I can't get drunk



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've been dieting for 7 months straight now with daily calories between 1000-1550 per day and the occasional 2000 calorie day. I've cut way back on my drinking because of the calories. But the few times I've drank heavily, Super Bowl Sunday and last night in particular, I allocated for the calories but couldn't even catch a buzz. At Super Bowl I was drinking vodka and Crystal Light, last night I drank an entire bottle of red wine. There have been at least a half dozen other times since the diet that I've felt like it was a total waste of time and calories. Any thoughts? Any medical reasons why dieting deters drunkeness?

    That bolded part is maybe the most concerning post I have read recently.
    hmm. People say that on here all the time about the things they eat and drink. I've seen many folks say what they ate/drank was a waste of calories. I've seen it recently for store-bought cake, for a restaurant appetizer, for a slice of someone else's entree... is it the "time" part that makes it more concerning? Or simply because it involves alcohol. Perhaps it's an issue. Perhaps it's just an indication of a shift in priorities. I dunno. I'm not a doctor, or a specialist in alcohol or alcohol issues.

    Difference between "I didn't enjoy the smoky sweet flavor" and "I didn't wear a lampshade"

    Though I think that catching a buzz or relaxing is a valid reason for drinking.
    I don't think either is relevant. But okay.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Too soon?


    OMG I love you.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Off for a pint myself! I think I'll have a Guinness.
    I do love Guinness.
  • RushBabe_214
    RushBabe_214 Posts: 115
    Nice to see racist stereotypes alive and well. Le sigh.


    ...to learn more about the Irish race.

    Oh yeah.

    I'm so in.
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Yes, I would think after not drinking hardly at all for 7 months that I would be able to handle less. Before the diet the wine would have had me slurring my speech and asleep before the bottle was gone. And I don't think drinking less than once per month constitutes a problem.

    I've always been an inconsistent drinker - going months without any or a glass every day for a week or the occasional several glasses in one night.

    I just really wanted to cut loose from dieting for 7 months. I thought a bottle of wine would be a reward for all my hard work. Instead it just upset me that I was wasting the time and calories. I wish there was something more fun I could have done like ride the tilt-a-whirl at the fair and eaten a hot fudge sundae instead.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Too soon?


  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Nice to see racist stereotypes alive and well. Le sigh.

    TIL: Irish is a race.

    TIAL: Irish people sigh in French.

    edit: come to think of it....i think i got this job because i'm irish american. the other guy was so much more qualified. oh well...gotta fill them quotas!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Yes, I would think after not drinking hardly at all for 7 months that I would be able to handle less. Before the diet the wine would have had me slurring my speech and asleep before the bottle was gone. And I don't think drinking less than once per month constitutes a problem.

    I've always been an inconsistent drinker - going months without any or a glass every day for a week or the occasional several glasses in one night.

    I just really wanted to cut loose from dieting for 7 months. I thought a bottle of wine would be a reward for all my hard work. Instead it just upset me that I was wasting the time and calories. I wish there was something more fun I could have done like ride the tilt-a-whirl at the fair and eaten a hot fudge sundae instead.

    My suggestions..... don't eat and drink alcohol at the same time--- you will get more of a rush that way. Also, try doing a few shots of something like vodka or rum (80 proof) and then having a mixed drink--- that usually did the trick for me. If you do not feel buzzed enough whie you are sipping on your drink, yo can always do another shot.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yes, I would think after not drinking hardly at all for 7 months that I would be able to handle less. Before the diet the wine would have had me slurring my speech and asleep before the bottle was gone. And I don't think drinking less than once per month constitutes a problem.

    I've always been an inconsistent drinker - going months without any or a glass every day for a week or the occasional several glasses in one night.

    I just really wanted to cut loose from dieting for 7 months. I thought a bottle of wine would be a reward for all my hard work. Instead it just upset me that I was wasting the time and calories. I wish there was something more fun I could have done like ride the tilt-a-whirl at the fair and eaten a hot fudge sundae instead.

