What do you guys take to work for lunch?



  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    Protein powder in a shaker type of cup, add water later. Apple, and other kind of fruit, grapes, apricots, orange. Some type of protein bar. I work as a nurse, so eat on the run more or less.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I usually take leftovers from last night's dinner, and/or a big salad. I usually pack a lot of veggies and fruits to snack on.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Congrats on your new job

    I usually bring a salad. I have the fit and fresh salad container. It has a tray with it so you can add moist topping before you eat along with a dressing container. also comes with its own icepack. I have been using the sandwich fit and fresh container for fruit salads too. I usually make my lunch the night before and just pop it in my cooler before leaving.
    Also bring tuna mixed with avocado a lot. Hope this helps

    Also bring leftovers from night before dinner
  • bronsted93
    bronsted93 Posts: 30 Member
    Protein powder in a shaker type of cup, add water later. Apple, and other kind of fruit, grapes, apricots, orange. Some type of protein bar. I work as a nurse, so eat on the run more or less.

    Do you have any protein bar/powder recommendations?
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Black beans, brown rice, salsa & some avocado.
    Hummus and veggies.
    Whole wheat crackers and pb2.
    Leftover sir fry.

    Never fish!!! I had a coworker once who loved sardines. Please love your fish at home. ????
  • Hannahhime
    Hannahhime Posts: 52 Member
    I personally like bringing a bowl of brown rice or even vegetable potstickers. I love a little bit of asian flare for lunch!
  • edmwnd
    edmwnd Posts: 37 Member
    1 wholemeal toasted pitta bread filled with meat/token green stuff (usually spinach), plus 2-3 pieces of fruit.

    Stays the same every day, with just a variation in fillings for the pitta, but it works for me, healthy, filling and cheap - and easy to prepare.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    i tend too take porridge, fruit and yoghurt to work with me normally :)
    sometimes soup, salads as well :) pasta and tuna <3
  • Proph24
    Proph24 Posts: 195
    usually an apple...i always struggle to eat many times a day, but my log the past few days just been stacked with turkey sandwhiches on whole wheat bread...brought one to work last night and was a nice change from just an apple
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    At my current job, I'm able to come home for lunch every day. But when I do pack a lunch for whatever reason (inclement weather, no time for a break, etc) I usually go with a bunch of little snack type foods. I am not a big snacker normally so it's kind of fun to eat a big variety of things - for example hummus, cucumber slices, carrots, string cheese, portion of pecans or other nuts, and a square of chocolate. I eat them all at once though for lunch, not as individual snacks.

    Of course leftovers are always a good option too.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    snap peas with the ends trimmed, pitted cherries or blueberries, string cheese, almonds, banana, for days when I have to eat without making a smell or a noise. I put paper towel in with the rinsed peas to soak up the rinse water, then I use it to wipe my hands before I eat.

    When I might have time to eat outside I bring salad with oil and vinegar and leftover fruit or vegetables or a bit of last night's dinner cut up on top.

    If time at night were limitless I would make more vegan sushi :)
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    For the last couple weeks, I've been making salads the night before to take to work. They consist of tuna/chicken, parma ham/bacon, cheese and lettuce/spinach etc. I top it off with a tablespoon of light salad dressing. It's delicious and filling!
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Well, I made myself a lunch today and it was
    - 2 eggs (hard boiled)
    - veggies (lots!)
    - Hummus
    - apple

    simple and healthy!
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    MFP allotted me 2300 mg of sodium and I myself brought it down to 1950 ( I think most health organizations agree 1500-1900 is healthy last time I checked).... I eat low sodium processed turkey... bc I love turkey and I also eat tuna fish. I just hope your don't think salt is the enemy choose wisely but don't deprive yourself girl. As for snacks
    -fruit (I get bored easily so if you do to try something new every week or every other week)
    -frozen fruit bc it's cheap and will thaw by lunch time
    -Tuna, I just make in tupperware and bring a slice or 2 or bread in a baggie so its all fresh at lunch time.
    -You can actually microwave egg beaters so if there is a microwave..
    -rice and veggie steamers (pre made thrown in some tupperware and re heated)
    -If you like cereal you could do some special k and grab a jug of milk at work if you have a cafeteria. I used to bring dry cereal and keep a jug of milk at work but if you have shady ppl who will use your ****... that's no good.
    -salads, but they are super boring so keep mixing it up with maybe using fruit in it or almonds...
    -something I used to eat to stay full on 3rd shift was fiber one chocolate bars. Pretty tasty and low calorie and makes you feel full.
    -another thing I do is a toddler tray, grab a piece of tupperware throw in random raw fruits and veggies a few slices of meat a cheese stick.... it doesn't have to be a perfect meal. I do this on days I can't decide so I can pick it at lunch.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I take a variety of foods for lunch ranging from leftovers to low-sodium entrees, fruits, string cheese, block cheese, and salads. I also keep low-sodium trail mix, protein bars, fiber bars, Goldfish pretzels, Goldfish cheese crackers, soups, instant oatmeal, and instant butter grits in my desk.
  • Chelsarrr
    Chelsarrr Posts: 65 Member
    Nuts for a snack, and some protein for lunch. I get the rest of my veggies from the hospital cafeteria either steamed or raw. I also will have another snack of carrots with hummus or peanut butter and celery. I always have a protein bar with me just in case I can't make it to the cafe, but don't prefer them.
  • skinnyEmilijah
    skinnyEmilijah Posts: 61 Member
    Literally nothing.

    There is no way I'm going 6 hours without eating anything. hahaha I'm fat for a reason. :laugh:

    Yeah, I work 12.5 hour shifts, sometimes two or three in a row, so that would probably make me skinny *really* fast.

    I like to bring leftovers or PBJ sandwiches. Another good option for lunches is a salad, either in a mason jar, or in tupperware with the dressing kept in another container.

    Another good option if you're feeling lazy is frozen burrito from the health food store. I have found some pretty tasty and healthy(ish) ones.

    I also like to snack throughout the day as I only take one "lunch break" throughout my shift. I like to have carrots, hummus, greek yogurt and sometimes trail mix.
  • pythonsweb
    pythonsweb Posts: 49 Member
    The tuna in a pouch is pretty good and easy, cream of wheat, activia yogurt, banana, protien shake, almonds, Hormel Compleats mocrowave meals, tuna sandwich, green beans, baby carrots, sunflower seeds, celery, salad and a bottles of water <--- Not all in 1 day LOL just some ideas of what I take!
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    The fastest and easiest is make the extra portion at dinner and take it for lunch. I noticed you only cook every other night - so that might not be ideal. I don't think the same meal four times in a row would work for me!

    When I don't take leftovers, I take a lot of chicken, turkey and veggies and hummus. Sometimes a salad with chicken and chick peas (it's just I hate spending so many calories on salad dressing). I try to avoid the smelly things. Once in awhile I do PB&J. Like you, I try and avoid sodium laden deli meat or other processed foods.
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    I go to a different food truck every day. Delicious.