Childish Food Habits



  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I will not let my food touch and I also eat one thing at a time. I have divided plates at home to assure that my food doesn't touch lol waitresses love me!

    My wife and kids constantly tease me how I don't let my foods touch and eat one food at a time. It pretty much runs in my family. Many of us have this hangup. I can now use your post as proof that there's nothing wrong with me :)
    My family has this tendency too. I'm one of the few odd ones who won't throw a fit if two dishes touch. You can imagine how pleasant and relaxing meal times are with the blood relatives. <eye roll>

    My hangups tend to be around texture and smells. I can tell after 1 or 2 chews if seafood, mushrooms or some other hated food is mixed into what I'm eating. People think they are so clever hiding things in sauces. My tongue and palate know.

    If I even smell bell peppers, my appetite flies out the window. Unless I have a fan or some other moving air blowing the stench away. God forbid stuffed peppers are being served for lunch at work. I can plan on spending at least 15 minutes on the toilet. I don't know what it is about the smell of bell peppers that loosens my bowels. Especially since I can eat it in very small doses if part of a tomato sauce. My stomach is gurgling right now thinking of the smell of bell peppers.
    Mayo is disgusting and it ruins everything it touches. It adds no flavor to anything. It's just slime. 'Oh, this sandwich isn't slimy enough for you? Let's put some mayo on it!' No . . . let's not. Every creamy sauce that is made with mayo is fail.

    Oh yeah, how could I forget the evilness also known as mayonnaise? The #1, top of the list, item that people try to feed you without letting you know it's there. Every year, throw out at least $50 worth of food that someone added mayo to without asking or listing it on the ingredients. If I had $5 for every time I heard, "Well everyone loves mayo." I could pay off my debts.

    Once, I ordered a fast food hamburger without mayo from Carl's Jr. drive thru. I bit into it and discovered the asshats had put at least a 1/4 cup blob of mayo in there. I almost crashed trying to get it out of my mouth and car. Bad, bad, people.
    Haha, yeah why is everyone so heavy handed with the mayo? Like it's manna from heaven or something? That last line made me spit out my water, lol
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I have major texture issues. even thinking about soggy bread makes me gag, I can't eat gluten free bread because it....dissolves in my mouth (hard to explain) doesn't hold together. And I have celiac, so I've been bread less for a long time lol.

    I gag a lot on carb type foods and have to spit them out - cereal, rice cakes, muffins etc. no idea why.

    M&ms get separated into colors and eaten by least appealing to most appealing that day. Blue usually wins most appealing.

    Meat is gross. No ethical reasons, but it can't eat it. Sometimes I have a hard time cooking it.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I can't eat meat if it's cooked on the bone (not a huge meat fan anyways, and I HATE chocolate!

    Ohhh, yeah. You'll never catch me eating a regular chicken wing or whatever. The idea that I might actually bite into the bone...ACK! Boneless wings all the way.
    There's another one, yep wings with bones =gross
  • suiteblooms
    suiteblooms Posts: 100
    hmmm... I eat like a little kid. At Chipotle I ask for Guacamole and pico de gaio on the side. Then I pick out EVERY LAST ONION & JALAPENO. I really only wanted the tomatoes. Onions get picked out no matter where I am. Friend's mom's house?... sorry these are gross. 5 star restaurant? tell the cook he should be imprisoned for his use of onions. Kale is also out of the question.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    1. When i eat lucky charms i save the marshmallows for last. I actually get excited when it's time to eat them, almost like it's a treat LOL
    2. If I have mashed potatoes with my meal....everything is dipped into it. Spinach. Meat. Cauliflower. Dinner roll whatever. I just scoop a portion of whatever else is on the plate, then scoop potatoes up with it.
    3. When i eat animal shaped nuggets or gummy bears I arrange them in inappropriate positions first
    4. I can't seem to eat gummy worms without letting four or five dangle out of my mouth like tentacles then shaking my head vigorously to make them sway. I think this started back when I was babysitting and entertaining kids lmao
    5. I still refer to eggs as dead baby chickens in conversation (and i love them)
    6. Sauce has to be in separate little bowls, even salad dressing
    7. I eat sushi by the layer, because of this I now prefer sashimi when dining out... less messy
    8. If I'm on the phone or zoned out I'll still make a volcano out of my mashed potatoes, or stick the asparagus in the center so they're standing tall like trees
    9. When im visiting home and my mom makes pineapple upside down cake for birthdays or holidays, I'm the one who sneaks into the kitchen later at night to eat the cherries and pineapple slices off the remainder of the cake. Then people see the cake the next day and go "SOMEONE ATE THE GOOD PARTS"..........hehehe, at least I wait til everyone got a slice....
    10. I will eat popcorn by the handful. Loudly. I don't care who sees/hears
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    hmmm... I eat like a little kid. At Chipotle I ask for Guacamole and pico de gaio on the side. Then I pick out EVERY LAST ONION & JALAPENO. I really only wanted the tomatoes. Onions get picked out no matter where I am. Friend's mom's house?... sorry these are gross. 5 star restaurant? tell the cook he should be imprisoned for his use of onions. Kale is also out of the question.

