Best workouts to tone abs???



  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Probably the most efficient ab exercise is Table Push Aways... Mixed with a well designed weight training program focused on progression... :drinker:

    That sounds like an excellent plan, your support is greatly appreciated!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Thanks for the harsh "the best exercise for your abs at this point would be putting down the fork or spoon and pushing yourself away from the table." like I don't know that, and I have been doing that but, thanks for making me feel even more horrible about my body than I already do.

    But, anyway, thanks to those of you who have really tried to help with encouraging tips. :-)

    So you would rather have cheerleaders rather than legit it.

    You go You! Yay

    you are being abit silly. it really all boils down to delivery. but as this is the internet and we are all different all tastes cannot be catered for. The last person who posted didnt sugar coat at all but didnt use sarcasm.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I'm really wanting to tone my abs (I know I can't spot reduce that's not what I'm saying I just want to focus on abs mostly right now) I'm looking for some great ab workouts that will show visible toning thanks for any tips! :-)
    If you know you can't spot reduce, then why are you asking for exercises to spot reduce?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You guys have been a bit harsh, don't you think? If you wanted to make a point then think about how you might be coming across and treat her with some respect. If you had said this to a woman in real,life you would have probably had your face slapped.

    Nuff said.

    The fact that honest and direct is now viewed as "harsh" is telling about today's society. Candy coating things and telling people what they want to hear rather than what they need to does not help. Enabling is not support.

    It's not candy coating, it's called having a heart.

    A heart exists to pump blood. The never ending cheer leading for bad ideas and unwillingness to tell people what they need to hear is counterproductive. Feel free to engage in enabling, candy coating, telling people what they want to hear behaviors which provide no real help ... it's your choice.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I'm really wanting to tone my abs (I know I can't spot reduce that's not what I'm saying I just want to focus on abs mostly right now) I'm looking for some great ab workouts that will show visible toning thanks for any tips! :-)
    If you know you can't spot reduce, then why are you asking for exercises to spot reduce?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    OP, nobody is trying to put you down. Leave sensitivity at the door when you come onto the boards. When I wan't to solve a problem I want all of the no BS responses I can get if they are going to help me reach my goal.

    There's no such thing as toning a muscle, they only get bigger or smaller. The "toned" look is achieved by having a lower body fat %. Abs are made in the kitchen.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You guys have been a bit harsh, don't you think? If you wanted to make a point then think about how you might be coming across and treat her with some respect. If you had said this to a woman in real,life you would have probably had your face slapped.

    Nuff said.

    Not really. The honest truth is calorie deficit to lose weight, which if done correctly means losing fat. Weightlifting can help retain current muscle to make her look leaner at goal, giving her a better chance at what she wants...nice abs. Therefore, answering her question. It doesn't have to fit in a perfectly bow ribbon tied box. I would rather a hundred harsh truths than sugarcoated lies about how to obtain something I wish.

    Telling someone to put down the fork was uncalled for. Dont you think members on here are already doing that? Its obvious eating less at deficit etc will help, but the replies weren't helpful at all.

    You must be new here.

    Fork put downs and table push aways. That's how you get visible "toned" abs.

    it has nothing to do with her or her character. That is a fact.

    I tell people regularly who want to lose weight- fork put downs and table push aways. Period. That's the only way it works. In person and on line. no body's getting slapped for being told they need to control what goes in their pie hole in order to lose weight.

    If she specifically said- I have a weak core- how do I make it stronger- the answers would have been completely different.

    But she specifically asked for ab workouts to help show visible toning- the only ones for that happen at home- not at the gym.
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Not really. The honest truth is calorie deficit to lose weight, which if done correctly means losing fat.

    Telling someone to put down the fork was uncalled for. Dont you think members on here are already doing that? Its obvious eating less at deficit etc will help, but the replies weren't helpful at all.
    Fork put downs and table push aways. That's how you get visible "toned" abs.

    But she specifically asked for ab workouts to help show visible toning- the only ones for that happen at home- not at the gym.

    Perhaps the OP doesn't understand calorie deficit completely and solely pushing away from the table isn't going to get visible abs either. It's a matter of body fat and I didn't see much of that explained. No amount of ab work is going to increase visibility until body fat is significantly reduced in a person with a goal of 67 pounds to lose.
    The initial responses were all smart azz answers rather than attempting to explain that it's about body fat percentage. The best way to lower body fat? Put down the fork, push away from the table and push the weights. The response that it doesn't happen at the gym isn't entirely correct either.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    well... you can have visible abs and never step foot in a gym.

    but - when I think the abs I lust over come from lifters with low body fat.

    Yes she should be lifting.
    yes she should be dieting.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    This lady has recently had a baby.... Typical man post... Put down the knife and fork.....

    Just do any exercises Sarah... They all help in the long run. You will get there, and when you do your abs will be strong.
    I too am overweight... But still do ab exercises..
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    This lady has recently had a baby.... Typical man post... Put down the knife and fork.....

    Just do any exercises Sarah... They all help in the long run. You will get there, and when you do your abs will be strong.
    I too am overweight... But still do ab exercises..

    Uh really? One is supposed to just assume the OP had a baby recently? Where in there original post is that stated ANYWHERE?

    Typical sexist remark. Typical responding with your emotions rather than logic.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I do Pilates to strengthen my whole body. I've just posted my before and after pics for before Pilates and three weeks on. Doing cardio will also help with shedding the calories. Make sure you log everything you eat and keep to the calories allowed every single day.

