women don't bulk! what's the point of strength training ?



  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Um, my muscles are bigger after a year of lifting and...I'm a woman :). Also great for functional lifting in life ...you know kids, groceries, etc.
    Its a really silly idea that women don't build muscle. We can even bulk if we want we just have to be Very Brave. I'm going to start a bulk when I'm done cutting.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Our muscles do grow though. Not drastically, but moderately or subtly, depending on your genetics and your diet and exercise regimen. The other point to it is to become stronger so that your daily tasks are easier, you don't get backaches, you stand up straight, etc.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I won't lie. I love the idea of bulking but I am terrified of eating too much.
    after festival season I intend getting a grip and trying it.
    Any advice is welcome

    Gotta get your mind right.

    It's a mental game. Once you've nailed the training schedule and eating enough, you've got to hang on in there and tough it out with the inevitable fat gain while you build some muscle.
    thank you. May try to get my head right while I deal with the summer and really get used to training hard and then bulk after that. (Fyi my ticker is a little out because I stopped weighing. Didn't want to be put off by a little number on a scale when the improvement is clear to see.)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have some loose skin (skin and fat) around my arms and inner thighs although I've lifted since the very first beginning .. anyhow I thought may be I should lift heavier to make my muscles grow a little so they attach to the loose skin but I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !? what's the point of training then ..

    Reasons for building strength.

    * Osteoporosis.
    * Pickle jar lids.
    * Milk jugs.
    * Playing with kids.
    * Feeling confident in the world.
    * Fit of clothes.
    * Being capable.
    * Overcoming mental barriers.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I won't lie. I love the idea of bulking but I am terrified of eating too much.
    after festival season I intend getting a grip and trying it.
    Any advice is welcome

    Gotta get your mind right.

    It's a mental game. Once you've nailed the training schedule and eating enough, you've got to hang on in there and tough it out with the inevitable fat gain while you build some muscle.
    thank you. May try to get my head right while I deal with the summer and really get used to training hard and then bulk after that. (Fyi my ticker is a little out because I stopped weighing. Didn't want to be put off by a little number on a scale when the improvement is clear to see.)

    Check out the Gaining Weight forum.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I have some loose skin (skin and fat) around my arms and inner thighs although I've lifted since the very first beginning .. anyhow I thought may be I should lift heavier to make my muscles grow a little so they attach to the loose skin but I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !? what's the point of training then ..

    Wow, usually these posts are the opposite. "You all be crazy if I am going to lift heavy. I don't want to bulk" :cry:

    Your post is quite refreshing.

    In a nutshell, woman can bulk if they want to but they have to train for it. All because of hormone types it is not as easy for them as men, but it can be done. However, you will not be able to do this while trying to lose weight. You should lift weight while losing weight to help retain existing muscle as well as help build strength. While losing weight it will be impossible to bulk up your muscle. Some people claim they can but it isn't possible. What they are seeing is reduced fat and more muscle exposed.

    I would recommend checking out this link.


    Also, check out New Rules of Lifting. There are multiple versions but a lot of people on hear recommend the one called New Rules of Lifting for Woman.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You won't make much progress trying to lift eating only 1200 calories.

    As others have mentioned, there are many worthwhile benefits of strength training.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I have some loose skin (skin and fat) around my arms and inner thighs although I've lifted since the very first beginning .. anyhow I thought may be I should lift heavier to make my muscles grow a little so they attach to the loose skin but I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !? what's the point of training then ..
    Muscle doesn't attach to skin. Strength train for strength and health. Skin will rebound in time.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!
    Don't worry, I'm sure her posts are not a lead-in to selling something.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!
    Don't worry, I'm sure her posts are not a lead-in to selling something.

    Well, since I'm not at all cynical and have no use for sarcasm, I'm sure you're right...