"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 3



  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Weigh In Stats

    H20 Xmas SW = 239.6
    H20 Xmas GW = 227
    H20 Xmas Weight Lost = 5.2/12

    Week 1 Weight = 239.6
    Week 2 Weight = 237.9 (-1.7 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 234.4 (- 3.5 lbs)

    WOO HOO!!!! It's proof that positivity works. I had a great mood all week. One thing I didn't do well was log my food :grumble: but that gives me hope that I won't have to log forever - that if I just listen to my body I will be able to keep the weight off. I think I'm going to start logging again today because I do have a few people that PM'd me to remind me that they watch what I eat too - some for motivation, some for accountability. It was a good exercise, but it's still so new that I'll easily slip back into bad habits.

    The happy dance I just did probably burned some calories....LOL Almost half the weight I need for the challenge is gone and we're only a few weeks into this.

    Yay! Exciting for you and I both.. :) Keep up the good work hun.. We all got this!! I made this challenge easy because of the holidays.. And maybe we will come close to doubling it? We still have 6 weeks.. Anything can happen.. :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im still really ill, so its not going so well.

    I have lost though

    SW 162
    CW 160

    down 2lb, as cant move much thats not bad.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im still really ill, so its not going so well.

    I have lost though

    SW 162
    CW 160

    down 2lb, as cant move much thats not bad.

    Aww BJ, did they ever find out whats going on with you? I hope you feel better soon hun.. You gotta get better before you can worry about the weight loss that much.. :) Hopefully you get back up to par soon,.. ::)
  • kattungen
    @summerblunden - That sounds awful! I hope your neck feels better tomorrow, or soon :) Fingers crossed for your weigh in tomorrow!

    @looby1968 - You are SO close to Onederland! Any thoughts about the 30DS?

    @Francesstewart1 - Wow, congratulations!

    @Carmen1485 - Just keep cheching in, we'll motivate you to do your yoga ;) Congratulations on the awesome weigh in-results! :)

    @Violet_820 - 0.8 IS a loss, no matter how you twist and turn ;) I'll join in on your 3 glasses of water-challenge, I could need that as well :D

    @Bru - You and your family are in my thought and prayers, hon!

    @fitterpam - WOW! congrats on 3.5 lbs loss! You are awesome!!

    I'm still having a tough time not stepping on the scale every morning - was really disappointed today, as I weighed the same as yesterday, and the last two days. It's so demotivating, so I should definitely stop checking every day.

    On the other hand, I've been spot on with my calories every day this week, and is really pleased. Today is a planned cheat day, where I don't cheat, but go above my allowed calories. No biggie, just a slice of pizza and a drink or something :) I love "cheat" days :p
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im still really ill, so its not going so well.

    I have lost though

    SW 162
    CW 160

    down 2lb, as cant move much thats not bad.

    Aww BJ, did they ever find out whats going on with you? I hope you feel better soon hun.. You gotta get better before you can worry about the weight loss that much.. :) Hopefully you get back up to par soon,.. ::)

    Thank you April, and no they don't know yet, maybe ME or fybromyalgia, but they have no idea yet :(
    I have just realised that 2lb took me past half way though, I am counting down now. Next 1lb will put me in the 150's which will be nice :D
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I'd love to join! What a great way to kick off my new lifestyle. :)

    SW: 245
    CW: 245 day 1!
    GW for the challenge: 233

    I'll definitely do challenge 1 and I'm going to try #2. I'm hoping to join a gym (depending on finances of course) and that will absolutely give me 3 new exercises to try!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    @summerblunden - That sounds awful! I hope your neck feels better tomorrow, or soon :) Fingers crossed for your weigh in tomorrow!

    @looby1968 - You are SO close to Onederland! Any thoughts about the 30DS?

    @Francesstewart1 - Wow, congratulations!

    @Carmen1485 - Just keep cheching in, we'll motivate you to do your yoga ;) Congratulations on the awesome weigh in-results! :)

    @Violet_820 - 0.8 IS a loss, no matter how you twist and turn ;) I'll join in on your 3 glasses of water-challenge, I could need that as well :D

    @Bru - You and your family are in my thought and prayers, hon!