    This reply provided no valuable info to the OP's original post.
    Great, you like Pilates. I didn't offer my routine as advice.
    Pretty sure everyone knows cardio burns calories and without logging you don't know how many calories you are really consuming.
    And pics! Wow, different lighting, angle and white balance. What else am I supposed to notice?

    You're such a jerk. Yes the light is bad in the first one but I can see a difference without the pic.

    You're the one resorting to name calling...

    I honestly dont/cant see a difference. I'm not saying there isn't one, only that those two pictures are not only small but completely different and impossible to tell anything with. I'm sorry
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    This lady has recently had a baby.... Typical man post... Put down the knife and fork.....

    I would have said it first- but he beat me to it- guess that makes me a typical man too?
    And what does her having a baby have ANYTHING to do with the comment. it's a true statement- baby or no.

    Your post is significantly more sexist- and by 'significantly' that you'rs is highly- and his isn't at all.
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    I do Pilates to strengthen my whole body. I've just posted my before and after pics for before Pilates and three weeks on. Doing cardio will also help with shedding the calories. Make sure you log everything you eat and keep to the calories allowed every single day.

    This reply provided no valuable info to the OP's original post.
    Great, you like Pilates. I didn't offer my routine as advice.
    Pretty sure everyone knows cardio burns calories and without logging you don't know how many calories you are really consuming.
    And pics! Wow, different lighting, angle and white balance. What else am I supposed to notice?

    You're such a jerk. Yes the light is bad in the first one but I can see a difference without the pic.

    You're the one resorting to name calling...

    I honestly dont/cant see a difference. I'm not saying there isn't one, only that those two pictures are not only small but completely different and impossible to tell anything with. I'm sorry

    That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

    You know that feeling when you're the minority opinion and a handful of individuals feel the exact opposite of the way you do? It's usually for a reason...
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I love the hypocrisy, calling someone out for not being nice and then resorting to insults. As to the OP, why ask a question about spot reduction when you know it is impossible?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    another dose of MFP love
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    This lady has recently had a baby.... Typical man post... Put down the knife and fork.....

    I would have said it first- but he beat me to it- guess that makes me a typical man too?
    And what does her having a baby have ANYTHING to do with the comment. it's a true statement- baby or no.

    Your post is significantly more sexist- and by 'significantly' that you'rs is highly- and his isn't at all.

    Lol! The irony is laughable!

    The sad thing is taking offense to a piece of advice that is 100% accurate, then commenting on the sexist nature of said advice, only to deliver the comment in an even more sexist manner - ultimately to be called out by a member of the same sex! ( A badass member, if I may say so, but that's why we're MFP buds :wink: )

    I'd rather be honest and straightforward, then to be considered one of those MFP "friends" that will tell someone who just "binged" or "went way over their calorie goal" that it's "ok", or "tomorrow is another day" or "that's just your body telling you that you need to eat more"... but that's just me.

    Bottom line: OP asked for ab toning exercises AFTER stating she is aware you can't spot reduce/tone. Thread should have ended before it ever began.

  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    It's not candy coating, it's called having a heart.

    No, that is not called "having a heart". It's called "sugar coating" to think you can be a friend and let someone while away and not obtain what they are truly capable of, to draw some shining curtain over their failures in some misguided attempt to save their feelings.

    Having a heart is having the courage to be direct with feedback that no one wants to hear. It's opening yourself up to being called a "bully" or a "meanie" or a "*kitten*" by telling someone the truth they need to hear. It's the resilience to continue to tell them "no, honey, put the fork down and work compound lifts - it will help more than just your 'abs' and you will find the progress you're looking for" in spite of all the "bleeding hearts" like you who would rather slow and derail and sugar coat the OPs problems rather than help her gain the courage and fortitude to face them with strength and determination.

    Having a heart is being willing to be seen as a villain by the people you're trying to help and knowing that, with time, they will obtain the goals they have set for themselves.

    Having a heart is being selfless enough to tell it as it is, regardless of how many people will ***** you out for it and how many times you will be called mean or thoughtless.

    Having a heart is caring enough to really invest in someone - to take it to heart when they fail and to get frustrated by that because you know that they're able to be better than their failures and it hurts to see them fail.

    If I'm a douche bag mean bully who doesn't "have a heart" because I know that OP can obtain the body she wants once she works through the immediate (and understandable) feelings of defensiveness, then so be it. I'll proudly be some douche bag bully who is "mean" and doesn't "have a heart". I don't care what you think of me, I care what OP accomplishes.

    Because that's why we're here - we're not here to commiserate in our failures. We're here to break down our bad habits and build up better ones.

  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I'm really wanting to tone my abs (I know I can't spot reduce that's not what I'm saying I just want to focus on abs mostly right now) I'm looking for some great ab workouts that will show visible toning thanks for any tips! :-)
    If you know you can't spot reduce, then why are you asking for exercises to spot reduce?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Because, I was wanting to learn some NEW ab exercises to add to the other workouts that I do, just because I ask for only ab exercises doesn't mean I don't do other workouts, I DO, I just know a whole lot more about other areas of working out and just wanted to see if there were some other ab workouts I could do that would change up my routine a little bit NOWHERE in my post did I say can you please give me some ab workouts so I can only ever do those. :-)