Not eating enough calories but eating tons



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1 oz of chicken, half a cup of rice for dinner, and just junk for lunch?

    If you're really not hungry eating that, go see a doctor, because it's not normal at all. And also, weigh your food. You're probably eating way more than you think.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    So I just put in todays food-I eat fresh fruits and on fridays I am running so I eat wraps for lunch and Dinner-my total intake will be under 1100 calories. I feel very full and satisfied-I am eating healthy foods so should I increase or just wait another week or two as I am very new to this site.

    Something isn't adding up here - on Wednesday you logged a wrap, with eggs I believe and chips and dip is NOT a healthy lunch, at all.

    I think you're consuming more than you think you are . . . which is why you legitimately feel full
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    I do not like blue berries or Black berries I have to force eating
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    How did you eat 175k surplus calories if you have a hard time eating enough calories?

    You're going from one extreme to another. You don't need to do that to yourself.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    Yes 57 pounds-I weigh to date 207 pounds I was 201 when I broke my leg in february-I changed my entire eating 4 weeks ago because of a bad colonoscopy- My talling may not be totally correct-And I cheat by eating a peanut butter cup and chips on occasion-I truly looking for the fiber so I do not face surgery or cancer 10 years from now. Still finding my way through this- and some felt like I was being called a liar-I do not like fruit and will eat 1 or 2 peices- and on average My work can be a 25 hour shift-or time like 3 hours in the afternoon to myself and of and running. So I prepare A wrap for Dinner. I also eat nothing after 7pm. I have come a long way in 4 weeks from eating steak and hamburgers and Hot dogs and binging on dairy queen Icecream. To what you see on my diary. So maybee in a few months I will do better. The almond milk was wrong-Most days tho it is a splash in a fruit smothie. And to date I have lost 3 inches off my boobs and 1 inch everywhere else. I was just asking if I am full do I need to add more calories.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    That was a bad day I had a scrambled egg with peppers and onions on wrap-then I worked 27 hours. No not always healthy but I came here for support not to be judged-I put what I eat no lying-what good is it going to do to lie I am the only one who will hurt.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    So I'm curious - and there may be a legit answer, so don't take this as calling you out.

    Your tracker says you have 57 lbs to lose - that's considered a serious amount of weight loss as it's >10% of your overall body weight now. This being said, if you got to a point where you have that much to lose - how does only 1100 calories fill you up?

    I have about 80 more to lose and I could honestly eat about 3,000 calories on a bad day - and that's not 3,000 calories worth of healthy food either.

    How long have you been at this for? How much progress have you seen?

    I am not saying 2,000 is the right path for everyone but usually, from what I've seen on here, people who are eating that much are on here to stay fit, not lose 50+ lbs.

    I really am just curious because I know I got to be this big by eating way more than I was burning off, and by eating the wrong things.

    I was a eater of anything and decided to go clean-I purchase from produce and outside ilses-I choose not to eat processed food-I eat tons of vege's. But am always looking for fiber enriched foods. Yes 57 pounds would put me at 150-The other issue is I have thyroid issues and am full blown menopause for 5 years now. So I have many factors against me. I do feel full tho. My total time has been just 1 month. I started at 222 pounds and lost 15 before finding this site. I walk almost everyday up to 3 miles and I do yoga everyday and Other exercises. Still new at measuring and weighing. My wieght has been due to not caring and eating out almost every night. No more
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    So I just put in todays food-I eat fresh fruits and on fridays I am running so I eat wraps for lunch and Dinner-my total intake will be under 1100 calories. I feel very full and satisfied-I am eating healthy foods so should I increase or just wait another week or two as I am very new to this site.

    Something isn't adding up here - on Wednesday you logged a wrap, with eggs I believe and chips and dip is NOT a healthy lunch, at all.

    I think you're consuming more than you think you are . . . which is why you legitimately feel full

    Of course not I am not perfect and a few chips and dip Sounded good at the moment-And was good-I ate about 10 chips-I did not eat the entire bag . I will not deprive myself of treats. As long as I do not over do. And I do not want to get bored with eating the same every day.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Try to find some calorie dense foods you like and bring yourself to at least 1200 calories net

    You need to fuel your body, and probably are not doing that well if you are under eating on a regular basis. Also to get up to your calorie goals you can always eat some of the foods you used to eat before but not in as large of quantities
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    Again thank you for great advice-Was just curious-Working on weighing but really feel full most of the time and eating little-It is working for me