Funny "Problems" with weight loss



  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I have always loved this topic so here are a few some repeats some that'll probably make you scratch your head. :)

    My biggest issue - there are not enough hours in the day for me to do all the fun things I want in the fitness world. Oh to be independently wealthy.

    I'm bony, not skinny just bony so elbows, knees, shoulders, heels all those things you never notice when you're fat are sticking out.
    So bony in fact that the tattoo on my foot now feels like raised letters.

    I've spent a small fortune on clothing and shoes and now I find even my jewelry is too big, necklaces hang too low, rings slide off in cool weather (already been sized down to the max) bracelets slide right off over the hands.

    I went from being a woman people were slightly afraid of to "OMG you're so cute" which means people are shocked when they know I own a Harley.

    Oh and here's a good one, people think I do not know what it's like to be overweight. HAHAHAH here's a picture, scary huh?!
  • glamsam8
    glamsam8 Posts: 39 Member
    Glasses. I have to constantly get my glasses refit, partially because my face is getting smaller, and partially because they just kind of loosen up anyway lol
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    OMG! this elephant stomach thing you are all talking about... it is super sad :(

    hopefully it will go away eventually, and yes I strength train, the last set of deadlifts, I am usually squinting and grunting and everything else
  • dayzeyblue
    dayzeyblue Posts: 15 Member
    Am I the only person that already had sizes from way too small "goal" jeans/dresses/shirts upto tent sizes? As ive lost weight Ive been able to just reach into my closet for my once called "motivation" clothes that i bought in a fit of self denial that i can now 10 yrs later fit into...luckily i got generic styles that still look decent...not all of them mind you some things i was like wow I can finally fit into this and now realize its hideous...donate! I am just now to a weight that I have nothing smaller in my closet...and I'm 20-30 lbs from my goal weight....will probably just wait and buy new clothes when i get to maintain. I have bought a few new things for like vacations and such...but they were sundresses and the like that will still fit even if i lose some more...up to a point at least. I say shop at thrift stores till you hit that goal weight!
  • mghuss
    mghuss Posts: 22 Member
    I look more gross naked now 30+ lbs down than I did before. Everything is saggy and gross... and chances are it will be for awhile longer. I know I'm healthier and stuff and feel better... but I still have days where it depresses the crap out of me.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this. I took a progress pic today and immediately said "F*cking ew." I look like I'm melting. I looked smoother when I was 30 pounds heavier.

    MY LIFE. I am 2 lbs from my "ultimate" goal weight and I still look disgusting. I don't think I can say that I looked better before, but it is disheartening to have lost all this weight and STILL not be able to wear a two-piece swimsuit. So frustrating. Everything is so floppy and jiggly and just ew.
  • yumbinkbugonrox
    yumbinkbugonrox Posts: 61 Member
    Not a real "problem", but more of a, about 2 years ago, I bought this printed t-shirt-type top from kohls. At that time, it fit me well. 70lbs lost and 2 years later, it's *shorter*...not related to washing. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? Maybe I'm walking with a better posture now? Is my waist dropping?! It's a mystery!
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    My biggest problem has been my shoes. I've had to go out and buy all new shoes because my old ones are too big.
    Eight months ago when I started my journey if you would have told me I was going to lose weight in my feet, I would have told you
    "You are Crazy!!"
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Definitely the 'bony butt' syndrome!

    My daughter plays a lot of sports - hence I end up sitting on gymnasium bleachers several nights a week to watch her play and/or cheer.

    Let me tell you - by the end of the week, I have 'Bleacher Butt'!

    I have ZERO padding in the nether-quarters; I"m 5'2 and around 115.

    I've tried all sorts of cushions (in the winter I wear my 'fattest' jacket, fold that up and put it under my butt as well) -

    To no avail; 'Bleacher Butt'!
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I sweat ALL THE TIME like I'm going through menopause or something!! I start warming up for the trainer and I burst out sweating, by the time my session is done, I have sweat running down my damn arms!!

    I have protein gas, from upping my protein's horrible and it can clear a room in a second!!