    My suggestions..... don't eat and drink alcohol at the same time--- you will get more of a rush that way. Also, try doing a few shots of something like vodka or rum (80 proof) and then having a mixed drink--- that usually did the trick for me. If you do not feel buzzed enough whie you are sipping on your drink, yo can always do another shot.


    "Helping problem drinkers get drunk more effectively and efficiently since 2006."
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You're actually hammered, obnoxious, and simply blacking out.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    are you drinking to get drunk, or because you enjoy the flavor and the drink? because if it's the former, you need to examine why you drink.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    are you drinking to get drunk, or because you enjoy the flavor and the drink? because if it's the former, you need to examine why you drink.

    OP states: "At Super Bowl I was drinking vodka and Crystal Light."
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    So trying to get a buzz (that's what they said, a buzz) less than once a month is a problem?
    Thinking alcohol is a waste of calories is a problem?

    Think I must be irish. And I don't mean my great great great great grandfather was irish and I've never been out of America but I like to be different so I claim to be irish and one 17th cherokee, but Irish. Except the Irish I know really don't drink very much at all.

    Anyway, my theory is that the OP is trying to get merry off of diet wine that has had the alchol removed, because each gram of alcohol has 7kcal.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.
  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    Listen OP, I get what you're saying. It's weird, but after I have abstained for a while, the first time I drink, even if it's a lot, I don't have the same reaction to the alcohol as I've had in the past. I don't get super drunk and I don't have much of a hangover either. I am very Irish so maybe that accounts for some of it.

    Now if I were to go on and imbibe the next night.... I'm on the train to hammertown. I will also have a terrible hangover. People's brains have very different reactions to alcohol, and I hate to tell you, but being an alcoholic has something to do with it. (Believe me!) If you were getting drunk quicker and even having bad hangovers before you cut back, there is a good chance you were physically dependent on alcohol at the time and starting to suffer the effects of long term drinking. Now that you have cut back, your body has had a chance to recover so the ill effects are far less. If you were to return to your old drinking habits for a few days or weeks, you'd be right back where you were before or possibly even worse off. An alcoholic's brain will readjust very quickly when exposed to the drug.

    I know most people in here are going to think I am being ridiculous, but I think many, many people have a problem with alcohol and never know it or choose not to acknowledge it. Drinking to get drunk is the norm in our country but that doesn't mean it won't have any ill effects. Just because "everyone" does it, doesn't make it healthy by any means. It is a cultural problem IMO, but I'm not one to talk. I am enjoying a nice glass of wine right now. I view it like smoking though. I know it's bad for me but everyone has to have a vice right?

    Anyways, long story short, alcoholism has nothing to do with how frequently you drink alcohol but the reasons WHY you drink and the effect it has on you. Only you can know the truth. Hope I was more helpful than insulting. I speak from experience on this subject.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    This is my life and I don't even drink.

    Maybe mom just got finished with a grueling workout?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.

    I had to google to see if it was a white wine spritzer, but it turns out your maths is appalling.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.

    I had to google to see if it was a white wine spritzer, but it turns out your maths is appalling.
  • RushBabe_214
    RushBabe_214 Posts: 115
    100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.

    I had to google to see if it was a white wine spritzer, but it turns out your maths is appalling.

    As is your spelling. ;)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.

    I had to google to see if it was a white wine spritzer, but it turns out your maths is appalling.

    As is your spelling. ;)

  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    100ml of Makers Mark 46 is like 80 cals... add some Coke zero and that should have you flying in no time.

    I had to google to see if it was a white wine spritzer, but it turns out your maths is appalling.

    As is your spelling. ;)


    I've no idea.

    Usually it turns out that ('racist' stereotype alert) that someone so arrogant they can only be Amercan, is trying to tell an English person that their country's use of English is incorrect.