"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 3



  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    12 lbs Challenge SW: 186
    12 lbs Challenge GW: 174
    CW: 181.6 (as of Wednesday, haven't weighed due to flu and TOM)

    So far I'm down 4.4 lbs with 7.6 to go.

    7.6 lbs to go with 6 weeks to go = 1.1 lbs a week I need to lose, that's totally within my grasp!!!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    SW 194
    WK 1 192.4
    WK 2 192.8

    .4 gain this week, but I'm sick, have whiplash, and it is TOM. Needless to say I've had better weekends. I'm sure that .4 will come off next week after TOM is all gone.

    @ pink, glad your craft fair went well! I was looking at your etsy shop yesterday, I can't wait to see your christmas stuff. I would have bought some of the turkeys, but we're not doing thanksgiving at home this year.

    Ok, so I weighed myself again this morning and i was at 191.0! Woohoo. SO I would like to replace my 192.8 with 191. and that was after ewating a banana for breakfast and drinking some water!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    @ pink, glad your craft fair went well! I was looking at your etsy shop yesterday, I can't wait to see your christmas stuff. I would have bought some of the turkeys, but we're not doing thanksgiving at home this year.

    Thanks! And we're working on the Christmas decorations! Trying to get Nutty Rudys made, but I'm not quite happy with their design yet. But will definitely have the cutest clothespin reindeer on the block! And I've got bunches of Christmas cards in the works...and then the jewelry that I'm thinking you may like. :D

    WTG on the loss! I PROMISE I'll be back here tonight to comment on everyone's progress, as well as to post the spreadsheet of Week 2.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I am here but keep sabotaging myself for some reason.

    SW 179.5
    WK2 CW 179.5

    No change yet again. I am yo-yo during the week and then sabotague myself. I am getting fed up with myself but will keep plugging away. Then add to it, I got taken out by a 7 year old boy kicking a soccer ball that hit me perfectly in the back of my bad knee. Completely collapsed my leg and I am out of commission for exercising for at least a while. I am finally walking without a cane but still very sore and can't bend much with weight on it.

    Here's to sticking it out for another week.

    Congrats to all you are losing!!!!
  • trendely87
    trendely87 Posts: 29 Member
    this week's challenges sound great i hop i can actually make it through them. Of course today at school we had a pot luck but i wasn't too bad. Now i just have to force myself to workout. Hope everyone is staying strong.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    @AprilVal, congrats again on your killer loss!

    @cmc, way to go! Glad you got a walk in.

    @kattungen, stay positive! You've done great so far and even though you're going to be put through the trenches this week I'm sure you'll still come out ahead! And I hope you enjoyed the hell out of that slice of pizza and drink! Pizza is one thing I simply CAN NOT hold back on.

    @Summer, you keep kicking butt! You're almost in the 180's. Niiiiiiice!

    @looby, look how close you are to ONEderland! You'll be there in the blink of an eye!!

    @francesstewart, I have your SW logged on the spreadsheet as 150 as well...great work!

    @carmen,w ay to kick those 4 pounds to the curb! How is the yoga DVD treating you?

    @tam, welcome to the group!

    @sasperilla, I'm grooving with your consistency....2 pounds a week, every week, is fantastic!

    @violet, so happy to hear the meditation helped you out. The specific challenges you've outlined for yourself this week sound great.

    @Bru, it sounds like Grandpa knew how to have a good time. I bet those margaritas tasted even better than usual.

    @fitterpam - look at you go! And you're totally right that being able to not log food and yet still have a good week shows that your lifestyle change is totally setting in and becoming normal.

    @bjshooter, you poor thing feel better soon! :(

    @ashley0616, welcome to the group!!

    @cstibbe, congrats on being so close to your goal!

    @sereny, wow! 3 inches on your chest and 4 on your waist...that's a grand accomplishment.

    @trish, you're down 5 pounds! You're doing great!

    @casey, WTG!

