What's the lowest carb alcoholic beverage?



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Did you know that drinking any small amount of alcohol can shut down your fat burning for days? It is simple, if you want to party, do it, accept the consequences, the whole idea of "moderation" does not work.

    Sorry, but you are completely incorrect. Your statements are absurd.

    Just watch the video that I posted and research, you are not giving any info, just attacking the person.

    If you can't distinguish between research and scare mongering then no one can help you
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Did you know that drinking any small amount of alcohol can shut down your fat burning for days? It is simple, if you want to party, do it, accept the consequences, the whole idea of "moderation" does not work.

    Sorry, but you are completely incorrect. Your statements are absurd.

    Just watch the video that I posted and research, you are not giving any info, just attacking the person.

  • RAWR_ImaDinosaur
    RAWR_ImaDinosaur Posts: 29 Member
    http://www.reddit.com/r/ketodrunk <- Great resource for alcohol on a low carb diet.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Bourbon, vodka, tequila, pretty much any distilled sprits. Zero carbs. Skip the sweet liquor like fireball or honey jack and flavored rums, etc, and watch what you mix with. Personally I prefer bourbon on the rocks or straight up, and sip it.

    As far as beer goes, I drink good stuff that is usually pretty high in carbs and calories, but I try to factor it into my carb count for the day. I've been doing lower carbs for almost a year so I know now that if I go over 100-150 once in a while it's not going to hurt. It has probably slowed my weight loss down some but I'm not going to worry about it, you gotta enjoy life!
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Did you know that drinking any small amount of alcohol can shut down your fat burning for days? It is simple, if you want to party, do it, accept the consequences, the whole idea of "moderation" does not work.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Where on earth are you getting your information? It's hilarious.

    You are seriously going to back this statement up with a YouTube video?
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Did you know that drinking any small amount of alcohol can shut down your fat burning for days? It is simple, if you want to party, do it, accept the consequences, the whole idea of "moderation" does not work.

    Sorry, but you are completely incorrect. Your statements are absurd.

    Just watch the video that I posted and research, you are not giving any info, just attacking the person.

    That wasn't an attack on the person. It was an attack on the statement. Know the difference. :)
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    Did you know that drinking any small amount of alcohol can shut down your fat burning for days? It is simple, if you want to party, do it, accept the consequences, the whole idea of "moderation" does not work.

    Sorry, but you are completely incorrect. Your statements are absurd.

    Just watch the video that I posted and research, you are not giving any info, just attacking the person.

    Please distinguish between attacking YOU versus attacking YOUR STATEMENTS. I said that your CLAIMS are incorrect & absurd; I did not call YOU incorrect/absurd. The YouTube video that you posted does not prove anything to me; it contains incorrect information. Just because one bogus YouTube video (do you genuinely think that everything posted on YouTube is factually correct? That would be impossible) says something does not make it so. "Any small amount of alcohol" does NOT "shut down your fat burning for days" and YES, the whole idea of moderation DOES work. The claims that you made are incorrect; it's just that simple. You're telling ME to "research" when clearly your research is faulty (to be clear - I have stated that YOUR RESEARCH is faulty; I have not stated that YOU are faulty. See the difference?).

    I'm not attacking YOU as a person (I'm sure you're a lovely human being); I'm simply saying that your information is wrong. Nor am I the only one saying that your information is wrong - "hilarious" and "*points and laughs*" and "you are seriously going to back this statement up with a YouTube video?" are other comments made in response to your claims.
  • Scarecrowsama
    Scarecrowsama Posts: 85 Member
    Since you are not giving any argument of why am I wrong, you just say it, you are not giving anything to the content of the post but bs, it is an empty post to try to go against someone.

    If you base your argument, now, in the fact that it is a "Youtube video" you are clearly proving what I say, the video is made by a doctor, a real doctor, who treats overweighted people and is giving you INFORMATION, are you going to discredit a video that explains that you need water to survive because it is a "Youtube video", please, this is worst than the school.

