I just can't give up Alcohol

I'd rather have a gin and tonic than a bar of chocolate, but whats worse for weight loss?


  • melodymartinez
    I don't know the science behind that, but I would think if they are equal calories they would be equal (see the Twinkie diet post). I find for me personally, drinking tends to make me eat more. So I try to limit it.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I haven't given up anything since starting. I just eat/drink in moderation. I use to be a shots girl, and LOTS of them. Now I just have a glass of wine or whatever and call it a night. Of course, there are certain times when I expect to indulge a little more. But moderation is key. So have your drink every so often, there's always low cal versions of just about everything any more :)

    And as for your question, really they're both not the greatest choices, but again, you can opt for dark chocolate and a low cal drink on the occassion :)
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I'd rather have a gin and tonic than a bar of chocolate, but whats worse for weight loss?

    Here is a thread I posted about a week ago that discusses how the body processes and metabolizes alcohol. I, too, don't really want to give it up so I cut back significantly from having a glass or two of wine almost every night to just once or twice a week. Moderation is key. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/130545-the-real-effect-of-alcohol-on-your-waistline
  • danmullen
    As others have said, there's no need to cut out alcohol completely. When I go out I now have gin and slimline tonic instead of beer - it's only around 56 calories per glass! I also have the odd glass of wine. As long as I stay within my calorie goal each day, I think it's fine.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The alcohol is worse because it makes your body stop burning fat. The more alcohol you drink, the less body fat your body is burning. Your body has to burn the alcohol first so the more you have in your body, the longer it takes to get back into body fat burning. You can learn your body's tolerance... for me, I can have a small drink with about 2 oz. of an alcohol with a lower volume % and not gain weight or stop losing weight... but that's just me. I try not to drink more than 2 drinks because that seems to be my limit as far as weight loss/gain/maintenance.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I feel the same way about micro-brews. just a little moderation under the new life style. check out the thread "like minded lushes" for other who are losing weight without loosing the booze :happy:
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    You CAN give up alcohol. You are just not exercising enough will power. Just try harder.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,713 Member
    I agree that you most certainly can give up alcohol. It's possible you've weighed the risks and the benefits and chosen not to give it up, but that's entirely different. I love my wine, and I have a glass with dinner almost every night. I have chosen not to cut it out entirely. On the other hand, other than the rare special occasion, I have given up chips, cookies, fast food, pizza, cake, brownies, and many other things because, although I still like the way they taste, it's just not worth it to me. Someone else may prefer to give up alcohol completely but have that weekly cheeseburger and fries. It's all about choices and zero about "can't."
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Wine is my hobby - and I most certainly haven't given it up. I've picked up the pace of my exercise to make sure that I more than offset those wine calories. I've lost 20 pounds over the last 3 months (yes, a bit slower than some are losing) - so it can be done.
  • rckola911
    rckola911 Posts: 24 Member
    yeah alcohol is worse because it slows down your metabolism. But were human do it in moderation and no problem.
  • macw1_2000
    macw1_2000 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm with you. NOT giving up the wine.

    Yes, it does slow down the metabolism but I add it to my calorie count. If I have two glasses of wine, it's 288 calories (12 ounces). If I'm having a particularly hungry day, I have 6 ounces and eat more or have the twelve ounces and I'm hungry for something and end up over the limit. It's a choice that I have to make and sometimes I end up at the gym for 2 hours if I blew it the night before.
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    gotta have something every once in a while or you'll binge. That's true for chocolate, alcohol, food, etc.

    As for me, I'm trying to keep it to about a drink a month now.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I drink at least 2x a week - hasn't ever inhibited me. Moderation is the key for sure. :))
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I'm pretty sure that's called alchoholism. You might want to take care of that before you worry about weight loss.
  • PokenStick
    It's a choice you're making, don't say you can't give it up....you're refusing to give it up.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    From my personal experiences with addiction...there is a huge difference between can't give it and just don't want to give it up...If you truly can't stop drinking, then you need to focus on the issue of that...But if it is something (like chocolate is for me) and something you just don't want to give up, then moderation is the key
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I have thought the same way, I'm not giving up my wine with my dinner. I allowed for the calories.

    After a few weeks of gaining weight due to thyroid issues and reading the article that SaraTN posted http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/130545-the-real-effect-of-alcohol-on-your-waistline I decided to give it up during the week and only indulge on the weekend with dinner.

    What do I have to lose other than weight which is my goal.

    So far I have survived 3 days without having wine at dinner and I'm just fine. I still use my wine glass at the table but fill it with water.

  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I'm not an alcoholic - i just like to have a drink some nights! I'm not getting up on a morning and pouring a vodka and coke!!! I do find that drinking has a negative effect on my weight loss so am cutting it out during the week.

    @Karen - thanks for the link - I have read it and think that I will stick to only having a drink at the weekend so it doesn't stop my weight loss. The desire to lose weight is stronger than the want of a drink.
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I think you have it figured out...You don't have to give up your wine (I know I choose not to), but limit the amount and the # of times/week you enjoy it. It is all about moderation. I have lost 30lbs and never gave my wine up completely. Red wine (again in moderation) is good for you, too-so enjoy! Life is too short to not have some simple pleasures and for every person that means something different...
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    It is extreme to suggest alcoholism........What I hear is "I want to lose weight, but do not want to give anything up" I understand this.....^drool^ white crusty bread and real creamy butter :laugh:

    What you have done is key to changing your lifestyle. You know your weakness, you found a solution to the problem. The funny thing is after a few months of refusing to give up my bread/butter I WANTED to let it go because I losing weight and feeling great became more important than the vice.

    Keep doing what you are doing,. When you stop losing (shiver, the dreaded P word) you will make another decision.

    GOOD LUCK!!! :glasses: