What Was Your "Aha!" Moment



  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    My "aha" or "oh oh" moment was when my doctor told me I would be dead in 5 years if I didn't do something about my weight.
  • SuARogue
    SuARogue Posts: 17 Member
    Mine was very similar to you. I've been very unhappy with myself for quite sometime, but I saw a certain photo and I just could no take it. Also seeing a doctor for the first time in like 9 years made me focus on being healthy. Its a struggle and I miss certain junk food but over all I've got 1 month under my belt and 9lbs lost. My goal is 50lbs total lost by February 2015.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    On my 27th birthday being diagnosed with diabetes and sleep apnea and on my way to a fatty liver. It woke me up :)
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I have had several, including watching "Biggest Loser" and rediscovering my old Richard Simmons VHS tape, but I hope to have more. Type II diabetes diagnosis led me to a regular exercise program (finally!) and giving up added sugar and most white flour, but I still have not lost any real poundage, and I am still squeezing into my largest jeans. I have to up the ante to truly succeed.
  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    When my wedding & engagement rings became so tight that they hurt and I hadn't been able to get them off for over a month. I was terrified that I'd have to go get my gorgeous rings cut off my finger because I had gotten too fat. I'm happy to say I can now get them on and off with ease! What has kept me motivated is that for the first time ever my husband is doing this with me!

    Thats awesome. I think having someone close to you that actively participates is really important. I'm lucky my brother also helps me :)
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I have had several, including watching "Biggest Loser" and rediscovering my old Richard Simmons VHS tape, but I hope to have more. Type II diabetes diagnosis led me to a regular exercise program (finally!) and giving up added sugar and most white flour, but I still have not lost any real poundage, and I am still squeezing into my largest jeans. I have to up the ante to truly succeed.

    Yes, I have an "aha!" every time I see "Biggest Loser" or "Extreme Weight Loss".
  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    Mine was more in regards to eating what I wanted, and portion size.

    One week, I was feeling lazy and wanted Taco Bell. So, I told myself I could have it, I'd just have to meet my calorie goal. If I went over, no more Taco Bell.

    I didn't go over, and I still lost weight that week.

    So, I tried it with other things.

    Still lost weight.

    Angels sang, and I realized: the good foods weren't gone, they were just in the moderation zone like everything else.

    I'm feeling kind of similar. I didn't want to give it all up because I felt like I would fail (as I had done in the past). I ate Taco Bell last week and I had pizza with a friend the other night. I just make sure I exercise and it fits into my goal. Glad you are having the same success!
  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    My "aha" moment was in 2010 at Easter family gathering. Wanted to dress up like the rest of the family. I wore a ugly dress bc its all I had. Was very hot that Easter I felt very uncomfortable and sweaty. I had to change into a dirty pair of jeans and a old football jersey that I had laying around in my car bc I felt way too uncomfortable. As I looked around at how everyone was having a good family gathering and I was sitting only realizing how gross I felt in dirty jeans and a old football jersey. I had a horrible Easter memory BUT the very next day I said that was the last Easter I felt like that. AND it has been! I didn't lose weight over night. It took me 2 1/2 years to lose 50 pounds. I did it slow and have kept it off. Have not had another family gathering where I felt gross. My "aha" moment is still very clear in my mind 4 years later.

    I really like that your "aha" moment stuck with you. I am hoping mine continues to motivate me.
  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    My Partners Mum wanted to start swimming and asked if I would go with her I tried on my old swimming costume but it wouldn't fit so we went into the city and bought new costumes. I knew I was fat but I always thought that My Partners Mum was much bigger than me and when I realised she was trying on costumes the same size as me all I could think was that I have the same body as a woman 25 years older than me and it made me feel misreable but I didn't really do anything because I kind of resigned myself a long while ago that I have always been big so I was meant to be that way.

    So a couple of weeks later we went swimming and I had forgotten how much I loved it, my partners Mum didn't mention it again but a couple of weeks later I woke up early on my day off and thought I could go for a swim so I did and I went again the next week and the next and when I went for a routine visit to my doctor he weighed me and I had lost 6lbs and I thought wow after weighing the same amout for 10 years I just go swimming once a week and change nothing else and I am 6lbs lighter and my brain suddenly clicked and thought I CAN DO THIS! and now I have lost 14lbs just through little changes and have set myself little goals and am content for it to take me a while, I think when I have done it before I have tried to rush it and that is how I have failed.

    I love this. I am so happy that you found something that you enjoy that is also helping you. Very motivating!
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    The light bulb went on for me when I realized that "life is going on whether you do or not. If you want to be a part of it, you better do something to make yourself start wanting to be a part of it and be happy!"

    My low self esteem had taken a toll on me so I knew that losing weight was going to be where I, personally, needed to start to move out of my depression.

    Like the Cadillac Three song, "This world don't care if I'm crying". Why sit around miserable in a world that doesn't care if I'm crying?? I was the only one who could change it so I did and still going! I had no support from my family or my mother, just from my husband and daily prayer.

    I used excuses for years... "Genetics", "I'm worthless so who cares" is what I told myself, "you're MARRIED so who cares" is what I heard a lot from my sister. I finally got to point that I was so sick of the negativity in my life and no encouragement, even from myself that I started doing it for the jealous women in my life over the years. Had to start somewhere, and that's what helped me to start!

    I had a glimpse of what happy could mean for me if I actually lost this weight. It would mean, I could be secure enough in myself to not allow others to bring me down, no matter how hurtful or hateful their words. If I know who I am as a person and am secure in that, then I can do anything else I want!!! But first, it was the weight that needed to go. :heart:

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    My A-ha moments were all back in 2008. I had reached my heaviest weight and hated photos of me, had swollen ankles a lot, and shortness of breath when walking long distances or climbing stairs. I knew something had to change so I set out walking several miles per night. It took me several years to lose 40-45 lb. But that was my biggest "lifestyle change". For me, it was much bigger than joining this site a little over a year ago and losing 83 lb.
  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    My former boss and mentor told me something that really has stuck with me:

    "People only change because of inspiration or desperation."