    Because I was morbidly obese at 275lbs, I have lots of fat still and excess skin (I'm working on this)...If I don't wear compression pants, I think there is an audience of people clapping for me at the gym!!
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    Last week while taking my lunchtime walk, I walked out of my underwear. Literally. Went commando the rest of the day because I was too embarrassed to pick them up and I'm now afraid to wear dresses! :noway:

    This made me lol. :happy: I know what that's like though. Stood up to greet a customer at work and my pants didn't come with me. :embarassed: Maaaaaybe put off buying transition clothes a bit to long.
  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    Thats why I like Goodwill - didn't spend too much money, especially on 30% off days or 1/2 off days. Got some really cute stuff and was good with passing it on when they became too big.
    Win win for everyone:-)
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    My wedding ring wants to fall off and get lost! But, I don't want to resize it until I get to my goal.

    Not sure if anyone replied, but I had this happen. I went to my local jeweler and they put a ring guard on for only $3. It's just flimsy metal that you could adjust/remove with pliers when you need to.
  • looserlarry
    Another Step toward Success
    Good morning everyone from sunny California. Thought I would just drop in and say hi and give you a little update on what is happening in my life. I planned out my meals on Fitness pal last night so it would be ready to go for me Iam more liable to stick with it if it is already planned out instead of being random. I have no weight to report as I did it yesterday. Later today I will go for my 2.6 mile walk hopefully to go further soon but right now it is one day at a time .I know people get discouraged at times for one reason or another ( I DO) But you have to take a step back look at where you were say a year ago and say to yourself I can do this look how far I have already come. Set small obtainable goals for yourself to build confident it might not be much but I told myself in the first week of exercise just walk a block and see what happens confidence went thru the roof. you and us together can do this but you need a good support system and you have one here. Enough of my babbling. You all have an awesome day and if you want to talk or be my friend I will gladly accept your request until next time keep your feet moving and your head toward the skies because a new you is a reach away.

    Peace- N- Love

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I need a little pillow between my bony knees when I sleep on my side. :ohwell:
  • Dezire4lyfe
    Dezire4lyfe Posts: 16 Member
    I know women can relate... My boobs are shrinking and one faster than the other so I can no longer wear my favorite sexy bra but when my boyfriend looks at me, his head kind of tilts to the side like he is looking at a crooked picture!! LOVELY!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I know women can relate... My boobs are shrinking and one faster than the other so I can no longer wear my favorite sexy bra but when my boyfriend looks at me, his head kind of tilts to the side like he is looking at a crooked picture!! LOVELY!

    Wait until the nips turn into Marty Feldman eyes.
  • dmarsh1018
    dmarsh1018 Posts: 70 Member

    My favorite pants that I just got back into somehow manage to give me muffin top while simultaneously threatening to fall off me.

    Story of my life. All my pants fit this way and it sucks!
  • montanapat
    montanapat Posts: 2 Member
    I can totally relate to the 'bony butt'. We have some very nice dining room chairs that were very comfortable about 50 lbs. ago. Now I can't sit on them for longer than a few minutes. Need to have a pillow.
    Does anyone else find this annoying? People will comment on the weight loss, and then ask "how much have you lost?" I've been sensitive about my weight my entire life, and I don't want to tell them. I can't exactly say "none of your *(&( business", so I've answered with "not enough" or "a few pounds". If they persist, I tell them that I'm sensitive about discussing my weight and they usually get the message. Some will still persist, and I'll ask "why do you need to know?" At that point, if they still persist I will tell them that I'm not going to discuss it any more.
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    I look more gross naked now 30+ lbs down than I did before. Everything is saggy and gross... and chances are it will be for awhile longer. I know I'm healthier and stuff and feel better... but I still have days where it depresses the crap out of me.

    I have that same issue. I look at my belly and all the "dimples" and think ... at least when I was 300+lbs it was all tight and smooth.

    Keep pushing on, it's something we'll have to deal with for a bit, but as you said, it is for the better.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I'm having teh belt issue right now too, Maybe I should add a hole.

    My biggest problem is shirts. I have narrow shoulders and a big bust so the darts in the sleves are all wrong. But jus being in between sizes in a pain.