What Was Your "Aha!" Moment

I've recently "re-started" my weight loss journey. Previous attempts were somewhat half-hearted and typically did not include research but just a lingering "I'm feeling sorry for myself" mood. I would look at whatever diet was out there and "eat clean" for a few days before I got tried of it and binged on chocolate. I would fail, fail again, and fail some more. Soon I was so afraid I would fail that I wouldn't even start to live healthy. Around Memorial Day Weekend however I saw a picture of myself that instantly changed my view. I'm still not sure what struck me (I had seen unflattering photos of myself before), but it hit hard. I changed the way I ate, what I ate, and how I worked out the next day. Since then I've done a lot of researched, purchased a food scale, and changed my workout routines. I'm on track to lose 10 lbs by mid July. I'm not "dieting" but I am more conscious of what I am putting in my body and how much I am putting in my body.

Anyway, all that aside. I just want to know what your "Aha!" moment was to gain a little more inspiration:)


  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    My aha moment was when I realized all my kids have is me (parent-wise) and I want to make sure I am there well into their adult lives seeing them graduate high school/college, getting married having babies and just being happy. And a small part wants to look damn good next time my soon to be ex sees me but that's just a small part more like an added bonus lol.
  • grumpyfitness
    grumpyfitness Posts: 15 Member
    When the doctor put "obese" on my chart after a physical. Lost close to 80 pounds and got that off my record !!!!!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    What Was Your "Aha!" Moment
    I think it was back in 1985. Somewhere around that time frame.

  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    Yeah I didn't like seeing the word obese either. I am working my way down!
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I had two. The first was when I saw a picture of me and my sisters on vacation. I was the fat one! I started tracking here and walking with my husband. Then my grandpa died. He had heart issues his whole life and was so miserable for the last 4 years or so of his life. Heart disease, high BP, and diabetes run in my family in a major way. It just hit me when he died. So I started eating healthier and doing regular cardio.
  • VTuominen
    VTuominen Posts: 6
    My "Aha!" moment was when I went to donate blood last week. I was unable to donate because my iron was too low. Out of context this would've meant nothing, but I had just returned from my grandmother's house. She is 92 years old and all her numbers are great, except her iron, which is very, very low. Almost all of her deteriorating health can be traced to her anemia. She has to get iron transfusions twice a month or she cannot walk and her blood pressure plummets to a dangerous level (hypotension). My dad, too, told me that his iron is low, despite eating healthy, exercising, and taking multi-vitamins. That's when I realized that I was blessed genetically in many ways (naturally thin, low blood pressure, low cholesterol, etc.), but still had one major health disaster I need to look out for. If I had low iron in my 20s, I would be receiving infusions by my 80s. I came to MFP because the food diary allows me to look at certain nutrients that I need.
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    When my wedding & engagement rings became so tight that they hurt and I hadn't been able to get them off for over a month. I was terrified that I'd have to go get my gorgeous rings cut off my finger because I had gotten too fat. I'm happy to say I can now get them on and off with ease! What has kept me motivated is that for the first time ever my husband is doing this with me!
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    My "aha" moment was in 2010 at Easter family gathering. Wanted to dress up like the rest of the family. I wore a ugly dress bc its all I had. Was very hot that Easter I felt very uncomfortable and sweaty. I had to change into a dirty pair of jeans and a old football jersey that I had laying around in my car bc I felt way too uncomfortable. As I looked around at how everyone was having a good family gathering and I was sitting only realizing how gross I felt in dirty jeans and a old football jersey. I had a horrible Easter memory BUT the very next day I said that was the last Easter I felt like that. AND it has been! I didn't lose weight over night. It took me 2 1/2 years to lose 50 pounds. I did it slow and have kept it off. Have not had another family gathering where I felt gross. My "aha" moment is still very clear in my mind 4 years later.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    Mine was more in regards to eating what I wanted, and portion size.

    One week, I was feeling lazy and wanted Taco Bell. So, I told myself I could have it, I'd just have to meet my calorie goal. If I went over, no more Taco Bell.

