so I think they do have a binding effect.
    You could just try eating the way you normally do but leave out the bananas and see what happens.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    Try using Habanero Hot Sauce on everything or check with Doctor Google. :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    More fiber, no pop (water!).

    Don't start taking laxatives. You want to be healthy! You don't want to screw up your digestive system!

    Try some prune juice. If you hate it, do it like a shot. :)

    Do discuss it with your doctor. Mover 4 days is clinically constipated and worth bringing up.
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    My daughter was like that.
    Don't know the science behind it, all I know is we switched her from cows milk to soy milk and it worked.