    Omgggg i hate onions. They stink, they burn my throat and make me gag. Everyone who knows me knows i won't eat whatever they cook if there's onions in it, even if the other 30983908434983 people at the dinner table want onion.
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    Cherry and grape tomatoes are out for me. I ate a salad once from Wendys and I bit into a cherry tomato that looked good from the outside but oozed something very unnatural from the inside. Ever since then I stay away from those... <shudder> <gag>
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Cherry and grape tomatoes are out for me. I ate a salad once from Wendys and I bit into a cherry tomato that looked good from the outside but oozed something very unnatural from the inside. Ever since then I stay away from those... <shudder> <gag>

    Haha when I see tomatoes I always think about George Carlin with his whole "on the outside they look delicious but on the inside something has gone terribly WRONG"
  • HereLieWe
    HereLieWe Posts: 233 Member
    I can't stand crunchy/grainy things where they don't belong. Especially in meat. Like, if I'm eating a chicken nugget and I hear/feel something crack against my teeth, I can't finish it. I think it's a bone or a bug or something, and for some reason that really grosses me out.

    However, I love fig seeds and seeds/grains in bread or places where they do belong.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I like to dip my Dinosaur chicken nuggets in honey, and pretend they're stuck in a tar pit.

    I am doing this tonight! lol!!!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I will not let my food touch and I also eat one thing at a time. I have divided plates at home to assure that my food doesn't touch lol waitresses love me!

    I don't really mind if my food touches, but I always eat my food one dish at a time, too
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I have several foods that I "hate," and I have been picking them off one by one for the last few years. I gradually start eating them until I love them. Cucumbers, mustard, and red peppers to name a few...
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I don't like biting into fruits that can't be eaten in one bite. Peaches? NO, peel off the fuzzy skin and slice it.
    Apples I've learned to tolerate biting into, but I just don't enjoy it and get fed up and probably waste 1/4 to 1/3 of it. Also, if the apple isn't super crispy I can't do it, cut or otherwise. Granny Smith apples are never mushy, so I usually stick to those. Oddly though, I love applesauce.

    Bananas - I LOVE bananas but the texture - ugh I don'y enjoy biting into the intact banana, I prefer to cut it into little discs and eat them plain or with peanbut butter, honey, or cinnamon, or some combination of the three. If I want a banana but have no way of cutting it... I make do. But sometimes I start gagging by the end.

    In college I still played with my food - I'd draw faces on my bananas with permanent marker (cause you peel them anyways). I'd also draw on cereal boxes, or other containers. I still remember my container of rolled oats - I drew teeth and eyes on the photo of the spoon that was stirring a pot of oats, and I gave some of the oats arms and legs and distressed faces. Because the spoon monster was eating them.
    But maybe it was just a creative way to tell my roommates which food was mine...