    I didn't go over, and I still lost weight that week.

    So, I tried it with other things.

    Still lost weight.

    Angels sang, and I realized: the good foods weren't gone, they were just in the moderation zone like everything else.
  • StrongHealthyPowerful
    StrongHealthyPowerful Posts: 98 Member
    The big one was four years ago, when my childhood best friend asked me to be in her wedding and chose a beige, strapless, lace dress for us bridesmaids to wear. That was what kicked my *kitten* into gear. I lost 25 lbs by the wedding (three months later) and all told about 55+ lbs in the next seven months. Flash forward to now. Roughly 10-15 lbs had crept back on, and overall my body just wasn't feeling as toned or strong as I wanted. About a month ago, I also saw a picture of myself and realized that if I kept going, I would be right back where I was four years ago. Not going to happen!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    type 2 diabetes!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    My dad and I went on a trip to visit Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon. I hate having my picture taken because I feel so bad about my weight. But I let my dad take a picture at the Grand Canyon because I managed to overcome my terror of heights long enough to look over the edge. My dad likes to make these books for each of his vacations--he designs it online and then the company sends back a nice hardcover book--and sent me the finished one for our trip.

    I looked awful. Not just heavy but every one of my 45 years and then some. I didn't have any illusions about my weight; I wasn't in denial. But that picture broke my heart. I promised myself that I would lose weight the healthy way, so that the next time I travel with my pop, I'll let him take as many pictures as he likes.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    When I was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. I had been a nurses aid in college and I had to lift people who weighed over 300 lbs. I was terrified if I needed help nobody would be able to help me. Now my husband can pick me up easily. Fear can be a powerful motivator
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I went to my cousin's wedding in Washington DC, this was August of 2011. A couple of things happened; one was that I had trouble finding a dress to wear that I felt good in. Then the second thing was getting back the pictures. I looked terrible and this was definitely at my peak weight. I had started MFP the month before but I really started taking it seriously after the wedding. I lost 40 pounds over the next 8-10 months and have kept it off since then.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    The realization that I could drop dead at any moment and no one would be surprised. Which came with sleep apnea. When you are so fat you smother yourself. I finally dealt with my crap self esteem and began to see myself as God sees me. I fell in love with me exactly as i am. It literally flipped a switch and i quit medicating with food. food is just food now. Here is a hint - if you talk about food the way people talk about a girlfriend or boyfriend. you have a problem
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    When I was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. I had been a nurses aid in college and I had to lift people who weighed over 300 lbs. I was terrified if I needed help nobody would be able to help me. Now my husband can pick me up easily. Fear can be a powerful motivator

    Oh my, I forgot, I was also diagnosed with MS earlier that year and even that wasn't enough! Good for you. I did feel that the weight loss helped with my disease tremendously.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Getting a photo to renew my passport and HATING how I looked. Happened 5 weeks ago.:embarassed:
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    When I got on my scale and saw 325 lbs. I realized I was slowly killing myself and I needed to change. And to add to that, the first time I started to exercise again, I couldn't even squat 90 degrees or even jump. I actually cried and vowed that I'd try my best to get healthy
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    I had been messing around starting in healthy eating for years and never really getting anywhere, and then i had the chance to see a personal trainer for 8 weeks for free through work. The first week, we did some tests, and i discovered my blood pressure was sky high, my fat percentage of my body weight was 51% and my muscle percentage was 20%, which is much lower than a woman my age should be. It really shocked me, and it made me get serious about getting fitter and healthier, and i have lost 10lbs in the last 8weeks
  • debbieruth
    debbieruth Posts: 40
    My aha moment was when I had seen family photos around Christmas time, and I got a serious glimpse at how unhappy and miserable I looked. I didn't feel good about myself at all, and decided to make a change! 2 years later, and 80 pounds lighter, I don't see that unhappy girl anymore...just a radiant, beautiful and smiley young woman! :)