Does swimming in freezing water still burn calories??



  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    All I can say is, how can you stand to swim in cold water? We have our own built-in pool - it's very large and too expensive to heat with our gas pool heater. As much as I like swimming, I can't stand to get in the water when it's too cold. I just can't tolerate being that cold.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    does swimming in cold water still burn *as many* calories as it would in warmer/normal water temperature in a lake? (as I believe it will be harder for my muscles to warm up, etc.)

    Yes, miss.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP, have you trained for this type of swimming? I mean, have you acclimated your body to submersion in near-freezing water? In my experience, this is something that has to be practiced to prevent you totally freaking out about it when you get in the water.

    Best of luck.

    ETA: And for what it's worth, (and admittedly from memory), the body actually burns more calories while attempting to regulate core body temperature *in either direction*. So yes, exercising in extreme heat also happens to burn a few more calories as does exercising in extreme cold. Dr. Jack Kruse has some interesting opinions on cold water submersion...however, I'm not entirely sure that guy isn't completely bat shurlit crazy.
  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    Uhm, it burns MORE :) The body always wants to be at homeostasis. If you are cold it expends calories warming you up. Same reason drinking really cold water makes you burn some calories (and hey even 5 calories a day is half a lb a year without lifting a finger).