When is a plateau an actual plateau?



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input!

    @crusadersam - I know I'm not very strong. As I mentioned in my post, I lost a lot of muscle during my very long cut. When I first started StrongLifts I had to start with the bar on all the lifts except deadlift because I was simply too weak.

    After experimentation, I found that 2000 was my TDEE so many of you are right that 2300 is a very conservative surplus.

    For those who think that I should up my calories, how much more should I be eating?

    2000 is your TDEE? That doesn't sound right at all if you are lifting 3-4 days a week.

    ETA - I plugged your stats into the SCOOBY calculator and came up with 2780 as TDEE and 3030 as a clean bulk.

    I do a backwards *kitten* TDEE- i like using TDEE and then tinkering with my own exercise calories- I do it both ways to see and I usually come up with the same same numbers.
    but Jo- WTF does that mean?
    If I put in completely sedentary into TDEE calculators and come up with about 1900/2000 for maintance. add in a couple hundred calories for workouts- and it puts me right around 2300-2500 for my workout days.

    if I put in moderately active-with 3-4 workouts straight up TDEE I wind up with around 23/500 calories for maintance- wack off a few hundred for my 15-20% and I'm still eating at or around 2000- if not lower for a daily number.

    I wouldn't be surprised if she was eating between 2-3000. floating between cutting/maintance and bulking. it seems a little lower- but it's not eye brow raising off the charts weird.


    Me or the OP? (The OP is a 24 year old male)