    Look at the content, not at where it is posted, and you have know idea of what I have read after that video to know more about the subject.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Skinny B!tches! Vodka, water, splash of lime juice. or those rum coolers that are 4 calories? Apparently there's vodka coolers that are super low too but I can't remember the name. Nothing Google can't find ;)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Alcohol consumption will interfere with the fat burning process due to it being required to be metabolized immediately. But it will not harm it for days on end. Your body will still be using the calories consumed and stored fat when it needs.

    Simply posting a YouTube video is not sufficient evidence. Peer reviewed scientific research articles, preferably published, are the standard for trying to prove something. Even if the poster of said video has 50 different type of medical degrees.

    As for the OP, a good choice would be presses. Flavored vodka with soda water/tonic water.Pineapple press is my favorite.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    In for some science.......

    The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth



    * Moderate alcohol consumption is assocoiated with an abundance of health benefits. The long-term effect on insulin sensitivity and body weight (via insulin or decreased appetite) may be of particular interest to us.

    * The thermic effect of alcohol is high and the real caloric value is not 7.1 kcal: it's ~5.6 kcal. However, it's still easy to overconsume calories by drinking. Calorie for calorie, the short-term effect of alcohol on satiety is low. Adding to this, intoxication may also encourage overeating by disinhibition of dietary restraint.

    * The negative effects of alcohol on testosterone and recovery has been grossly exaggerated by the fitness mainstream. Excluding very high acute alcohol consumption, or prolonged and daily consumption, the effect is non-significant and unlikely to affect muscle gains or training adaptations negatively.

    * The effect of alcohol on muscle protein synthesis is unknown in normal human subjects. It is not unlikely to assume that a negative effect exists, but it is very unlikely that it is of such a profound magnitude that some people would have you believe.

    * Alcohol is converted to acetate by the liver. The oxidation of acetate takes precedence over other nutrients and is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. However, despite being a potent inhibitor of lipolysis, alcohol/acetate alone cannot cause fat gain by itself. It's all the junk people eat in conjunction with alcohol intake that causes fat gain.
    ROBINSTL67 Posts: 50 Member
    Amen brother!
    I'll skip bread on my burger, cut out the fries, and I rarely eat chips, but i'll be damned if I drink crap beer. My favorites are around 250 calories per 12 ounces and I deal with it by working out a bit harder. No biggie. Life is too short.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    How to lose fat or prevent fat gain when drinking

    Now that you understand the effect of alcohol on substrate metabolism, it's time for me to reveal how you can make alcohol work for fat loss. Alternatively, how you can drink on a regular basis without any fat gain. Without having to count calories and while drinking as much as you want.

    Apply this method exactly as I have laid it out. If you've paid attention, you'll understand the rationale behind it. I've tested this on myself and on numerous clients. Rest assured that I'm not testing out some large-scale bizarre experiment here.

    The rules are as follows:

    * For this day, restrict your intake of dietary fat to 0.3 g/kg body weight (or as close to this figure as possible).

    * Limit carbs to 1.5 g/kg body weight. Get all carbs from veggies and the tag-along carbs in some protein sources. You'll also want to limit carbohydrate-rich alcohol sources such as drinks made with fruit juices and beer. A 33 cl/12 fl oz of beer contains about 12 g carbs, while a regular Cosmopolitan is about 13 g.

    * Good choices of alcohol include dry wines which are very low carb, clocking in at about 0.5-1 g per glass (4 fl oz/115ml). Sweet wines are much higher at 4-6 g per glass. Cognac, gin, rum, scotch, tequila, vodka and whiskey are all basically zero carbs. Dry wines and spirits is what you should be drinking, ideally. Take them straight or mixed with diet soda. (No need to be super-neurotic about this stuff. Drinks should be enjoyed after all. Just be aware that there are better and worse choices out there).

    * Eat as much protein as you want. Yes, that's right. Ad libitum. Due to the limit on dietary fat, you need to get your protein from lean sources. Protein sources such as low fat cottage cheese, protein powder, chicken, turkey, tuna, pork and egg whites are good sources of protein this day.

    * For effective fat loss, this should be limited to one evening per week. Apply the protocol and you will lose fat on a weekly basis as long as your diet is on point for the rest of the week.

