Whats your sport?



  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I play tennis, do weight lifting, and run. I like to play so tennis is for fun, I also run for fun and I weight lift because I want to get stronger and bigger muscles.
    I love watching soccer, MMA, boxing, and sometimes hockey. I start boxing lessons this fall.
  • detox_pixie
    detox_pixie Posts: 166
    competitive wine drinking and croquet
  • As long as I'm getting sweaty, I'm happy. I don't think I could pick just one.
  • Skydiving and running. Sometimes both at the same time!
  • jetrok
    jetrok Posts: 64 Member
    Any combative sport (boxing, MMA, Muay Thai) I enjoy the training and the one on one competition. Boxing would be my favorite of the combative sport.
  • Newnameishardtofind
    Newnameishardtofind Posts: 867 Member
    Soccer and Golf
  • amser1
    amser1 Posts: 215 Member
    Hockey for me. Where I'm from, it's just what we do ;)