Adam Richman's new show cancelled over Instagram remarks



  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Meh, life happens. Just one more reason why I NEVER want to be famous, not even at the "D-list" level. I have a bad day and flip out, I cool off, apologize, and move on. "Famous" person has the same reaction and it's "immortalized" on the Internet.

    Personally, I'm a fan of his former shows and his weight loss success and will watch his new show if/when it comes on TV.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I can see why the channel got upset. It's a money thing. You can't have a guy you hired to be likeable calling people names on the internet. As far as what started the whole thing, it seems a little silly. Anytime someone says they're offended it means they can't control their own emotions so they need someone else to do it for them. Most people have no idea what "thinspiration" means. I sure didn't. This is just another example of a small percentage of the population trying to push their sensitivity on everyone else. Just cope.

    that's a pretty conservative viewpoint...
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I think his responses are inexcusable, and it's very disappointing to see someone that seems like such a likable guy acting like a total douche.

    However, I'd also like to see the post where "she decided to explain it to him politely", because it is conspicuously missing. Without seeing it, we can't know, but generally when someone decides to edit out their opening salvo in an exchange, it's not as polite as they'd like us to think.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    meh - I like him
  • Red_sparkling_Titania
    How many dozen raw oysters did he eat on that challenge? 12 dozen? Who was the lucky lady on the receiving end of that libedo booster?

    :laugh: :laugh: I thought the same when I saw that episode!

    I think he's a great guy and call BS on this though.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I'm surprised that no one's posted about this....

    Adam Richman's new show on the Travel Channel was pulled from the schedule today, apparently because of some really terrible remarks he'd made about a blogger that had criticized one of his Instagram photos that displayed his newly-fit physique (he used a hashtag that was a bit insensitive).

    Apparently the story is that he called one of the bloggers a really nasty slur (can't repeat it here) and told another to go commit suicide, that they "wouldn't be missed".

    Link here:

    If true.... wow. I used to really like him and I thought he'd become REALLY hot from those new pictures, but... wow, if he treats people like that.... :noway:

    When are people going to figure out that just because a stupid argument is in some form of text it isn't news?

    I'm going to point out that the reason that this blew up is because the woman in question directed her friends to harrass him about it because he didn't care enough about her complaint.

    It was a pretty awkward behavior all around. Both sides needed to have just let this go. The good news is we still can.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    When are people going to figure out that just because a stupid argument is in some form of text it isn't news?

    I'm going to point out that the reason that this blew up is because the woman in question directed her friends to harrass him about it because he didn't care enough about her complaint.

    It was a pretty awkward behavior all around. Both sides needed to have just let this go. The good news is we still can.

    (shrug) Tell the Washington Post and CNN that it isn't news. I'm just intrigued that I hadn't seen the report posted here, because - well, Richman's pretty well known for outlandish food stunts and, now, for losing all of the weight he picked up from doing it.

    I don't think that the woman was at all in the right. Like others here, I had no idea about the "thinspiration" bit and, quite honestly thought it was a clever pun on words before I read the story behind it. But, at the same time, telling someone to go kill themselves is a bit extreme of a reaction. He's a "celebrity', like the term or not, and as such, he should know by now that criticism goes with the territory. A simple "oh, sorry, didn't know' would have sufficed.

    It IS suspicious that the original request on the part of the female blogger is missing.

    I also don't think that the show should have been postponed/cancelled/whatever. That's a knee-jerk reaction and it doesn't help the controversy. (And say what you will, but I think it HAS been cancelled - when you visit the Travel Channel's page and click the link to it, it just goes back to a schedule listing... soooo.... make of that what one will.)

    I was looking forward to the show because, while I didn't like the eating challenge portion of Man vs. Food, I DID like the "travel" bits before it where Richman would discover new places with quirky food choices - that was my favorite bit of the show and I think the new one would have been much in the same vein.

    I still like him (and I still think he's kind of hot in that oddball way), but I'd be hesitant to actually interact with him on a fan basis at this point. A hair-trigger temper makes one wonder if it's not safer to walk on eggshells around someone - not exactly a good thing.
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    I can see why the channel got upset. It's a money thing. You can't have a guy you hired to be likeable calling people names on the internet. As far as what started the whole thing, it seems a little silly. Anytime someone says they're offended it means they can't control their own emotions so they need someone else to do it for them. Most people have no idea what "thinspiration" means. I sure didn't. This is just another example of a small percentage of the population trying to push their sensitivity on everyone else. Just cope.

    What this guy said.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    who cares

    You apparently...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sounds like he overreacted to the max. Don't know if that's a reason for his show to be cancelled...but did he really tell people to go kill themselves? Yikes. He needs to take a chill pill.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    The show wasn't cancelled. It was postponed indefinitely. He will profusely apologize, go to some kind of sensitivity training, donate some money to a foundation that helps people with eating disorders, and the show will air in six months.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am really pissed that they cancelled his show. What is baffling, the woman that was offended was far from anorexic and probably never have and never will suffer from anorexia. Not to mention she and her friends were harassing him. This is so stupid.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Yeah he overreacted but it's just annoying how people attach such meaning to daft words. Obviously he didn't know what it meant, he was just proud of his accomplishments.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I like Richman. Sounds like some fatty is jealous of Richman and wasn't prepared for Adam to take the gloves off:laugh:

    However, as a celebrity you cant publicly call a woman a c*** or tell her to cut her wrists because no one would miss her

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I like Richman. Sounds like some fatty is jealous of Richman and wasn't prepared for Adam to take the gloves off:laugh:

    However, as a celebrity you cant publicly call a woman a c*** or tell her to cut her wrists because no one would miss her

    I bet you're a real hit with the ladies, aren't you?
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    It was taken way out of context. They will wait a few months, put the show on and it will have more viewers than it would have if nothing had been said. I actually like the dude and think he should be damn proud. He not only lost the weight, but did as a person who works with food for a living. I also didnt know the hashtag was offensive...hell everything is offensive to someone these days!!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    It was taken way out of context. They will wait a few months, put the show on and it will have more viewers than it would have if nothing had been said. I actually like the dude and think he should be damn proud. He not only lost the weight, but did as a person who works with food for a living. I also didnt know the hashtag was offensive...hell everything is offensive to someone these days!!

    EXACTLY!!! I had my DVR all set. I am so annoyed.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I find it kinda funny actually. So someone got mad because someone stood up for themselves and were proud they lost the weight. Geez people need to grow thicker skins anymore. It is just a hashtag.

    “Yes. I’ve responded to internet hate recently with vile words directed at those hating me. I am sorry, I should know better & will do better,” he wrote. That was preceded by another (also now-deleted) tweet: “In real life, if you say stuff you regret in anger, you cool down, apologize & move on.If you’re a celeb on social media – it becomes a blog.”

    Because we all are human and over react at times, both him and the people who started the **** with him on his own photo. I don't see why this is such big new.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I have always liked Adam. It was uncalled for that these women attacked him over something that most people don't even know about (I didn't). But, people do say things they don't mean when angry, but when it someone tells another person to kill themselves it says volumes about their true selves. I would never even think to say something like that, "you're an idiot", yes, but not "go kill yourself". Those words come from someone who is immature and insensitive.