Exercise and Broken Metabolism



  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    It would be helpful to know what others have asked. You height, weight, maybe your current 10k pace.

    THANK YOU:flowerforyou:

    I read this article. and it looks like I fit in "metabolic resistance" the most...sigh...:frown:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    OK so I don't have broken metabolism. I just eat too much...but the amount of food I eat every day barely keep me alive and not wanting to kill people...:( should I eat less? I guess that's the only outlet now...
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I figured that I have been eating at maitenance for these past 3 years, or it doesn't explain why I am not losing even one ounce...Then my maintenance level is really low, like 1800 low...this sucks.

    How much do you weigh?

    um....thank you for your reply...but I am not comfortable to say my weight...:) I am borderline over weight for my height and frame.
    Borderline overweight by what measure? Are you comfortable saying your BMI? Is that you in the photo? If so, you haven't lost weight because you have no excess weight to lose. And I say that in all kindness and as someone who cares.

    by the "useless BMI" standard.

    I know you have been kind to me always~ thank you~
    I think BMI can be 'useless' for for the very muscular among us, when it tells you you're overweight but the truth is you're just muscular. For the other 95% of us, I think it's very useful.

    I have a teen daughter who is a twig who thinks her thighs and butt are fat, too. I think it's just the curse of young women. Sadly.

    I don't mean this at all to diminish your concerns but I think it's just something we grow out of. Women are all shaped differently, we are not our friends, and we all have fat, by design. You rarely love the fat parts but you learn that they matter very little in life, in the big picture. And to anyone besides ourselves, they don't matter at all. In all likelihood, someday you'll look back and kick yourself for wasting any thought at all on it. Your body WORKS and that's what you come to appreciate. Be kind to yourself.

    (Does losing weight really help you run faster? Sprinters look kinda huge!) :smile:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I figured that I have been eating at maitenance for these past 3 years, or it doesn't explain why I am not losing even one ounce...Then my maintenance level is really low, like 1800 low...this sucks.

    How much do you weigh?

    um....thank you for your reply...but I am not comfortable to say my weight...:) I am borderline over weight for my height and frame.
    Borderline overweight by what measure? Are you comfortable saying your BMI? Is that you in the photo? If so, you haven't lost weight because you have no excess weight to lose. And I say that in all kindness and as someone who cares.

    by the "useless BMI" standard.

    I know you have been kind to me always~ thank you~
    I think BMI can be 'useless' for for the very muscular among us, when it tells you you're overweight but the truth is you're just muscular. For the other 95% of us, I think it's very useful.

    I have a teen daughter who is a twig who thinks her thighs and butt are fat, too. I think it's just the curse of young women. Sadly.

    I don't mean this at all to diminish your concerns but I think it's just something we grow out of. Women are all shaped differently, we are not our friends, and we all have fat, by design. You rarely love the fat parts but you learn that they matter very little in life, in the big picture. And to anyone besides ourselves, they don't matter at all. In all likelihood, someday you'll look back and kick yourself for wasting any thought at all on it. Your body WORKS and that's what you come to appreciate. Be kind to yourself.

    (Does losing weight really help you run faster? Sprinters look kinda huge!) :smile:

    I think my cardiovacular level is very good so with lighter mass to move, I can run faster...that's just my guess. I need to lose weight to prove...LOL catch-22 thing huh?
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    You can always try a metabolic reset. That means eat maintenance (plus exercise calories) for about two weeks before attempting a deficit again.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I figured that I have been eating at maitenance for these past 3 years, or it doesn't explain why I am not losing even one ounce...Then my maintenance level is really low, like 1800 low...this sucks.

    How much do you weigh?

    um....thank you for your reply...but I am not comfortable to say my weight...:) I am borderline over weight for my height and frame.
    Borderline overweight by what measure? Are you comfortable saying your BMI? Is that you in the photo? If so, you haven't lost weight because you have no excess weight to lose. And I say that in all kindness and as someone who cares.


    If that's you in your picture, you aren't going to lose weight because you have no weight to lose. Our bodies aren't mean to lose weight- especially women.

    All you can try to do is add lean muscle.

    I wish this were true "no weight to lose". I have big jiggling thighs and butt. My friends are smaller and thinner than me at same age, but they mange to lose more pounds than me by just running 2 miles a day...they made me feel stupid...I must be doing something wrong.

    When it comes to weight loss, you can't compare yourself to others. Everyone loses weight at different speeds. So you have no reason to feel stupid!!

    Big thighs and a big butt are mostly genetics. I was 97 lbs & 14% BF my whole life and I still had large thighs and a big ole booty.

    Since you've had such a difficult time losing weight (I can relate), it wouldn't hurt to check in with your doctor and see if they will test your thyroid and hormone levels. It could be something as simple as an under-active thyroid or high cortisol levels.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I figured that I have been eating at maitenance for these past 3 years, or it doesn't explain why I am not losing even one ounce...Then my maintenance level is really low, like 1800 low...this sucks.

