Best workouts to tone abs???

I'm really wanting to tone my abs (I know I can't spot reduce that's not what I'm saying I just want to focus on abs mostly right now) I'm looking for some great ab workouts that will show visible toning thanks for any tips! :-)


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Check the workout sections of FitClick and Sparkpeople as well as Youtube.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    According to your profile you've want to lose 67+ pounds. The best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table.
    Seriously, I finally got to see my abs without doing one "Ab" exercise.
    You want a strong core? Do squats and deadlifts. Don't have access to a barbell? Do pushups, planks, bridge, more here:
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    I do Pilates to strengthen my whole body. I've just posted my before and after pics for before Pilates and three weeks on. Doing cardio will also help with shedding the calories. Make sure you log everything you eat and keep to the calories allowed every single day.

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    According to your profile you've want to lose 67+ pounds. The best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table.
    Seriously, I finally got to see my abs without doing one "Ab" exercise.
    You want a strong core? Do squats and deadlifts. Don't have access to a barbell? Do pushups, planks, bridge, more here:

  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    According to your profile you've want to lose 67+ pounds. The best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table.
    Seriously, I finally got to see my abs without doing one "Ab" exercise.
    You want a strong core? Do squats and deadlifts. Don't have access to a barbell? Do pushups, planks, bridge, more here:

  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    Awwww hun xxx Add me if you like. I try to be as supportive as I can and I am on daily.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    Sorry you feel that way.

    Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that you cannot spot reduce any area of your body. You cannot "tone" abs. Your "toned" abs are a combination of reduced, or lower body fat and actually having thick enough abs where they will show through.

    Reducing body fat is created through a caloric deficit. So, while it isn't sugarcoated to your liking... it is accurate advice.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    Sorry you feel that way.

    Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that you cannot spot reduce any area of your body. You cannot "tone" abs. Your "toned" abs are a combination of reduced, or lower body fat and actually having thick enough abs where they will show through.

    Reducing body fat is created through a caloric deficit. So, while it isn't sugarcoated to your liking... it is accurate advice.


    The best advice is the honest truth. Keep losing weight at a sustainable pace and you will eventually see the fruits of your efforts.

    Or you can waste your time doing isolation exercises. I've done zero crunches. I lost weight at a slow pace, weightlifted, and ate a good amount of protein ( typically 1g per pound of lean body mass ).
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    You guys have been a bit harsh, don't you think? If you wanted to make a point then think about how you might be coming across and treat her with some respect. If you had said this to a woman in real,life you would have probably had your face slapped.

    Nuff said.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    Sorry you feel that way.

    Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that you cannot spot reduce any area of your body. You cannot "tone" abs. Your "toned" abs are a combination of reduced, or lower body fat and actually having thick enough abs where they will show through.

    Reducing body fat is created through a caloric deficit. So, while it isn't sugarcoated to your liking... it is accurate advice.


    Yes, it's not what you wanted to hear, but it's accurate.

    And, the ones giving you websites for ab exercises aren't really being as "supportive" as you might think. Understanding how the body works and having people who know what they are talking about give you real advice is the best support you can find.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    LoL, why is it that people start a post like this and then *cry* when they get a response they don't like but is the honest truth. You fully admitted in your original post that you know you cannot spot reduce but then turn around and ask for exercises to "do" just that. You then get upset when someone suggests that ABS are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

    I have read multiple articles by very successful people, men and women, that this is in fact the truth. No planks, crunches or sit ups are going to help "tone" your abs. Diet is what causes your abs to be "toned".
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Probably the most efficient ab exercise is Table Push Aways... Mixed with a well designed weight training program focused on progression... :drinker:
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Toning is the absence of fat and the presence of muscle. As mentioned you need to get your body fat low enough (through a calorie deficit) that you can see the muscle. Meanwhile, you need to build the muscle so when your body fat gets low enough there's something there to see (so abs are made in the kitchen AND by resistance training of the muscle. The second step is just as important as the first). The muscle is built through resistance training - a combination of compound lifts AND weighted isolation work (weighted ab work, leg raises, etc.) NOT a bunch of meaningless, ridiculously high rep ab exercises.

