Lose 15 before the new year



  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Everyone please check over my info. If there is a mistake on any part of your weight, please let me know! I want this to be right for everybody. :) I added the gains, from now on, if you put it here it will be on the grid! :)

    I am down to 140.6 today! Yay! Back to where I started. Now time to move that scale again!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Great job everybody!!!!

    Look at all the new people! :) This is going to start taking up a whole page all by itself!

  • scmajm22
    scmajm22 Posts: 75 Member
    I am curious what everyones action plan to accomplish this goal is?

    My plan of action is to just stay under my calorie goal everyday and exercise everyday. So far so good!!
  • ltfitz
    ltfitz Posts: 48
    That's my goal as well so please count me in !!! :smile:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I am going to exercise every other day or at least 3 times per week. I just can't do every day.

    I went to the gym tonight and worked out and then did a 60 min yoga class....can you say TIRED! Holy Moly!
  • ltfitz
    ltfitz Posts: 48
    that's great!!! keep it up!
  • eorcel
    eorcel Posts: 22 Member
    Lost 1 pounds this morning, and feeling excited!

  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I've started getting back in the gym and I'm not eating late anymore. So hopefully they will help.
    I am curious what everyones action plan to accomplish this goal is?
  • I just got Turbo Fire and I love it!!! Its really a great workout...and I'm sore in places I never knew I could be sore in...lol
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    215.6 this morning!! I could not believe it. I felt really heavy, and almost didn't get on the scale. When it came up with a loss, I got off and got back on just to be sure :) haha
    Great way to start the weekend! Down 18lbs since Oct.11th :) 2 more pounds and I'm posting some during pics!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Lost 1 pounds this morning, and feeling excited!
    congrats on the loss!

    This week, I did 5 fitness classes, plus cardio afterwards. My eating has been great and I am looking forward to Monday's weigh in. I think I have successfully moved on from Thanksgiving. I'm going to try my damnest not have a repeat for Christmas.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    215.6 this morning!! I could not believe it. I felt really heavy, and almost didn't get on the scale. When it came up with a loss, I got off and got back on just to be sure :) haha
    Great way to start the weekend! Down 18lbs since Oct.11th :) 2 more pounds and I'm posting some during pics!

    can't wait to see those during pics. You are doing fantastic!
  • Wel Iv'e manged to lose 11 pounds in about 3 weeks so might just be doable, to achieve that I'm exercising bi-daily and walking around five miles every day. Calorie intake is about 1500 instead of the normal 2500, and Im burning a good 700 of that up 6-700 through extra activity. Count me in!
  • I am jumping in, so what is going to be plan?
  • Biana
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    215.6 this morning!! I could not believe it. I felt really heavy, and almost didn't get on the scale. When it came up with a loss, I got off and got back on just to be sure :) haha
    Great way to start the weekend! Down 18lbs since Oct.11th :) 2 more pounds and I'm posting some during pics!

    Awsome job on the loss!!! Pluse, your speadsheet is amazing!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Well I am going to take this as a good thing. Got on the scale this morning and it only went dow 2 oz....yes I said 2 ounces! I thought I was going to scream! I have stayed absolutely perfect on plan this week, excercised 3 times and only 2 oz gone! What in the world? Tonight I got my answer....my monthly started! lol So I guess a 2 oz loss during this time has to be good right? No gain! So when it is over I should see a HUGE drop because I typically gain about 5 lbs during that time! I am sure hoping that is the case!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Anyone that wants to join just needs to post their information:
    Weight that you want posted as starting weight for this challenge
    Current weight
    Goal weight for New Years :)

    I've added 'Last Post' to the grid, it seems like quite a few people add their info and never post again :(
    Come on ladies... you know you want to lose the weight! And you totally can!!

  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member

    We've lost a combined 66.8 pounds so far (counting the gains).
  • pamhd
    pamhd Posts: 4 Member
    Morning everyone.
    I've only lost 1lb this week (now 202 lbs). I'm dreading next week as I have 2 office Christmas parties to go to! I guess I'll just have to make sure I spend plenty of time on the dance floor!

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