    @mollybeslimmer, Happy Birthday!! I hope you had some delicious cake in your honor!

    @aprildauer, hope your kids feel better, and good luck with insanity!

    @NurseMommy, welcome to our corner of MFP! You've had such amazing success already!!

    @nursee, definitely yay you!!!

    @jsecret, you've got a great pace going. You'll make the goal!

    @dawn, you poor thing! Take care of that injured knee of yours. Let's talk about the sabotage...what do you mean? Are you indulging in things that you know you shouldn't? Are you letting others pressure you into making choices you normally wouldn't? I'd like to hear more so we can help you kick whatever this habbit is.

    @trendely, how was the workout? You did do your workout, right? RIGHT!?! ;)

    Phew! That was a fun catch up. I posted the Week 2 log on the teamH20 website. If you find an error or omission, please let me know and I will have it fixed for the next log.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on much. Life is CRAZY! hahah But crazy can be good!

    H20 Christmas Challenge Start Weight - 323.4 lbs
    Today's Weight - 319.2 lbs

    So 4.2 out of 12 pounds so far.

    Guess what? My goal for this challenge (besides losing 12+ lbs) was to be able to jog by Christmas - and I'm DOING IT! I've already reached my Christmas goal! hahah I shall have to think of a new goal now! :D

    By the way, I'm loving the new week 3 bonus challenges. They are great! Kudos to who thought them up! :D

    Oh and great news - My sweetie bought me a Polar Heart Rate Monitor! It's AWESOME! It's got this strap thing that goes around your chest and it really gives wonderfully accurate calorie burns and helps you stay in your target heart rate zone while working out. I LOVE IT! if you guys are thinking of getting one I highly recommend it!

    @ mollybeslimmer - Happy 50th and congrats on having the great cholesterol levels! That's wonderful news! You're doing great hun. We all struggle with emotional eating every once in a while, but knowing what it is and why you do it is at least 60% of the battle! :D
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on much. Life is CRAZY! hahah But crazy can be good!

    H20 Christmas Challenge Start Weight - 323.4 lbs
    Today's Weight - 319.2 lbs

    So 4.2 out of 12 pounds so far.

    Guess what? My goal for this challenge (besides losing 12+ lbs) was to be able to jog by Christmas - and I'm DOING IT! I've already reached my Christmas goal! hahah I shall have to think of a new goal now! :D

    By the way, I'm loving the new week 3 bonus challenges. They are great! Kudos to who thought them up! :D

    Oh and great news - My sweetie bought me a Polar Heart Rate Monitor! It's AWESOME! It's got this strap thing that goes around your chest and it really gives wonderfully accurate calorie burns and helps you stay in your target heart rate zone while working out. I LOVE IT! if you guys are thinking of getting one I highly recommend it!

    @ mollybeslimmer - Happy 50th and congrats on having the great cholesterol levels! That's wonderful news! You're doing great hun. We all struggle with emotional eating every once in a while, but knowing what it is and why you do it is at least 60% of the battle! :D

    I came up with the last one.. I wanted one that wasnt soo difficult for those who cant do as much.. :) The other two were bru and pinkys suggestions!
  • Sneak weigh-in: lost 1 lbs since Friday! :D
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    okay!!! so I just had to step on the scale.I felt* skinny* today and was in awe a 6.6 pound loss !!
    so taking that.What I did was increase my water intake and made sure I had breakfast every day ~
    so I corrected the weight loss.
    @pink_and_shiny..........it wasn't my birthday~(((((hugs)))) but thank you!!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    @dawn, you poor thing! Take care of that injured knee of yours. Let's talk about the sabotage...what do you mean? Are you indulging in things that you know you shouldn't? Are you letting others pressure you into making choices you normally wouldn't? I'd like to hear more so we can help you kick whatever this habbit is.

