1 month and little progress

I posted a rant one month ago about my weight loss (or lack thereof) woes. Well, I took suggestions and advice into serious, if not obsessive consideration and have seen practically no change in my body!
I've logged absolutely every calorie, every fat gram, carbohydrate, sip of water, and step I take and the lack of results I'm seeing simply makes no sense. I am extremely hesitant to open myself up again for two reasons, the first being, I'll just get all of the same nit-picky suggestions I got last time and, second, I'll be criticized for not accepting said nit-picky suggestions.
I want to lose weight more than anyone (that is, insofar as I am personally concerned), but I'm really beginning to drive myself crazy with the calorie/protein/etc logging and the ceaseless exercising.
Anyway...I reduced my caloric intake from 1500 a day to 1200, increased protein, reduced carbohydrates (although the only carbohydrates I consume are from fruit and nuts/seeds), decreased sodium, and increased even more the frequency and variety of my exercise. I push myself to the limits with exercise, never eat bread, sugar, red meat, eggs, processed foods, etc; rarely do I consume the 1200 calories I've allowed myself, even without exercise. I'm drinking water and green tea like a fish.
My waist has not shrunk a fraction of an inch and I've lost a measly 6 pounds that seem to fluctuate with every bead of sweat I shed. I can't be doing this wrong! Losing weight is not rocket science! It cannot be this complicated! Of course I am upset and slow to admit failure because this has consumed my every waking moment life. Yes, I've lost 60 pounds, but I haven't lost anything but 6 pounds in 4 months. Please don't tell me I'm psychologically preventing myself from losing weight, because that chemically makes no sense.
As for recommendations, I get seriously ill if I eat too much protein; my body has a very difficult time digesting it; even so, I try to consume at least 50-85g a day from fish, chicken, or vegetable protein.
Is anyone else facing the same sort of challenge? I can't seem to find any information out there that doesn't ultimately result in the weight loss seeker acknowledging that they've been slacking; I haven't. I haven't at all. and I am entirely aware of every thing I've consumed. All I want is a giant bag of Doritos and a slab of chocolate, because this battle is becoming exhausting. I have no energy or motivation to continue.
I really need some sound advice! Please! Thank you so much, in advance, for your patience and understanding. I'm glad that I can post this here before people who can relate at least somewhat.


  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm sorry you're having that issue. I've had something of the same issue, but I know mine is because I'm not consistently sticking to my calorie goal. Too many outings with my beloved. I wish I had an answer for you, since it sounds like you're doing everything right (and, in fact, overboard if you're not even getting 1200 cals a day)

    I just wanted to say that I love your profile pic. A tempest in a teacup! :drinker:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If you eat at a deficit, you will lose weight. No one can give you personalized advice unless you make your diary public and tell us how much weight you want to lose.

    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh everything you eat—even packaged food. If you're still not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • PonderinGal
    I've swallowed my pride and made my diary public...
    Please note that I have taken this very seriously and have logged everything honestly and accurately; if I am in doubt, I overestimate what I eat. What's the point of keeping a food diary unless one is going to be honest about it?
  • Fairdria
    Fairdria Posts: 7
    Not trying to sell you on something bc I know we're not supposed to do that. I'm telling you though, I've never seen such great results with several people as I have with the 21 day fix by Beachbody. I personally have seen great results and have honestly changed my bad habits.

    Good luck!
  • PonderinGal
    I don't, however, log all of my exercise, as myfitnesspal doesn't seem to have certain things (e.g. kettle bell, star jumps, jump squats, crossfit, hiit, etc).
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I've swallowed my pride and made my diary public...
    Please note that I have taken this very seriously and have logged everything honestly and accurately; if I am in doubt, I overestimate what I eat. What's the point of keeping a food diary unless one is going to be honest about it?
    Get a food scale—you're in for a shock. That "50g" of chicken you logged today is in reality way more than 83 calories.

