What do you think about when you Run?



  • Johnplusfour
    Johnplusfour Posts: 105
    You two with the dog issues otta consider running on a trail or at a school. I hate getting barked at by some retarded canine when i'm tryin to do my own thing. Kinda takes the fun out of it.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I run at night. You'd think I'd be thinking about the dangers of people but, I'm always afraid a dog will get out and get me -_- Or snakes since I've more than once almost tripped over one.

    I also think about my heart rate and how many calories I've burned. I don't like running, I only do it to burn off however many extra calories I've eaten/want to eat LOL...so I'm constantly looking at my polar.

    yea ive only had to dodge a snake once...was definitly a surprise.

    but i dont worry about people, cars snow storms..thunder storms...just keep them darn dogs in the yard!!!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Zone out to music on bluetooth headphones. Enjoy watching the sun start to rise and the city start to come to life. Its dead at 5:00 AM
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I run at night. You'd think I'd be thinking about the dangers of people but, I'm always afraid a dog will get out and get me -_- Or snakes since I've more than once almost tripped over one.

    I also think about my heart rate and how many calories I've burned. I don't like running, I only do it to burn off however many extra calories I've eaten/want to eat LOL...so I'm constantly looking at my polar.

    yea ive only had to dodge a snake once...was definitly a surprise.

    but i dont worry about people, cars snow storms..thunder storms...just keep them darn dogs in the yard!!!

    I always carry a knife and sometimes a small can of mace on me just in case. I don't like hurting animals, and I generally love dogs. But if it comes down to it I WILL take it out! >_< Being mauled is not on my list of ways I'd want to die lol.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I run at night. You'd think I'd be thinking about the dangers of people but, I'm always afraid a dog will get out and get me -_- Or snakes since I've more than once almost tripped over one.

    I also think about my heart rate and how many calories I've burned. I don't like running, I only do it to burn off however many extra calories I've eaten/want to eat LOL...so I'm constantly looking at my polar.

    yea ive only had to dodge a snake once...was definitly a surprise.

    but i dont worry about people, cars snow storms..thunder storms...just keep them darn dogs in the yard!!!

    I always carry a knife and sometimes a small can of mace on me just in case. I don't like hurting animals, and I generally love dogs. But if it comes down to it I WILL take it out! >_< Being mauled is not on my list of ways I'd want to die lol.
    i was reading the runners world forums one day when someone suggested bringing a gun to solve the problem..which then sparked this huge debate on whether to carry while running....very entertaining.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    i just started C25K, and so only run for 60 sec at a time.....so what i think about for those 60 secs is: when is that damn lady going to tell me its time to start walking again!!!

    This made me smile. I am doing C25K also and now I am up to 30 minutes. It's a b*%ch! I used to say the same thing! Now I dont even look at the time left because it makes it worse!

    and to answer the OP's question, I think about finishing...that's about it!
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I run in the early morning hours - so I am usually thinking about my upcoming day at work and what I have to get done....
    I also think about what my dog thinks when I wake him up at 4:45am to go for a run.....LOL
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    only two minutes down oh god i'm tired there's no way i'm going to finish this why do i do this to myself i don't like running oh yeah to burn calories right don't look at the time don't look at the time my legs feel like lead only three minutes down and twenty seven to go it's hot out here who is that guy is he creepy or nice i dunno my legs are tired i can't breathe don't look at the time oh god only three and a half minutes that's twenty six and a half left i hate this so much definitely creepy he smiled at me i don't like that how much longer don't look at the time....

    ....and then something happens and I zone out and I don't even know what I've been thinking about. I forget to look at the time and suddenly I've been running for 25 minutes and it actually feels good and I push a little longer and I make it to 40 minutes and then I'm happy and tired. :smile:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    i was reading the runners world forums one day when someone suggested bringing a gun to solve the problem..which then sparked this huge debate on whether to carry while running....very entertaining.

    There is one bike circuit I like, but has a lot of human flotsam that thinks my bike should be their bike, because stuff.

