I'm a Nerd and proud of it



  • juhnell2610
    juhnell2610 Posts: 291 Member

    Oh Firefly/Serenity. I <3 my Browncoats.

  • Ferrous_Female_Dog
    Ferrous_Female_Dog Posts: 221 Member
    Most of the people who say they're "nerds" probably aren't. It's just cool to say you're a nerd these days. The bar is low in terms of criteria. Play video games? You can say you're a nerd (which is silly by the way because everyone in the post Nintendo generations grew up gaming). You don't even have to be smart anymore like the good old days. You don't need an odd hobby like collecting and mounting bugs.

    Well aren't you fun?? I'm allowed to call myself whatever I like. I don't have to "prove" my nerdiness to anyone. I could show you my massive comic collection, all my swords, my collection of first edition toys, all the signed books I have, and my Firefly tattoo. I could tell you most of my favorite jokes are about grammar and I could tell you how high I scored on the SAT's and my GPA. But I don't have to do any of that, you know why?? Because I know what I am, and I AM proud of it, "cool" or not, it's who I am. Deal with it.

    I love you. Seriously. I'm a nerd, a geek, and a total dork. Just because I can't quote Tolkein and didn't get Firefly the first time around (I'm swearing to try again, I promise - it was a horrible time in my life) and can't do math very well doesn't mean I'm not a massive nerd.

    My nerd creds are just that, mine. Sure, I share an awful lot of with others, and that's a wonderful thing today. In fact, that we can argue about particular topics for hours makes things that much better. I can go from arguing Doctor Who companions to arguing quantum computing in under 45 seconds... and do so quite often. But it doesn't mean we agree either.

    I'm lucky to have been a nerd for all of my 41 years. I make my living in computer engineering, I read quantum mechanic books for fun (and oh yeah, can't do a stitch of the math), my biggest crush in history is Isaac Newton. I collect all kinds of fandom stuff, my largest is probably Doctor Who, though Final Fantasy is a close second. And my video games are almost all in the RPG area - MUST HAVE STORY! :D Oh, and I go to at least one convention a year, I try for two, depending. I just spent 3 days at the Denver ComicCon and I'm *still* recovering. :D

    What makes being nerdy so awesome is that we are all so unique and special. Nerd shaming is a thing, and I find it antithetical to who we are! Embrace your fellow nerd and you may find something new to love every day.

    just an observation:

    You both say you don't have to prove your nerdiness, then go on to list all the things that make you nerdy.

    This sort of bickering over credibility happens in every subculture once it gets into the spotlight.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Most of the people who say they're "nerds" probably aren't. It's just cool to say you're a nerd these days. The bar is low in terms of criteria. Play video games? You can say you're a nerd (which is silly by the way because everyone in the post Nintendo generations grew up gaming). You don't even have to be smart anymore like the good old days. You don't need an odd hobby like collecting and mounting bugs.

    Well aren't you fun?? I'm allowed to call myself whatever I like. I don't have to "prove" my nerdiness to anyone. I could show you my massive comic collection, all my swords, my collection of first edition toys, all the signed books I have, and my Firefly tattoo. I could tell you most of my favorite jokes are about grammar and I could tell you how high I scored on the SAT's and my GPA. But I don't have to do any of that, you know why?? Because I know what I am, and I AM proud of it, "cool" or not, it's who I am. Deal with it.

    A real nerd would have mumbled "ok" and slunk away .. ;)
  • Ferrous_Female_Dog
    Ferrous_Female_Dog Posts: 221 Member

    This needs a re-play.
  • MrNundy
    MrNundy Posts: 242 Member
    Im a nerd because at times i act too old for my age.

    For example, on my 21st birthday last July, I decided too wash my car for half the day and talk to my fellow neighbours than accept birthday sex from my girlfriend....
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I think there are levels of nerdiness these days because of the gaps in generation...I am a proud medical science nerd! Loner, nose in the articles detailing the latest medical releases, making jokes about microbes. It's a lonely life for amoeba.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Most of the people who say they're "nerds" probably aren't. It's just cool to say you're a nerd these days. The bar is low in terms of criteria. Play video games? You can say you're a nerd (which is silly by the way because everyone in the post Nintendo generations grew up gaming). You don't even have to be smart anymore like the good old days. You don't need an odd hobby like collecting and mounting bugs.

    Well aren't you fun?? I'm allowed to call myself whatever I like. I don't have to "prove" my nerdiness to anyone. I could show you my massive comic collection, all my swords, my collection of first edition toys, all the signed books I have, and my Firefly tattoo. I could tell you most of my favorite jokes are about grammar and I could tell you how high I scored on the SAT's and my GPA. But I don't have to do any of that, you know why?? Because I know what I am, and I AM proud of it, "cool" or not, it's who I am. Deal with it.

    I love you. Seriously. I'm a nerd, a geek, and a total dork. Just because I can't quote Tolkein and didn't get Firefly the first time around (I'm swearing to try again, I promise - it was a horrible time in my life) and can't do math very well doesn't mean I'm not a massive nerd.

    My nerd creds are just that, mine. Sure, I share an awful lot of with others, and that's a wonderful thing today. In fact, that we can argue about particular topics for hours makes things that much better. I can go from arguing Doctor Who companions to arguing quantum computing in under 45 seconds... and do so quite often. But it doesn't mean we agree either.

    I'm lucky to have been a nerd for all of my 41 years. I make my living in computer engineering, I read quantum mechanic books for fun (and oh yeah, can't do a stitch of the math), my biggest crush in history is Isaac Newton. I collect all kinds of fandom stuff, my largest is probably Doctor Who, though Final Fantasy is a close second. And my video games are almost all in the RPG area - MUST HAVE STORY! :D Oh, and I go to at least one convention a year, I try for two, depending. I just spent 3 days at the Denver ComicCon and I'm *still* recovering. :D

    What makes being nerdy so awesome is that we are all so unique and special. Nerd shaming is a thing, and I find it antithetical to who we are! Embrace your fellow nerd and you may find something new to love every day.

    just an observation:

    You both say you don't have to prove your nerdiness, then go on to list all the things that make you nerdy.

    This sort of bickering over credibility happens in every subculture once it gets into the spotlight.

    No no. That was NOT all the things that make me nerdy. That was a very, very, very, very small portion of the things that make me nerdy. And it wasn't bickering. It was an example of some of the things I could list to "justify" my nerdiness. I didn't actually go into detail because I don't have to do that to a bunch of people I don't know on the interwebz.

    Nerds, we do what we want.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Yeah...I'm not a nerd. Geek, sure, but not a nerd.


    And certainly not a dork.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
  • rudydtd
    rudydtd Posts: 12 Member

    I can solve this in about 2 hours. Do I qualify for nerd status?
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    You, good sir, win the Internet.

  • gakette420
    gakette420 Posts: 107 Member

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member

    I am in LOVE with this. Just sayin'
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member

    And this is just freaking hilarious.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I am so going to have to have a Firefly/Serenity marathon... especially now that this has happened:

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member