    @fitterpam - WOW! congrats on 3.5 lbs loss! You are awesome!!

    I'm still having a tough time not stepping on the scale every morning - was really disappointed today, as I weighed the same as yesterday, and the last two days. It's so demotivating, so I should definitely stop checking every day.

    On the other hand, I've been spot on with my calories every day this week, and is really pleased. Today is a planned cheat day, where I don't cheat, but go above my allowed calories. No biggie, just a slice of pizza and a drink or something :) I love "cheat" days :p

    Well, apart from thinking the bit** is not going to beat me, I have nothing. I am doing okay on the strength and abs exercises but my cardio is rubbish!!!!!!!
    Will be on to level 2 by thursday this week!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member
    H20 SW- 172
    Xmas SW- 154
    Xmas week 2- 152
    xmas week 3- 151.2

    Not as good as week 2 but a loss is a loss! As I am nearing closer to my goal weight the pounds are coming off slower and slower. Ive got just over ten pounds to go till I hit my overall goal weight here on mfp so I am pretty excited. I am also glad to have been part of such a positive group such as this one to help me stay confident and determined!

    I love the holidays and I know I will love them even more as a healthier and happier person :happy:

    Have a great week everybody!!
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    SW: 152
    Week 1: 151.4
    Week 2: 151.0
    Total loss -2.0 lbs.

    Not much of a change, but I am ok with it. I measured myself today and have lost 3 inches in the chest and 4 inches in the waist. I have lost other places but these two were the most dramatic. I wish I would have taken my measurements when I started rather than waiting for 2 months. I would be very interested to see how many inches I have lost overall. Anyways, I am up for the challenges. I got a gym membership last week and have been a few times. I will for sure add 3 new workouts when I am there as well as adding 3 more times to my reps.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    WOW Week 3 is already hopping! I can't catch up right now - I'll try to tonight - but I'm just coming down from a happy high. Finally had a good showing at a craft fair. Sold 6 cards and 17 of my turkeys, which is fantastic! I'm pumped and doing research to make sure my partner in crime and I get in to all of the holiday boutiques/festivals we can! My etsy isn't doing a heck of a lot of business, but a childhood friend of mine/my hair dresser wants to sell my upcoming jewelry/hair stuff on consignment at her station! Yay!!

    Happy Saturday rock stars!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    A lady from work read an article close to this and I wanted to share it with everyone. Some may like it and some may not.. Its worth a shot..

    "If you're struggling with a spare tire around your middle, it's probably important for you to reduce belly fat and tighten loose skin. In addition to losing fat off the stomach, your health will improve and and your self-esteem will improve.

    Men with waists larger than 40 inches and women with waists larger than 35 inches have an additional increase risk of heart disease. Many people find it increasingly difficult to lose stomach weight especially as they get older.

    To reduce belly fat and tighten loose skin, follow the steps below.

    Difficulty: Easy

    Lose belly fat by going on a low carbohydrate diet like Atkins for a few weeks. Gradually increase carbohydrate intake after your belly fat has shrunk by a few inches. When increasing carbohydrates, be sure to eat plenty of complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables. Being on the Atkins diet should reduce your appetite as well. A high protein diet will help you burn fat instead of muscle.
    Get in an exercise work-out four to five times a week to lose belly fat and tighten loose skin. It's important to do cardio exercise and weight lifting a couple times a week to increase muscle tone to tighten loose skin.
    Get a prescription of Retin-A and apply it to your stomach once a day after your daily shower. Your stomach should be completely dry before applying. Make sure to wear sunscreen on your stomach to avoid burning while using Retin-A. You can purchase Retin-A online without a prescription or buy it when you are traveling abroad at most local pharmacies.
    Take supplements like leucine amino acids, calcium, and vitamin D to reduce belly fat and tighten loose skin. It's important to take supplements especially as you age for maximum reduction of belly fat.
    If you're losing belly fat and your stomach looks really bumpy and lumpy with little pockets of fat, consider getting Titan treatments. They are relatively inexpensive compared to tummy tucks. Titan works by increasing the amount of collagen in skin and helping it to contract and become more smooth. Titan is non-surgical. It works by infrared light, and the proceedure usually only needs to be done twice a year.