    Hopefully that's helpful, OP.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You guys have been a bit harsh, don't you think? If you wanted to make a point then think about how you might be coming across and treat her with some respect. If you had said this to a woman in real,life you would have probably had your face slapped.

    Nuff said.

    The fact that honest and direct is now viewed as "harsh" is telling about today's society. Candy coating things and telling people what they want to hear rather than what they need to does not help. Enabling is not support.
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm really wanting to tone my abs (I know I can't spot reduce that's not what I'm saying I just want to focus on abs mostly right now) I'm looking for some great ab workouts that will show visible toning thanks for any tips! :-)

    What I have found to work for me is crunches, planks, pushups and straight leg raises. After a few weeks of these, I've noticed some definition in my ab area. I'm still too chubby to have a six pack, but I can tell that there are muscles under there. Also look up "30 day ab challenge" and the "100 workout".

    Keep your eye on the goal and let all else fade to background noise.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    LoL, why is it that people start a post like this and then *cry* when they get a response they don't like but is the honest truth. You fully admitted in your original post that you know you cannot spot reduce but then turn around and ask for exercises to "do" just that. You then get upset when someone suggests that ABS are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

    I have read multiple articles by very successful people, men and women, that this is in fact the truth. No planks, crunches or sit ups are going to help "tone" your abs. Diet is what causes your abs to be "toned".

    It wasn't what they suggested that bothered me, I agree, and none of you know me nor do you know what I eat so you have no room to say anything about that, I was just looking for some additional ab workouts to do that maybe I hadn't heard of before to add to the other workouts (not just abs) that I already do.
    But, what bothered me was the fact that he and some others felt they needed to be jerks and add the sarcasm of "best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." That's what bothered me.
    You can still give alternative advice from what someone was asking without putting them down. So grow up and learn how to treat people with some kindness and I guarantee you that you would have never said that to my face so quit hiding behind a computer screen when you try and insult someone.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    You guys have been a bit harsh, don't you think? If you wanted to make a point then think about how you might be coming across and treat her with some respect. If you had said this to a woman in real,life you would have probably had your face slapped.

    Nuff said.

    Not really. The honest truth is calorie deficit to lose weight, which if done correctly means losing fat. Weightlifting can help retain current muscle to make her look leaner at goal, giving her a better chance at what she wants...nice abs. Therefore, answering her question. It doesn't have to fit in a perfectly bow ribbon tied box. I would rather a hundred harsh truths than sugarcoated lies about how to obtain something I wish.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I don't think anyone here is "attacking" you. But what you are failing to realize is that what everyone is telling you is that you cannot "tone" any muscle. "Tone" is a word made up by the fitness industry to make you think that there is some secret way to get a six pack all while doing everything they can to get your money.

    The only way to get a flat stomach, or a six pack or whatever else is to get to a low enough body fat % to actually be able to see the muscle underneath. Period. So yes, to put it another way putting down the fork, or pushing away from the table is something that everyone on this site has been told and had to realize at one point or another. And everyone of us had to get over ourselves to finally realize that that is THE only way to "tone" our abs...

    Good Luck...
  • Flippolo
    Flippolo Posts: 15 Member
    I'm really wanting to tone my abs (I know I can't spot reduce that's not what I'm saying I just want to focus on abs mostly right now) I'm looking for some great ab workouts that will show visible toning thanks for any tips! :-)

    I understand what you're saying, as I have a similar situation. While I think that some of the other responders may have had some legitimate advice to share, some of them destroyed it by sharing it in a douchebaggy way. Some people may respond to that kind of approach. I know that I do not. I have lots of weight to lose. I will not be getting a six-pack any time soon, and I know that. I'm not looking to 'spot-reduce'. At this point, I am trying to lose weight and exercise, and honest to God, my biggest fear is that, if I don't work on trying to 'tone' everything, I'll end up 70 pounds lighter with six feet of loose skin. And although I know that doing core exercises or strength training or 'toning' my core will not completely get rid of this, I know that it can help, and I'll do what I can to try and prevent that exact thing. The only way to get rid of my tummy is to rid my whole body of fat, so I'm doing everything I can to make that happen.

    Feel free to add me. I'll help support you and anyone else that needs it. God knows I do.