Any advice for a short term low calorie diet?



  • All day soup. There was a post on it a long time ago, and it had a recipe.

    I do this once in a while. It helps so I know what you mean


    No, go home WLG1974. You're drunk. :drinker:

    Grow up.

    You got me.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    We all require a minimum of 1200 calories a day, otherwise our bodies go into starvation mode, thereby slowing our metabolic rate, and what calories you do eat will be stored as fat, making it all the harder to lose. And that happens regardless of what type of food you're eating.

    MFP has set you up according to the information you put in it, and it's based on losing 1 to 2 pounds a week in order to help you keep it off. So don't mess with Mother Nature, there's always consequences to it, and it's usually not good.

    Remember a calorie is a calorie regardless if it comes from carrots or cookies, protein, fat or carbs. It's simply calories in versus calories out. Follow the recommendation of MFP, be faithful about entering everything and you'll get there.
  • mrzmami88
    mrzmami88 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't want to deprive myself of any nutrients or anything.

    It's just been a very long hard road for me as far as my weight goes. I've dieted (healthily) and gone to gyms and work out and the ONLY time ive lost a significant amount of weight was when I did this stupid no carb diet but my body wasn't toning bc of the things i was lacking in my diet.

    I loved how i looked at 125lbs and now at 148lbs, even though it's not terrible, I'm not used to it. Plus im a very impatient person! and get discouraged easily.

    and this extra weight is really putting a toll on my small frame. I can feel it in my hips and back and my feet bc these areas ache and hurt a lot. (and ive had mri's and xrays and other tests done to rule out other possible reasons for these areas to constantly ache n pain) I just want the extra weight gone so I can, hopefully, get back to not only looking normal but FEELING normal again!

    i also have plantar fasciitis so that makes exercising difficult. so although I have every intention of regularly running/walking and exercising on a weekly basis, that makes it difficult.
  • bella_vista
    bella_vista Posts: 6 Member
    I think your going to have a hard time with the food choices. It's high carb, high sugar. Even dropping your calorie doesn't make too much sense, but then again I don't know your appropriate caloric targets for weight loss. You'd do better with consistency, then yo-yoing. That kind of stuff can bite you in the long run. Regardless, you might want to watch the sugar, carbs and proteins. Those ratios are really important and will maintain your energy and muscle.
  • mrzmami88
    mrzmami88 Posts: 25 Member
    I think my food choices are healthy. lean meats and fish. leafy greens and fruit. whole grain/wheat rice and bread. I'l be sure to balance by meals out so I dont go over what MFP has mapped out for me on my daily intake for each area (sugar, carb, protein)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    All day soup. There was a post on it a long time ago, and it had a recipe.

    I do this once in a while. It helps so I know what you mean


    No, go home WLG1974. You're drunk. :drinker:

    Grow up.

    You got me.

    one liners kill me
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I don't want to deprive myself of any nutrients or anything.

    It's just been a very long hard road for me as far as my weight goes. I've dieted (healthily) and gone to gyms and work out and the ONLY time ive lost a significant amount of weight was when I did this stupid no carb diet but my body wasn't toning bc of the things i was lacking in my diet.

    I loved how i looked at 125lbs and now at 148lbs, even though it's not terrible, I'm not used to it. Plus im a very impatient person! and get discouraged easily.

    and this extra weight is really putting a toll on my small frame. I can feel it in my hips and back and my feet bc these areas ache and hurt a lot. (and ive had mri's and xrays and other tests done to rule out other possible reasons for these areas to constantly ache n pain) I just want the extra weight gone so I can, hopefully, get back to not only looking normal but FEELING normal again!

    i also have plantar fasciitis so that makes exercising difficult. so although I have every intention of regularly running/walking and exercising on a weekly basis, that makes it difficult.

    You've just described many people on this board. I let 25 pounds sneak up on me over several years, and finally got serious about taking it off, when my doctor threw a cold bucket of water over my head. Since you don't have a lot to lose, realistically you won't be able to lose more than 1 maybe 1-1/2 pounds a week.

    Remember a pound is 3500 calories, and at your current weight at 148 that's going to be difficult to cut that many calories out of your food intake, and or to burn it off thru exercise, especially if you have medical issues with your feet. So be realistic, maybe 1/2 pound a week spells success for you. It has me. Right now I am at 146.5, just 6.5 pounds from goal weight and it's taken me quite a while to get here. I started out 2 years ago, lost about 18 pounds in the first 9 month, got stuck in a plateau that seemed to last over a year. Joined MFP and finally the scale started moving in the right direction. And believe me right now I am happy with a 1/4 pound loss in a week.

    Just stick with MFP and you'll get there.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    We all require a minimum of 1200 calories a day, otherwise our bodies go into starvation mode, thereby slowing our metabolic rate, and what calories you do eat will be stored as fat, making it all the harder to lose. And that happens regardless of what type of food you're eating.
    Starvation mode is myth when it comes to everyday dieter. Starvation mode means you have lost a certain percentage of body fat, muscle, and you have lost enough weight to be emaciated.
  • mrzmami88
    mrzmami88 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't want to deprive myself of any nutrients or anything.

    It's just been a very long hard road for me as far as my weight goes. I've dieted (healthily) and gone to gyms and work out and the ONLY time ive lost a significant amount of weight was when I did this stupid no carb diet but my body wasn't toning bc of the things i was lacking in my diet.

    I loved how i looked at 125lbs and now at 148lbs, even though it's not terrible, I'm not used to it. Plus im a very impatient person! and get discouraged easily.

    and this extra weight is really putting a toll on my small frame. I can feel it in my hips and back and my feet bc these areas ache and hurt a lot. (and ive had mri's and xrays and other tests done to rule out other possible reasons for these areas to constantly ache n pain) I just want the extra weight gone so I can, hopefully, get back to not only looking normal but FEELING normal again!

    i also have plantar fasciitis so that makes exercising difficult. so although I have every intention of regularly running/walking and exercising on a weekly basis, that makes it difficult.

    You've just described many people on this board. I let 25 pounds sneak up on me over several years, and finally got serious about taking it off, when my doctor threw a cold bucket of water over my head. Since you don't have a lot to lose, realistically you won't be able to lose more than 1 maybe 1-1/2 pounds a week.

    Remember a pound is 3500 calories, and at your current weight at 148 that's going to be difficult to cut that many calories out of your food intake, and or to burn it off thru exercise, especially if you have medical issues with your feet. So be realistic, maybe 1/2 pound a week spells success for you. It has me. Right now I am at 146.5, just 6.5 pounds from goal weight and it's taken me quite a while to get here. I started out 2 years ago, lost about 18 pounds in the first 9 month, got stuck in a plateau that seemed to last over a year. Joined MFP and finally the scale started moving in the right direction. And believe me right now I am happy with a 1/4 pound loss in a week.

    Just stick with MFP and you'll get there.

    Thanks! I'm going to stick with MFP. I joined a while back, but all the logging is just so time consuming, but I have to do something to track my progress and make sure I stay on track!

    Congrats on almost meeting your goal! U will be there soon!
  • bella_vista
    bella_vista Posts: 6 Member
    The only way you can survive the weekend is have a plan and stay active. We are good through the week because of the structure. You can make your decisions before you go out, and stick to your plan, and you can make it through the weekend.