    A disease, cholesterol, heart attack, upcoming wedding... those are desperate moments that lead to change. Your family, someone else's success, looking in the mirror... those are inspiring moments. One is not better than the other, but I find it to be so true.

    Lots of people are listing their "Aha Moment" as their moment of inspiration or desperation. To me... those are the trigger moments. My "Aha Moment" for me is the moment when I transitioned from external motivation and thoughts of "diet", "lose and maintain", "eat healthy now and change later", to thoughts of "This is how I am going to live the rest of my life."

    For me... Aha means, "I get it now. I understand what it entails."

    Surprisingly, that moment for me came after a moment of weakness. After 4 months of hard diet and exercise, and losing over 60 pounds, I was out for lunch, alone, at a bakery, and the chef offered me a huge complimentary piece of cake. I had been so strict for four months, depriving myself of any little ounce of "bad" food. But... I just snapped. I took the cake, ate it, enjoyed it, and felt horrible about myself the rest of the day. The next morning, I stepped on the scale, and I was down a half a pound since my previous weigh in.

    That was my moment. That made me understand that food is not an enemy, and treats are not to be feared. The enemy is ignorance. The enemy was the years of not knowing what I was actually putting in my body and what I was using up as energy. A piece of cake, a bowl of ice cream, a cheeseburger... They are OK. As long as I can track it, validate it, measure it, and understand the consequences of the choice of eating it, and maybe impact those consequences through choices as far as exercise and activity, I can live a life of great balance.

    So now I understand it's not about "diet and exercise." It's about choices and consequences... and I have far more control over those.

    I really really love this. I too made food an enemy for so long and in doing that food had so much power over me. Now it's my choice, be it a piece of cake or a cup of cherries, and I'm ok with that. Like you I track it, accept it, and make sure I am working hard so that I will not feel any guilt about eating things in moderation.

    I think that what you stated above was part of what made my "aha" moment click and help me fall into a healthy lifestyle.
  • AliceSwarthout
    AliceSwarthout Posts: 808 Member
    What Was Your "Aha!" Moment
    I think it was back in 1985. Somewhere around that time frame.

    Hahahahaha! I see what you did there.
  • kgotstyle
    kgotstyle Posts: 15
    Mine was very similar to you. I've been very unhappy with myself for quite sometime, but I saw a certain photo and I just could no take it. Also seeing a doctor for the first time in like 9 years made me focus on being healthy. Its a struggle and I miss certain junk food but over all I've got 1 month under my belt and 9lbs lost. My goal is 50lbs total lost by February 2015.

    Congratulations! Seeing a doctor is the one piece I'm missing, but I'm hoping to talk to one sometime soon. Sounds like we are on such a similar track:)
  • iasue
    iasue Posts: 46 Member
    A combination of things. Looking at pictures of myself and hating every single one, seeing the scale stuck too close to the 200 mark consistently no matter what I told myself I was doing. Lastly when I actually calculated my BMI and it was in the obese category - that was it for me. I had never been in the obese category for my BMI and it horrified me.
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    Mine wasn't a single moment. It was more like a few months of ridiculing myself every time I got in the shower. I was down right nasty to myself. If anyone else would have said such horrible things, I would never have spoken to them again. It got to a point where I stopped looking in the mirror. I hated seeing what I had allowed myself to become.

    After what felt like forever abusing myself and doing nothing to change what I hated, I started MFP. The negativity stopped almost instantly because I was doing what I could to change, and there was no reason to beat myself up for doing my best. I look in the mirror every day now, and although I'm not satisfied with my body yet, I don't spew negativity at all anymore.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Way to go! I can relate completely to you story. With over 100 lbs to lose, I also found some hope in the Biggest Loser, even though it got crazy and unhealthy at the end. I just needed to see that it was possible for a person my size to lose weight. It spurred me on to my current program and I'm finding success, and feeling so much stronger, mentally and physically. I don't think anyone can underestimate the power of Hope to help someone with a lot of weight to lose. I actually just wrote about it in my blog. I wish everyone lots of success. We can do it!

  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I've known for a while I needed to lose weight. It just kept creeping up. I wasn't that overweight and I carry my weight well, so I got comfortable with it. I also falsely believed that I just couldn't lose that much, maybe 20lb but nothing more.

    I would "diet" and lose 10-15lb and than gain 20lb back.

    three months ago we started a weight challenge at work. I really wanted to win and researched all the diets etc. I came across this website.

    Now I don't "diet" I just log and stay under my calorie goal. And I've lost over 20lb! (logged 35lb at work but that includes some bloating at the first weigh in and a lot of water loss at the end)

    For the first time in a long time I feel like I can actually lose it all and keep it of.
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    The usual stuff, clothes not fitting well. But for the first time, my bra straps were digging into my shoulders. It made me so angry! So I started lifting weights. But I didn't change my diet. Then I gained twelve pounds and I got even angrier! That finally motivated me to get serious about my diet and cut all the sugary crap I'd been consuming regularly for years. My shoulders thank me now.
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    A couple of things. A picture of me from my coworker's retirement party. Ending a 14+ year relationship and realizing that I had been depending on him for my happiness and self worth. Improving every single part of my life and reaching the point where literally the only thing in my way is my obesity. I never cared about myself enough to care that I was a ticking bomb and figured no one would care if I just didn't wake up one morning. Now *I* care.