When SPAM attacks!!



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I found the one about getting poop on my teeth rather amusing. This happens throughout the night. Every night, from what I've seen. Spam-bots?


    Also, yes, the mods here are amazing.

    Also, also, thank you ihad, I still haven't figured out how to resize. I'll work on that so I don't derp so hard in the future.

    The bots do not english well. But yes, the mods rock at cleanup. To the mods :drinker:
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Lol yeah I was like ... black magic ... srsly? well ... that's new.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I'm sad, because SOMEONE here must be giving them money, hence giving them incentive to continually post.

    Seriously, STOP giving them money, people, and they'll go away. Either that, or they are very stupid wasting their time, are bad business people, and their children are going hungry. Please, someone! Think of the children, give these people some money to feed those starving babies!

    Its usually an automated sign up macro running.... I don't remember MFP having captcha or another anti bot registration feature.

    Yep they need something like that. Yeah the mods may be great and all but that particular task of cleaning the daily spam shouldn't exist to the extent it does. Reading at night is a truly poor quality experience and can be the only time i have to catch up during a busy week. Plus since there's participants from around the globe, it must truly suck for those whose primary viewing time coincides with spam time
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    ETA: Looks like the forum's been cleaned up already. Those moderators are quick!

    Aaaaand they're back!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I freakin jinxed it
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    True. Reading in the morning (UK time) is pretty annoying because of all the spam flying around, but it coincides with my morning procrastination period.

    Various threads have discussed this, and quite a few international MFPers have offered to act as mods (or some kind of mod-like role with powers to remove spam threads) but unfortunately no response from the powers that be. Ho hum.
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    Is this something that could be fixed (mostly) by adding a captcha thingy to the sign up process?
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    The spam corresponds with my afternoon/evening.

    Yes the mods do a great job and I agree with the person who said they shouldn't have to clean up as much spam as they do, MFP needs to beef up its access protocols.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    This has been going on for over a year know but it has really gotten bad in the last 6 months or so. Back in April in another thread about it, Olivia said that they would be implementing new procedures for dealing with spam in a few weeks. Nearly 3 months later, no sign of anything being done about it.

    It's pretty annoying for those of us not in the US who are the main group using the forums while all the spam is being posted. :grumble:
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I just sent the spammer a message...

    "Just so you know... I practice a very dark, dark magic. It's origins are mysterious and powerful. Fact is, I am working up the spells now because you keep spamming these boards. The curse may not come instantly, but the effects will be known to you soon enough.

    Beware the shadows that you can not see and the sounds that you can not hear.

    There are no spells you can cast to protect yourself. My spells turn your spells back against you negatively. Your magic is ineffective against mine.

    You've brought this on yourself. "

    Who knows, if the spammer ardently believes this crap, maybe it will scare him.

    Or I just had fun writing it.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I just sent the spammer a message...

    "Just so you know... I practice a very dark, dark magic. It's origins are mysterious and powerful. Fact is, I am working up the spells now because you keep spamming these boards. The curse may not come instantly, but the effects will be known to you soon enough.

    Beware the shadows that you can not see and the sounds that you can not hear.

    There are no spells you can cast to protect yourself. My spells turn your spells back against you negatively. Your magic is ineffective against mine.

    You've brought this on yourself. "

    Who knows, if the spammer ardently believes this crap, maybe it will scare him.

    Or I just had fun writing it.

    Shoooot. It's probably your next door neighbor doing it for an extra 6 bucks an hour
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Shoooot. It's probably your next door neighbor doing it for an extra 6 bucks an hour
    I hope so. I hate that guy.
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    Matt, I always want to do that! I'm living vicariously through you. :smile:

    It reminds me of a time when my purse was stolen from work. I had a deck of tarot cards in it (long story), and the purse was found 20 minutes later in the bathroom. Everything was still intact, except the tarot cards had been taken from their little bag. It's possible the thief was simply discovered in the midst of looking through his booty, or just realized I didn't have anything worth stealing. But my co-workers and I got a giggle imagining the poor, superstitious kid who took my purse discovering the cards, and crapping his pants in fear of a curse following him the rest of his days. :laugh: