The Inevitable Doom of Having to Wear a Bathing Suit



  • meghanbefit
    meghanbefit Posts: 9 Member
    If you're not comfortable in your suit you won't have a good time. One pieces and tankinis don't have to be frumpy. This is my suit and I feel good in it. It looks great on every body type in my opinion and it comes in so many colors. And its on sale right now.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    You don't need a bathing suit. Shorts, sports bra and a tank top.

    Many pools, gyms, resorts, hotels, etc have policies against that for pool use. I guess no one's monitoring the beach but just another thought.

    Seriously? WTF? No way in hell would I obey that. I'll wear shorts and a tank top if I want to, and f--- the stupid "policy".

    yeah, I have done a lot of swimming over the years at various indoor & hotel pools and almost all of them have signs about no street clothes with extensive descriptions of what's not allowed (shorts, cut offs, t-shirts, tank tops). I have seen grown men, paying customers, turned away at a very nice city hotel for trying to get in with t-shirts on. I find it ridiculous. The only part I can understand is no cutoff jeans because supposedly the fabric can unravel and bits get caught in the drains. Doubt that happens a lot but whatever. I have also heard the argument that "street clothes" can weigh down swimmers and be a drowning hazard...I'm also doubtful on that.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Screw it. I ate it, I'll wear it, and put it on my avatar pic, too.

    But until I get a lot stronger and rid myself of some percentage of these ginormous personal flotation devices I've got on my chest, I'll never get to the bottom of the pool again. :sad:

    On the plus side, unless i was face down and unconscious, I have zero chance of drowning!