    Read more: How to Reduce Belly Fat and Tighten Loose Skin | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5156604_reduce-fat-tighten-loose-skin.html#ixzz15EPhEK1a "
  • trish1215
    SW: 185
    CW: 180
    GW: 173

    I didn't have the greatest week this week but I was still down a little bit so it could have been worse. I have been using our xbox kinnect "Your Shape Evolved" games which has really been helping to tone my muscles. I actually have biceps now! Good luck everyone this coming week and enjoy the challenges.
  • kattungen
    @looby1968 - I used to HATE 30DS, but after trying Insanity I hate Shaun T more than Jillian :p

    @cstibble - You are doig so good! 10 lbs to go is nothing compared to what you've already lost, you can do it!

    @sereney . Wow, 4 inches off the waist in 8 weeks? Girl, YOU ROCK! Congrats on the gym membership, I hope you'll enjoy it :)

    @pink - Sounds like a great Saturday!

    @trish - Congrats on your biceps! I love the way new and more toned muscles make me feel :)

    Today is a typical Sunday in our household. No plans what so ever, and we're even going over to dinner at my parents house :p I really need to get some exercise in at some point, either today or tomorrow - I've been way to relaxed this weekend :p
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    Challenge SW 158
    Current Weight 155

    2 lb weight loss this week :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    I had a gain but nothing I can't handle.A few slip ups(emotional eating I am guessing-no-I know it was)
    After my doctors visit this past week I had a few moments of awe and surprise.First off my total cholesterol is 154!! excellent.I still get weird looks when I tell some people this ,because most believe a woman my size should have it through the roof.The bad part was my BP was high-it never has been but now it is-and of all things I have fibromyalgia on top of the herniated discs I have in my back.Going to physical therapy has helped so much but my head can't seem to wrap around it all-turning 50 was not so kind to me.venting over and now on to a new day.
    I pray all well and keep up the strength.

    weigh in :309.6
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    SW 194
    WK 1 192.4
    WK 2 192.8

    .4 gain this week, but I'm sick, have whiplash, and it is TOM. Needless to say I've had better weekends. I'm sure that .4 will come off next week after TOM is all gone.

    @ pink, glad your craft fair went well! I was looking at your etsy shop yesterday, I can't wait to see your christmas stuff. I would have bought some of the turkeys, but we're not doing thanksgiving at home this year.
  • aprildauer
    SW 193
    CW 194

    During the week I was down to 190 but I think my kids being sick and me not eating is why I lost the weight and then actually be able to eat caused me to gain. Hoping for a better week this week. Im going to attempt the workout insanity. I must be insane lol. But I figure I can just do what I can and go from there.

    For the challenges Im going to try to get in 3 more glasses of water, I will be starting insanity monday, and Ill attempt the walking but it depends on the weather cause I have to take my kids with me.
  • NurseMommy
    NurseMommy Posts: 8 Member
    Newbie joining! My starting weight on oct. 21 was 188, after three long weeks this weeks starting weight is 177.8.
    for your week three challenge I need to add three glasses of water a day. I will attempt the eliptical machines at the gym again, and walk 3 times a week regaurdless!! good luck everyone!

    SW- 177.8
    GW- 165
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Newbie joining! My starting weight on oct. 21 was 188, after three long weeks this weeks starting weight is 177.8.
    for your week three challenge I need to add three glasses of water a day. I will attempt the eliptical machines at the gym again, and walk 3 times a week regaurdless!! good luck everyone!

    SW- 177.8
    GW- 165

    Welcome.. Im sooo happy you decided to join in hun.. :) Happy to see you in here. Remember we are here to support you thru any struggles you may be having.. :) Looking forward to doing this with you..
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Yay me! I finally got rid of that nagging almost 2 lbs....
    Started at 200.6 week 1....then 201.2 week 2.
    But today... 199.8. I will take it. I have increased my fluid intake again...had some sodium issues. I still need to exercise regularly. I do it in spurts so I think that will be a mini goal for me this week.
    Have a great Monday...I have lots to do today!