Vanilla almond milk



  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I only drink black coffee now, yukky in coffee. I add to puddings, smotthies and scones too
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    Perhaps it's just the brand I was using.. but when I put it in my coffee, it went a bit funny. On the surface little white bits formed and floated around.. a bit like it had curdled. I've since switched brands, but haven't tried it again.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    I tried to make Jello instant sugar-free pudding with Silk Light vanilla almond milk last night and it didn't set. I'll stick to dairy milk for that, I guess. I also don't really like it in coffee. I feel like it overwhelms the taste of the coffee.

    I do really like almond milk on cereal, in smoothies, and for oatmeal. I haven't baked much with it yet except for some protein mug cakes, but I plan to try it.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I tried to make Jello instant sugar-free pudding with Silk Light vanilla almond milk last night and it didn't set. I'll stick to dairy milk for that, I guess. I also don't really like it in coffee. I feel like it overwhelms the taste of the coffee.

    I do really like almond milk on cereal, in smoothies, and for oatmeal. I haven't baked much with it yet except for some protein mug cakes, but I plan to try it.

    The chemistry isn't right for that. It's lacking in protein and fats, and although you can make jello with skim milk, even that's a bit runnier. I've heard you can make jello pudding with coconut milk or hemp milk if you add a scoop of protein powder or something, but I'm not a big enough fan to try that one.

    I use almond, hemp, and hazelnut milk (unsweetened) store bought. If you look online, YouTube etc, you'll see it's really easy to make your own non-dairy milk, and so far the best homemade was a pistachio milk sweetened with nectresse(monk fruit). It's an easy switch to save calories. My roommates are also paranoid about consuming hormones and antibiotics from commercially farmed cows, and almond milk/coconut milk etc are way cheaper as a bonus.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I have noticed alot of ppl use it in their protein shakes... really you can do just about anything with it... I tried it in my coffee but didnt like it... more due to the visual of it.. it looks grainy in the coffee and so in my coffee I use light vanilla soy milk

    Agreed. It made my coffee lumpy and made my smoothie separate. Blah. :sick:
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    Yes! It tastes great in coffee or even certain flavors of tea. I put almond milk in my smoothies every day. I love the stuff.

  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I use it for everything EXCEPT coffee. To me it makes the coffee taste burnt. I've also tried soy and coconut milk in coffee. Trying to cut down on dairy but I can't seem to give up cream in my coffee, and some cheese occasionally. I use almond milk for drinking, in cereal, oatmeal, smoothies chia pudding, etc. Vanilla is my favourite for sure
  • laurenisfitforlife
    laurenisfitforlife Posts: 71 Member
    I use it in my coffee! It's still creamy but not as heavy as regular coffee cream.
  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    Have you tried the coconut almond milk? If you love coconut you would love the coconut almond milk. I absolutely love it and have it on my cereal. It is only 60 calories for 1 cup too.
  • Clovermoth
    Clovermoth Posts: 33 Member
    There is hemp milk? AND hazelnut milk? You have made my day!!
  • venus_blue
    venus_blue Posts: 103 Member
    I use almond milk in my lattes, protein shakes and pretty much wherever I would use milk. I don't like skim milk, so it's great to cut calories in my latte. I prefer regular milk on cereal, though. Just isn't the same with almond milk. Though I LOVE everything with Silk coconut milk, but can never find the unsweetened one here.
  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    I cannot give up cream in my coffee either. I have tried and tried over the years and I just cannot get to the point where I enjoy black coffee. More importantly for me, black coffee gives me heartburn and stained my teeth a lot. These two things were really what helped me to finally decide to just stay with the half & half. In reality, 1 TBSP of half & half is only 20 calories - so it really isn't a lot of calories that we are talking about here. I have 2 TBSNs of it in my coffee (40 calories) and I am satisfied with it.

    BTW, I did try the fat-free half & half and I don't like it. To me, it has a bit of a sweet taste (I don't like anything sweet in my coffee) and it really does not satisfy my desire for that little bit of cream in my coffee.

    I have ultimately made a trade-off in that I can have a few less calories for food per day and still be able to have my half & half in my coffee. I think we have to make choices on what we will give up and what we won't give up. For me, I won't give up the half & half.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I bake with it, use it in coffee, use it in my shakes, etc...

    Certain things I still use cow milk for, such as pasta dishes and certain baking items. But I use probably 90% almond milk in everyday life now.
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    I use it in my protein shakes mainly, but honestly haven't bought cow milk in months, if I can't make it with egg whites or almond milk, I guess I don't need to make it lol.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Makes the best oatmeal

    It does!
    I also use it as a glass of milk, on cereal, in baking, cocoa & ovaltine. I'm in the minority here about using it in coffee, though. I prefer milk in my coffee.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    bake with it
    put it in smoothies
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Silk almond/coconut unsweetened is my fav.I add vanilla,chocolate syrup & ice for a smoothie.
    great on cereal,oats,baked oatmeal & milkshakes.
    I use no fat skim milk in mashed potatoes,eggs,any creamed veggie.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    You can substitute almond milk for anything you use cow's milk with, though the nutty flavour of the original can sometimes alter the flavour if used in cooking. I prefer unsweetened vanilla for smoothies as the flavour is lighter than original unsweetened and goes well with all fruits (especially orange, where I often add a little vanilla extract to the mix as well to make it taste like a Creamsicle). I like unsweetened vanilla almond milk for iced coffee, but it tastes off in hot coffee to me, so I use unsweetened original almond milk instead, which gives it that nice creamy, nutty flavour. I usually drink black coffee and don't like flavoured coffees/lattes so that may be why I personally don't like the vanilla taste in my coffee. I'm lactose-intolerant and prefer almond to soy milk any day of the week.