    How much do you weigh?

    um....thank you for your reply...but I am not comfortable to say my weight...:) I am borderline over weight for my height and frame.
    Borderline overweight by what measure? Are you comfortable saying your BMI? Is that you in the photo? If so, you haven't lost weight because you have no excess weight to lose. And I say that in all kindness and as someone who cares.


    If that's you in your picture, you aren't going to lose weight because you have no weight to lose. Our bodies aren't mean to lose weight- especially women.

    All you can try to do is add lean muscle.

    I wish this were true "no weight to lose". I have big jiggling thighs and butt. My friends are smaller and thinner than me at same age, but they mange to lose more pounds than me by just running 2 miles a day...they made me feel stupid...I must be doing something wrong.

    When it comes to weight loss, you can't compare yourself to others. Everyone loses weight at different speeds. So you have no reason to feel stupid!!

    Big thighs and a big butt are mostly genetics. I was 97 lbs & 14% BF my whole life and I still had large thighs and a big ole booty.

    Since you've had such a difficult time losing weight (I can relate), it wouldn't hurt to check in with your doctor and see if they will test your thyroid and hormone levels. It could be something as simple as an under-active thyroid or high cortisol levels.

    I had it checked every year and everything is in normal range. I had my cortisole checked as well...
    thank you for understanding..I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but surrounding by small people (my culture group) it's hard to be big and heavy...and the worst of all you have to listen to these "skinny bi***" whining every day how "fat" they are...:brokenheart:
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    Looking in the mirror is a better indicator of improvement than looking at a scale. Also it is highly likely that the estimate of calories burned from exercise is incorrect. Are you pushing yourself in the gym? Are you out of breath when you complete an exercise? Also when you workout do you feel sore the next day? If not you probably aren't hitting the weights hard enough.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    You can always try a metabolic reset. That means eat maintenance (plus exercise calories) for about two weeks before attempting a deficit again.

    I think I may have done this unintentionally when I was on vacation for a couple of weeks each time...but I could have done it totally wrong...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Looking in the mirror is a better indicator of improvement than looking at a scale. Also it is highly likely that the estimate of calories burned from exercise is incorrect. Are you pushing yourself in the gym? Are you out of breath when you complete an exercise? Also when you workout do you feel sore the next day? If not you probably aren't hitting the weights hard enough.

    I am so paranoid that I don't trust my mirror and pictures because angles and lightings are deceiving...I only trust scale or clothes, ironically.

    I don't know if I have pushed to my limit. I can run 10 miles with no break, or deadlift 120 failing at 6th rep...I guess I can always push myself further...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Lyle McDonald says for average Jane or Joe, losing fat means losing weight. So I am not that special...I need to lose weight but just don't know how...what else can I try...
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Calories in versus calories out. It's impossible not to lose weight if you're eating less than you're burning in a day. I would suggest that people who are stating that they're stuck review their calculations on calories burned and or make certain that they are logging in and recording all food intake during the day.

    Also check to see if your activity level on MFP is adjusted to high. The only truly active people are those that do heavy physical labor for their jobs. Working out a few times a week really doesn't compare to say the physical activity of a framer who does it for a living.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    ...it's hard to be big and heavy..
    You're not big and heavy, or big, or heavy. If you were, you wouldn't be hiding your weight and BMI from us. :flowerforyou:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    ...it's hard to be big and heavy..

    Wait, in other threads you've posted...

    I am pretty lean around my waist and for most of time of the year, six packs are very visible. However, I do notice from time to time, my lower belly is bulging out. It's firm at touch, not flappy or jiggling...it makes me super self conscious and feel "fat" as scale number usually goes up with it as well

    My own experience is this: after 2 years of running, weight training, and other hardcore stuff, my thighs are no longer jiggling when I move. The inner thighs are very firm at touch. And if I flex, I can see the "tones" along the quads, hammie and inner thighs. I know, I know they are not all muscles but what could have contributed to this change?

    And you sound very fit and your blog shows you running 4-6 times a week.

    I think you might consider that your body image is not aligned with the reality. Forget BMI, if you are showing 6 pack abs, you are likely lean.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    I seriously consider you to search Layne Norton on you tube.. he is a professional body builder, and a doctor. Search his video called,' Metabolic Damage'. Such thing does exist, and you need to take action before it becomes worse. Overtime if this continues, even taking in 700calories, you won't see change...I'm sure your goal is to live a lenient life, free to still gorge and eat within 1600-2000 calories a day, because this is normal and possible.

    I find the people on these boards still newbies and uneducated when it comes to the understanding of the bodies cycles and food adaptation. Everyone is just emphasizing the calories in vs calories out, and although this is a very true concept, sudden drop of intake or sudden rise on intake is not how it should be done.

    Search for Layne.

    Good luck,..