Honest truths, maybe a bit harsh (this is a tad long)



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I actually agree with a lot of what you said. I myself am not losing what I would like to be (or at all for that matter), and there is reason for that. I didn't find this offensive at all. It was honest and straightforward, but not harsh. It opened my eyes to look deeper in to issues that are keeping me from meeting my goals.

    and THIS is why I posted it. I'm more than happy to take critisizm if it helps someone in this manner.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    I loved this initial post, and wanted to add that I find it quite disheartening to read that some people believe that exercise is contrary to a healthy lifestyle. What the what? :noway: I mean, I do understand that people can take it to extremes or become addicted to exercise, but there is no way you can convince me that exercising strenuously for at least an hour a day is overdoing it. I feel sooo much better and it's not just that I've lost weight, but I've increased my VO2 max, my circulatory system is purring along, and I love the look and feel of muscle building on my arms and legs.

    I know that we may all start out with the idea of losing weight to look better and then feeling better is secondary, but until I started really exercising and trying to lose body fat and build muscle, I was just spinning my wheels. Now weight loss is secondary, or even lower than that on the list, and increasing my strength and ability is first. I feel AWESOME!

    Exercise is such a gift and blessing, I truly cannot understand how someone could disparage it.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    This a great post, i have enjoyed reading all the post from other people,
    I came to this site to track my food intake as i know i have been over eating for quite a while. When looking for other sites i found a lot u have to pay for them & @ the moment i cant afford to pay for them but i need to get fit to keep up with my 4 children. This site is great. I like the fact i can track my exercise as well, i have noticed that i have decreased the amount of rubbish i eat (i know i still eat it) & i have stopped raiding the fridge & eating the kids left overs.
    Thank you for the honest post SHBoss1673