    It is a little bit of both. I have slacked myself on the water and obviously exercise which is a bummer because I was finally starting to get back into my exercise routine after being slack for a couple of week before the soccer ball took me down. I am starting to feel better in the knee so I plan on walking at lunch and see how that goes today and if good, I will try a low impact exercise. I just haven't been making the right food choices that I know I should and have been slack on tracking. It is all the things I know I should be doing but just can't get back into my routine. And I am frustrated with myself because my extended family is seeing me for the first time in two weeks since I started this journey for the holidays and I really had wanted to be down another 5 but now I need to lose the extra 1.5 gained by being not on track. Yesterday was a good day and I am on track so far for today so hopefully I can keep my motivation up. I really want to make a good showing for my family on the 28th.
  • Pink and shiny... You are a rock star! How do you find the time :)

    I am off to Spain Thurs to Sun so will post my week 3 weigh in a little late on Monday ...bear with me

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    My neck is sabotaging me!!!!:mad: I've either slept on it badly or pulled a muscle, cos it's soooo painful!:sad: I've dosed myself up on paracetamol (going to get some Ibuprofen for bedtime) and hope that helps!:sick:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    okay!!! so I just had to step on the scale.I felt* skinny* today and was in awe a 6.6 pound loss !!
    so taking that.What I did was increase my water intake and made sure I had breakfast every day ~
    so I corrected the weight loss.
    @pink_and_shiny..........it wasn't my birthday~(((((hugs)))) but thank you!!

    Ah jeez I totally misunderstood your post. Sorry. Congrats on the astonishing loss!! *bow*
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    @dawn, you poor thing! Take care of that injured knee of yours. Let's talk about the sabotage...what do you mean? Are you indulging in things that you know you shouldn't? Are you letting others pressure you into making choices you normally wouldn't? I'd like to hear more so we can help you kick whatever this habbit is.

    It is a little bit of both. I have slacked myself on the water and obviously exercise which is a bummer because I was finally starting to get back into my exercise routine after being slack for a couple of week before the soccer ball took me down. I am starting to feel better in the knee so I plan on walking at lunch and see how that goes today and if good, I will try a low impact exercise. I just haven't been making the right food choices that I know I should and have been slack on tracking. It is all the things I know I should be doing but just can't get back into my routine. And I am frustrated with myself because my extended family is seeing me for the first time in two weeks since I started this journey for the holidays and I really had wanted to be down another 5 but now I need to lose the extra 1.5 gained by being not on track. Yesterday was a good day and I am on track so far for today so hopefully I can keep my motivation up. I really want to make a good showing for my family on the 28th.

    I'm sure no matter what loss you're able to accrue by now and the 28th your family is going to be so happy and proud of you. Good luck with your walk today, I hope it goes well. Since you can't seem to get the healthy regularly into your routine, maybe you need to change up your routine. I know this is going to sound silly, but walk a different way around your kitchen in the morning so the first thing you do is grab that glass you set out the night before, fill it up with water, and finish it off with breakfast. Same with your drive into work...I don't know how far you have to go, but maybe try going a different route (that won't make you late, of course). Just try changing things up a little bit and see if you can implement a new routine that points you in the right direction all the time.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    @francesstewart - I'm so jealous that you're going to Spain! WOW! How fun.

    @looby - owie! Hope the meds kick in and you feel better. Neck pain is such a hassle.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Wow Pink!!! You're really keeping up with everyone :flowerforyou:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy hump day everyone. Hope y'all are having a good Wednesday.

    I'm up 0.2 pounds this week to 177.8. Not gonna stress since it is practically a maintain and my body's got this habit of loss-loss-gain, and this was the week for the gain.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hows everyones week going? Good I hope!! Here we are 2 more days left of this week.. and 3 days until week FOUR!! which means we will have only FIVE more weeks left. Are we getting close to our goal? Any one have any suggestion for challenges? just asking.. I wanna be fair with everyone..

    Im sitting here after doing about 2 hours of cleaning.. Now im tired.. I was tired to begin with.. lol..


    Keep up the good work everyone! :)
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