Not new, but enjoying the journey and not starving myself!



  • cahf
    cahf Posts: 137 Member
    Great thread. I'm three weeks in and finding that it is HARD to lose weight in your 40's. It took me 10 years to gain 100 lbs, so why I expect to lose it instantly I don't know. I'm struggling with what you are saying - I'm trying to just eat very healthily, around 1600 calories net, exercise a lot, and let go of weight loss being the proximate goal. I'm trying to be convinced that if I just keep being healthy, eventually something good will happen! Thanks for the post.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @cahf - Right on - I was so wrapped up in a number and getting all worried about how long It would take. I now am "diverting myself" by setting all these little physical goals to distract me so I don't get slaughtered by a bad scale day LOL.

    Good luck.. you can do it! :smile:
    Great thread. I'm three weeks in and finding that it is HARD to lose weight in your 40's. It took me 10 years to gain 100 lbs, so why I expect to lose it instantly I don't know. I'm struggling with what you are saying - I'm trying to just eat very healthily, around 1600 calories net, exercise a lot, and let go of weight loss being the proximate goal. I'm trying to be convinced that if I just keep being healthy, eventually something good will happen! Thanks for the post.
  • These_goto_11
    These_goto_11 Posts: 81 Member

    Started reading the "mean" people stuff and got smarter
    I say this "tongue and cheek" because the the "mean" people are people who have learned discipline and realized that they can't blame external forces. There are a lot of "whining" posts written by people who just want people to "verify" their story.. they really don't want the truth. The truth is we have to be "self directed" and responsible... that is a tough pill to swallow for people sometimes.

    WTF - A year!

    I have finally gotten it through my head that the weight didn't come on overnight and it sure as heck will not come off overnight. What keeps me going are NSVs of the physical variety. Running 5Ks and 10Ks eventually, Lifting more, starting Yoga etc.etc.etc.

    "Slow and Steady" :drinker: :smile:

    I agree! When I first joined MFP, I thought there was a lot of mean people, Turns out, the mean people have the best advise. They have been there, done that, and worked hard for it. I like my "friends" to not let me get away with s##t. When I cheated with smoking, they didn't say, "Oh tomorrow's another day", they asked, "what was the trigger", "did you learn from that", "are you done with that"....

    There is a saying, "What if you started a year ago", look where you would be now. So next year we can say, "I started a year ago...look where I am now!"

    Cheers :drinker:
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    @cahf - Right on - I was so wrapped up in a number and getting all worried about how long It would take. I now am "diverting myself" by setting all these little physical goals to distract me so I don't get slaughtered by a bad scale day LOL.

    Good luck.. you can do it! :smile:
    Great thread. I'm three weeks in and finding that it is HARD to lose weight in your 40's. It took me 10 years to gain 100 lbs, so why I expect to lose it instantly I don't know. I'm struggling with what you are saying - I'm trying to just eat very healthily, around 1600 calories net, exercise a lot, and let go of weight loss being the proximate goal. I'm trying to be convinced that if I just keep being healthy, eventually something good will happen! Thanks for the post.

    Thanks for this great reminder Chevy. I like to remind people to take measurements and pictures for those 'bad scale' days. Fitness goals are another great way to go. I have days when my eating is out of control, but I have to remind myself how common that was when I was eating at a lower goal.

    When I look at the big picture, my overall fitness has improved, I have lost 27 inches (over many, many measurement areas), my before and current pictures are a great reminder of how far I have come. I did a lot of reading when I started here. I experimented with lower cal, despite the warnings, and tried TDEE-20%. I am much less miserable and more energetic eating at a modest deficit.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @thanks everyone!
  • RhysJones92
    RhysJones92 Posts: 18 Member
    Words of wisodm! It's taken me quite a while to get used to the idea of this being a long journey and not a quick fix
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @Rhys... you know what is funny... there are still days where I fall into the trap of wanting it too quickly .... it is a lot of give and take!
    Words of wisodm! It's taken me quite a while to get used to the idea of this being a long journey and not a quick fix
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    The secret: Slowly but surely.
    Weight loss is not a diet; it's a life change, a mindset. It takes time, but everything that is worth having takes time.

    Your so right, and sometimes its the hardest lesson to learn - but once learnt that's how we keep the dreaded pounds off - or so I've heard.

    And @Chevy I too
    aspire to be a "mean" person here someday... well maybe at least a real brusque and curt good information giver LOL.

    A fabulous thread Chevy.

    edited for typo
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @K80 -
    A fabulous thread Chevy.

    Thanks so much.. All I hope is that someone who is eating less than 1000 calories per day and thinking that is the "only way" sees this and thinks: "hmmmmmmm....." :smile:
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Talk about hitting the nail on the head!!! Well said. I should know. I've done the juice fast, clean eating for 21 days, only raw foods..blah blah and of course they work...but at what cost. And the weight I lost came right back and then some extra too! So I made myself miserable for nothing. I finally told myself I'm DONE with that crap!! I'm not depriving myself anymore. I'm going the smart route. I choose wisely, but if I want a donut one day I will have it. I exercise 6 days a week. I weigh everything I eat (love my scale) and I'm aware of what I eat now. I didn't gain these 10lbs in 1 month so why would I try to lose it in one month? In fact I gained it over the course of a year. So, why am I racing!? Slow and steady.

    I'm perfectly happy with lost 1lb in a month! It took me a long time to get my head wrapped around it but I finally did. And I'm much happier for it...this is a great post I think should be a requirement to read. Trying to lose lots of weight in a short period of time ultimately leads to failure. I think we are too into the want it now mentality and it just gets us in trouble. Kudos to you all...I'd love to hear from everyone in a year!! That's dedication and I'm hoping to still be here...chugging along maybe 15lbs lighter! LOL Great post. :smooched:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @redzgal - So well said! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I wish I could go back in time to myself 15 years ago and just "shake myself up".
    I actually used to fast for 24 hours at a time and then eat only 500 calories the next day. It is a wonder I am alive LOL!
    Talk about hitting the nail on the head!!! Well said. I should know. I've done the juice fast, clean eating for 21 days, only raw foods..blah blah and of course they work...but at what cost. And the weight I lost came right back and then some extra too! So I made myself miserable for nothing. I finally told myself I'm DONE with that crap!! I'm not depriving myself anymore. I'm going the smart route. I choose wisely, but if I want a donut one day I will have it. I exercise 6 days a week. I weigh everything I eat (love my scale) and I'm aware of what I eat now. I didn't gain these 10lbs in 1 month so why would I try to lose it in one month? In fact I gained it over the course of a year. So, why am I racing!? Slow and steady.

    I'm perfectly happy with lost 1lb in a month! It took me a long time to get my head wrapped around it but I finally did. And I'm much happier for it...this is a great post I think should be a requirement to read. Trying to lose lots of weight in a short period of time ultimately leads to failure. I think we are too into the want it now mentality and it just gets us in trouble. Kudos to you all...I'd love to hear from everyone in a year!! That's dedication and I'm hoping to still be here...chugging along maybe 15lbs lighter! LOL Great post. :smooched:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am finding out I am not alone! :drinker:
  • gingercaroline76
    gingercaroline76 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for this Chevy! Being someone who is a returning MFP user, this really puts things in perspective for me. I have tried before, and gave up or quit because I just couldn't stay motivated or wait for the end result. I made excuses. But this really helps me to see how things really are. I am bound and determined to do it this time. No matter how long it takes. :)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member

    That is the "quote of the day" :smile:
    I am bound and determined to do it this time. No matter how long it takes. :)