    Weigh absolutely everything you eat —even packaged food.
  • PonderinGal
    Oh, ha! Well, I modified the amount according to what the omniscient internet said about the caloric content of the amount I consumed (a little less than 1/3 of a chicken breast). I'll change it.
    Does my diary reveal that I am overeating???? My daily hunger pains protest. :)
  • caitlintooher
    caitlintooher Posts: 5 Member
    I looked at your food diary with envy - I would not have the discipline to stick with that. It also seems like way too little food, especially with exercise.
    I won't insult your intelligence nor integrity by implying you are lying to yourself and us - someone who is so obsessed understands how much 50 g is, and you most certainly seem to be on top of what you should do. Since you are not shedding any more weight nor inches something is obviously stopping you from loosing more, and the only possibility once you exclude diet and exercise is that something is medically wrong with you. You might want to see a medical doctor first for blood work (show him your diet and exercise diary and explain the problem) and after that talk to a nutritionist to get you enough food to actually sustain yourself on - even when you fix whatever is wrong with your hormones or whatever, your diet is atrocious, you'll never be able to keep that one up (and nor should you. Living hungry is just miserable).
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    From what you mentioned, eating less than 1200 calories is not good for your body and can also cause adverse effects which may slow your metabolism. I would suggest to keep a range from say 1200 to 1400 and then always have a deficit on top of that. To lose one pound a week you have to have a deficit of 3500 calories, or in other words 500 calories a day. You're body also burns calories just from you being alive, which is usually your BMR. Which is how MFP determines the calories you should eat and your deficit. So basically you should always eat at least 1200 calories and to burn a pound a week you want a deficit of 1700, which includes your BMR.

    I currently take in 1200-1500 calories, my BMR is 1400 some. So depending on what I eat I need to burn an additional 300-600 calories every day.
  • Linasaurus
    Have you had your thyroid checked? I know a couple people with hypothyroidism that eat healthy and exercise, but never lose weight.
  • conniekat8
    conniekat8 Posts: 64 Member
    What is your current height and weight and age, and how far are you from the goal weight?

    Not knowing how close you are to your target weight, here's something I experienced years ago - in case you can relate.
    When I was in my 20's and working out a lot too (at 5'9") when it came to last 10-20 pounds to lose, I had to drop to 1000 calories (this is with working out 5 days a week for a min of 90 min). Turns out I was pushing my body into the weight range that was just unrealistic to get to without huge sacrifices. I was trying to go below 135 lb, because there were still 'fatty areas' to resolve.
    after that not working for a long time (months) I regrouped, increased my calories and increased weight (muscle building training) and while I gained 10 pounds I actually leaned down because it was mostly muscle.

    Also, since I was finishing a 90 pound weight loss, I was noticing that up to 2 years after going into maintenance my body would change things here and there.
  • Dreed71
    Dreed71 Posts: 12 Member
    I too am having the same issue. I can not lose weight and feel I am trying very hard. I do not add my water on here but on fitbit because it's easier on there. Any advice please. My husband says I'm beginning obsessive about all of this, but it really had consumed me. Why can I not lose weight?
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    6 pounds lost in 4 months? I'd say you're doing it right. That's about a half pound a week. It's the right speed to be able to learn what to do and what not to do and to (here's the kicker) keep it off. Also, the weight fluctuations are normal.

    Quit complaining.

    ETA, You are eating an abysmally low amount of calories while working out and burning a brick-ton of calories. I can see why you are hungry. You have 2000-ish calories to eat when you exercise like that. Try eating.
  • Dreed71
    Dreed71 Posts: 12 Member
    Well I have lost 1 pound in a month so I dont know what I'm doing wrong.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Well I have lost 1 pound in a month so I dont know what I'm doing wrong.

    Nothing. You lost a pound. Go congratulate yourself.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    Hey everyone, doesn't it just sound like she has simply hit her plateau? I don't know much about them, but after 60 lbs, that sounds like the right time for it to happen. All I know is that if you eat 1200 calories for several months, your body will get used to it. Therefore you need to start varying your calories every day to get your body out of that routine: eat 1300 one day, then 1800 the next, for example. It will be slower weight loss from then on, I believe. Can anyone confirm this? Its never happened to me but this is what I've read and heard of from trusted sources that have gone through this whole thing.
  • PonderinGal
    I'm 29-years-old, 5'11" and currently weigh 159. I want to weigh 139. I still have plenty of fat to get rid of, believe me!
    If I were lying to myself, I wouldn't bother charting anything, let alone posting a cry for help to a mass of complete strangers.
  • PonderinGal

    I won't insult your intelligence nor integrity by implying you are lying to yourself and us - someone who is so obsessed understands how much 50 g is...

    I was going less by the weight than by the calories that were associated with it, as per MFP. Some of the values on here aren't quite right, if you ask me :)
  • PonderinGal

    I just wanted to say that I love your profile pic. A tempest in a teacup! :drinker:

    Thank you! I'm glad someone gets it :)