McDonalds Made Me Fat??



  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I save money when I eat healthy and big gov is not going to help. Taxing fast food is wrong and the product of a nanny state.
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    My favorite is when I hear this order:

    "I need a big mac meal, super-sized with a DIET coke."
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Lol. I only drink diet so I have made that order before!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My favorite is when I hear this order:

    "I need a big mac meal, super-sized with a DIET coke."

    But the diet coke saves on calories. :laugh:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    My favorite is when I hear this order:

    "I need a big mac meal, super-sized with a DIET coke."

    My favorite cousin, Debbie, used to eat a large bag of Peanut M&Ms with a large diet coke. But, like she always said, it's better than a large bag of M&Ms with a large regular coke.

    Gotta start somewhere. I like to go on long walks. I also like to take a cigar with me. Does it defeat the purpose? It's better than sitting in my backyard smoking a fat stogie and drinking a double JD on the Rocks.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Oh, we could go on and on with this one, and so many others as well..... RJR made me get cancer. Violent video games turned me into a serial killer. The internet caused me to leave my family for somebody in Timbuktu.

    Personal responsibility is the key, but we do also have to realize that unless parents also take some responsibility and instill good habits/values/morals into their children, those kids will grow up without any sense of personal responsibility. Unfortunately, we seem to be there already. I'm as guilty as the next parent... I know I could have done better.

    But no, McDonald's didn't make me fat.

    I agree. I am more upset about the poor kids who can't control their dinner. I work at a school and have a few kids who get McD's drop off a few times a week. REALLY? You don't have the time to make a turkey sandwich?
    I do agree with most of the posts, but the kiddos who go where mommy/daddy take them can't be blamed for being over weight. The parents can and should be blamed, but not the fat little 4 year old's. So sad but true. Cheap meals is one thing but is the cost of your sweet babies life worth it?
    Personal responsibility is the key, and responsibility to do the right thing for your kids.
    Until my daughter was 3 every time she heard McDonalds she would start singing "ol Mc Donald had a farm". lol
    (just to be clear, I do go to McD's every now and again, but I am talking about the parents who do fast food many times a week or every night)
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    I saw a lion and a gazelle both go in to McDonalds the other day...

    "Can I have a large Big Mac Meal please... coke to drink?" said the gazelle.

    The lion just stood there and said nothing.

    "Isn't the lion hungry?" said the guy serving?

    "Do you think I'd be stood here if he was?" said the gazelle.

  • Sheepdoglady

    Gotta start somewhere. I like to go on long walks. I also like to take a cigar with me. Does it defeat the purpose? It's better than sitting in my backyard smoking a fat stogie and drinking a double JD on the Rocks.

    I'd sooner ditch the cigar and have the double Jd and (diet) coke if it's all the same please?!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member

    Personal responsibility is the key, and responsibility to do the right thing for your kids.
    Until my daughter was 3 every time she heard McDonalds she would start singing "ol Mc Donald had a farm". lol
    (just to be clear, I do go to McD's every now and again, but I am talking about the parents who do fast food many times a week or every night)

    I see alot of this I work at mcd's so I'm kinda hope since it pays my bills it doesn't go away anytime soon..But there are some people I see for lunch, then after school, then back for dinner...ordering thier kids the same thing...I've even had people ask me to put a medium fry in the kids meal...
    I don't feed my kids this stuff, maybe once in a blue moon,,, I don't want them going down the same road I am.