Weight Watchers VS Calorie Counting

I have been a member of Weight Watchers on and off for several years now. On my most recent attempt, I have lost about 40 pounds with WW. I still have about 20 pounds to go. I have been on MFP on and off as well. Right now I have somewhat stalled in losing weight and I am wondering if I should convert to strictly calorie counting or continue with WW.

Each program has it's pros and cons. For WW, I truly enjoy going to the weekly meetings and the accountability that the weight ins provide. However, I have grown tired of the points plus system and find it tedious to have to calculate a points value for each food, especially when it comes to eating out. With MFP, I like the tracking aspects; I feel that counting calories much simpler than points and gives me a better idea of how much I am eating.

I am wondering if there is anyone that has tried both plans and might be able to give me some insight into which plan I should stick with or if I should try following both plans for the time being. I'm interested in any input you may have. Thanks!


  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I prefer MFP... because it's free.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I was a WW member and lost 61lbs while I was still in high school as a heavy teenager. Between high school and college I had stopped going to meetings and gained more than half of what I lost back, because I wasn't tracking everything according to point values. I was trying to just do it in my head.

    So, when I heard of MFP, I decided to try it and I LOVE it. I believe its been 3 years or so for me on here and I have maintained (pretty much give or take 10lbs) my goal weight. I love that it is free and that it has a food diary and app that I can use from my smart phone to hold me accountable. It got me through college. Also, in place of meetings - the forums (here!) are a great place for answers to questions and support! It's just a bigger support group.

    I much better prefer MFP because I feel like its much more of a lifestyle change than a diet.
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    I used WW years ago, but I did it online, so I can't speak to the level of motivation one receives from meetings. Strictly in terms of the apps/ program, MFP wins out big time. First of all, it is so much easier to find the nutritional information you need on MFP because their database (due to users sharing info) is so much more comprehensive than WW. I felt like with WW, I would get frustrated when I couldn't figure out the points value of a food, so I would just scrap the whole day. I have never had a difficult time tracking with MFP; my husband and I went to a food festival recently and were able to find at least one similar entry for every single thing we ate. Second of all, MFP makes it simple, which is what it should be. I felt like WW was always changing their program and introducing "the next big thing", which they have to do to keep people coming back. Third, MFP is free.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You should stick with what you like and what makes you happiest. :)

    Some people weigh every bit of food and do math calculations to set a number they eat up or down to. Some skip that.

    Some eat McDonald's. Some eat healthy.

    Some eat all day, others want one big meal.

    Some eat when their hungry and stop when they're full.

    It's all about what works for YOU. You know you best...What do you want to do? (Do that.)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Like you said, there are good things and bad things about both. It's just up to you.

    Do you have MFP set up to calc Points? That might help you do both for a while or flip flop back and forth between the two.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I like that MFP gives macros (protein, fat and carb) as well as calories.
  • jbates62
    jbates62 Posts: 7 Member
    I like MFP because I tend to eat junk on WW bc I don't see my graph of fats, protein and carbs! I like the results better with this.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    I think if you ask here people will say calorie counting and if you ask there they'll say weight watchers.

    I'm a math person. Calories make sense to me in a way their points system does not. In the end you'd hope they do a similar job.

    My roommate is on WW and she does like it a lot. And when I complain about 100 calories for an apple or for a glass of orange juice she proudly states, "this is why I love WW". Now that's fine, but I don't like that so-called "unhealthy" food is penalized and "healthy" food given a free pass. None of it's calorie free and I don't believe that for me it would allow me to make good choices in the future if that line of thinking became ingrained in me.

    Edit: i have not tried WW, only looked at it b/c my roommate was trying to convince me to start it.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Maybe you can get your accountability/socializing fix here on the forums or by adding some friends. Otherwise, why not do both? Attend meetings and log food in a way that makes sense to you.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Either approach will work if you take it seriously (i.e., you can cheat either system). Only you know if you're the type of person would needs / likes the meeting thing. My wife like the meetings, and does weight watchers. Meetings bore me, so I do MFP. We're both losing weight.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You could do both for a little while. You could go back and form (OK to quit WW and pick it up again later.)
    I love the points system and WW teaches people to eat nutrient dense foods but MFP is better for someone who is looking for exactness. And MFP has a better website.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
  • Bananafish06
    Bananafish06 Posts: 13 Member
    *Oops, replied to wrong post
  • szkodzt
    szkodzt Posts: 124 Member
    Here is my two cents:

    I used WW for many years (not continuously) and lost weight several times with the program. I liked that it worked and I feel that it is a really good program for people who know nothing about hunger cues, portion sizes, etc. However, for me, it felt way to "diet-y." I didn't like how it centered so much around the scale and really didn't push the fitness side at all (this may just have been my experience and meetings). Both times I lost significant amounts of weight but I didn't feel "healthy."

    When I got to my highest weight ever after having my third child, I thought back to all my various journeys and realized that I was in the best shape of my life when I was just eating heathier things in smaller portions and working out and lifting weights (not following any program). I decided to stop weighing myself and start working out. I am counting calories because I really think I have ruined myself with hunger cues, etc, so I need that to stay on track. A month and a half in I am down a couple of dress sizes and feeling great.

    MFP feels like something I could do forever (I don't feel like I am DOING anything, just living healthy). WW felt like a diet.
  • Bananafish06
    Bananafish06 Posts: 13 Member
    "Do you have MFP set up to calc Points?"

    How do you do this?
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    At the end it is the same thing.
    It doesn't make any difference if you count calories or points.
    You will not go to meetings anymore and save some money.
  • chutaro
    chutaro Posts: 2
    WW did not work for me because I overeat EVERYTHING including fruits and vegetables. WW awards zero points for fruits and vegetables. I was eating WAY too many calories in fruit and vegetables so I ended up gaining on WW. I am losing with MFP. I think it depends on your eating patterns. My friends are losing weight on WW but they will eat 5 mini peppers at a time and I will eat 18 for 150 calories and that is just the beginning of my over indulgence. Good luck to you!
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi I never used WW but when you say you enjoy the meetings I totaly get that and have maybe a suggestion for you.
    you can go to over-eaters anonymous (OE) meetings for FREE and then use MFP for FREE.
    Even if you don't consider yourself an over-eater the meetings are there for us free of charge and you can get the type of meetings you like.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    I used to use WW before they upgraded to the point plus system (and honestly it worked just fine). My mom used to do it, and when she stopped, she gave me her stuff so I could do it on my own. So it was free for me. About 5 years ago, I was able to lose 25 pounds in a few short months, and I've still kept that weight off. MFP tracks calories, while WW calculates points based off of calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber (if I remember correctly - it's been 5 years). I remember WW being really easy to use. I had a slider that would give me the point value, and I would write everything down in a notebook and it really worked. Unfortunately, I've yet to lose much weight by only tracking calories, but of course I'll keep giving MFP a chance.
  • BiancaMariaBerg
    I used to do WW as well and lost 30 pounds back on their old program. Now after being pregnant and gaining 52 pounds I gave it a shot again and it did not work for me at all.. apparently WW changed their program. Logging onto here and writing down what I was eating on WW I was shocked to discover that on some days I ate only 900-1000 cals a day but went over my points on WW big time. WW gives a higher amount of points for foods they consider as 'not as optimal/healthy'. I am on a paleo diet with focuses on lot's of veggies, fruits, proteins and fats. The problem is that fats and protein gives a lot of WW points. To make a long story short my body held onto the weight on WW and I ended up gaining weight. I dropped WW and only use MFP now :)