    I'm not the sort to carry often, but one day I happened to have my LC9 on me when 3 of them decided that my bike was theirs. They quickly decided to go somewhere else, and everyone went home safe. Win win.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Ha, yeah running is boring as hell and I think about what else I should be doing. That's why most of my cardio is some anaerobic work which makes me focus on that moment.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    It's usually about ways to zing people that piss me off.

    Other than that I normally will get songs stuck in my head. I do not run with music, I like to be aware of my surroundings in that regard. On a ten mile run the week before my first half marathon, I basically had the theme song to Baywatch stuck in my head for two hours. That was a good run.
  • CaptainJAG_37
    One foot in front of the other....one foot in front of the other.....one foot in front of the other.
  • dropdeadgreggie_
    dropdeadgreggie_ Posts: 166 Member
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    i was reading the runners world forums one day when someone suggested bringing a gun to solve the problem..which then sparked this huge debate on whether to carry while running....very entertaining.

    There is one bike circuit I like, but has a lot of human flotsam that thinks my bike should be their bike, because stuff.

    I'm not the sort to carry often, but one day I happened to have my LC9 on me when 3 of them decided that my bike was theirs. They quickly decided to go somewhere else, and everyone went home safe. Win win.

    Fortuitous..glad it worked out for you!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't run, but I log quite a few miles on my bike. I actually do quite a bit of problem solving while I'm riding. Something at work has me confounded and I go for a ride and boom...suddenly I can see the solution.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Depends on what kind of run it is. If it's a normal run through my regular neighborhood area, I listen to music and that's literally what I think about (the songs). If it's an organized 5k event I don't usually have music so I'm just thinking about trying to get past the next person. If it's a military formation run, I'm thinking about the cadence if there is one. If it's an obstacle run, I'm thinking about how I'm going to get through the next obstacle and if I can catch a breath before I hit it.
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have ADHD... I think about ALL THE THINGS! "Hmm... Nice tree... I'm sweaty... That reminds me, it's time for me to mow the lawn again... Did I take the steaks out for lunch?... Wait, did I remember to lock the door?... When did I get my oil changed last... That movie was sooo funny!... I wonder what that guy is thinking about me doing the Lion King while running up the street..." etc. Rapid fire. Oy.

    I don't have ADHD but this is me. Whether I'm running or biking I think about everything, thoughts just pop up in my mind.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    proper form, mostly. behind that is the beat I'm running to. behind that is the overall goal; usually, "how can I make a cupcake that's all protein to devour after my runs?" when I busted out 10 miles last weekend, it was, "I could eat a whole pizza after this, if I wanted to..." today's was, "I'm SO sleeping twelve hours tonight. no alarms, no nothing, just lots and lots of much needed sleep."

    the zone out is AWESOME!
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    I zone out, listen to my music, watch the city wake up, and take in everything around me. Running has become somewhat of a reset switch to start my day off on the right foot. But, I also run EARLY in the morning. I guess that being able to zone out is the only thing that makes my 3 hour runs bearable :).

    Also, a small can of joggers mace is a must in the event that a dog tries to get aggressive. They usually back off just by raising your voice, but not all the time.

    Happy running!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Goes a little like this:

    Five miles.

    I can do this.

    2.5 out, 2.5 back.


    I need to remember to do my homework when I get back.

    I should shower first.


    I need to buy shampoo.

    I'd really like a new book too.

    How about pizza for dinner?

    How am I ONLY AT MILE 1????


    Oh, cute dog.

    Smile and wave, he actually didn't almost run me over.

    Hmmm...that kinda hurts. Surely it's not time for new shoes???

    Gosh, how am I supposed to afford new shoes. How am I supposed to afford anything? WHAT DOES BEING AN ADULT EVEN MEAN?????



    Ooooo....blueberry pie.

    Here's the turn around.

    Just 2.5 to go.




    Ugh, chafing.

    Hmmm...didn't seem like I ran this far out.

    *%^&^ who's calling me??!!!


    Whew, there's my car!