    Basically, the nutritional strategy I have outlined here is all about focusing on substrates that are least likely to cause net synthesis of fat during hypercaloric conditions. Alcohol and protein, your main macronutrients this day, are extremely poor precursors for de novo lipogenesis. Alcohol suppresses fat oxidation, but by depriving yourself of dietary fat during alcohol consumption, you won't be storing anything. Nor will protein cause any measurable de novo lipogenesis. High protein intake will also compensate for the weak effect of alcohol on satiety and make you less likely to blow your diet when you're drinking.

    By the way, a nice bonus after a night of drinking is that it effectively rids you of water retention. You may experience the "whoosh"-effect, which I've talked about in my two-part series about water retention. That in itself can be motivating for folks who've been experiencing a plateau in their weight loss.

    Apply this with good judgement and don't go out and do something stupid now. Remember, this a short-term strategy for those that want to be able to drink freely* without significantly impacting fat loss progress or causing unwanted fat gain. It's not something I encourage people to do on a daily basis, but it's one of the strategies that I apply for maintaining low body fat for myself and my clients.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    http://www.reddit.com/r/ketodrunk <- Great resource for alcohol on a low carb diet.

    THIS. Also, people you are confusing calories with carbs. She's asking for low CARB, not CALORIES, although low calories are good too.

    My favorite go-to keto drink is diet rootbeer and rum. If you add heavy cream to it, you get a spiked rootbeer float!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Did you know that drinking any small amount of alcohol can shut down your fat burning for days? It is simple, if you want to party, do it, accept the consequences, the whole idea of "moderation" does not work.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Where on earth are you getting your information? It's hilarious.
    He's partially correct. Alcohol inhibits fat burning (as well as glycogen burning) while it's present in the body. Metabolism directly deals with alcohol only, when it's present in the body. Alcohol will be the first fuel burned since it doesn't get stored. How much and how often someone drinks has a direct impact on weight loss.

    Since it's not stored, it won't be "days", that is unless one keeps drinking.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Since you are not giving any argument of why am I wrong, you just say it, you are not giving anything to the content of the post but bs, it is an empty post to try to go against someone.

    If you base your argument, now, in the fact that it is a "Youtube video" you are clearly proving what I say, the video is made by a doctor, a real doctor, who treats overweighted people and is giving you INFORMATION, are you going to discredit a video that explains that you need water to survive because it is a "Youtube video", please, this is worst than the school.

    Look at the content, not at where it is posted, and you have know idea of what I have read after that video to know more about the subject.
    you clearly need to learn how to spot a credible source, as well as how to troll effectively
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Since you are not giving any argument of why am I wrong, you just say it, you are not giving anything to the content of the post but bs, it is an empty post to try to go against someone.

    If you base your argument, now, in the fact that it is a "Youtube video" you are clearly proving what I say, the video is made by a doctor, a real doctor, who treats overweighted people and is giving you INFORMATION, are you going to discredit a video that explains that you need water to survive because it is a "Youtube video", please, this is worst than the school.

    Look at the content, not at where it is posted, and you have know idea of what I have read after that video to know more about the subject.

    A youtube video posted by a "doctor" is not proof. Peer-reviewed studies are. I know you're trying to help, but when you do things like this, you're only making it harder for us low-carbers to co-exist on this board with the other folks. We have it hard enough. Don't make it worse please. I understand you are trying to help, but you would get your point across better if you had peer-reviewed studies to back up your claims. Any dumbass can make a youtube video and claim to be a doctor or a professor.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    Jose cuervo has a zero cal margarita mix, you only need to worry about tequila cal:)

    I think I love you
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Thanks all, now I have some good ideas of what to drink! (minus the unscientific youtube "Dr" post)
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Since you are not giving any argument of why am I wrong, you just say it, you are not giving anything to the content of the post but bs, it is an empty post to try to go against someone.

    If you base your argument, now, in the fact that it is a "Youtube video" you are clearly proving what I say, the video is made by a doctor, a real doctor, who treats overweighted people and is giving you INFORMATION, are you going to discredit a video that explains that you need water to survive because it is a "Youtube video", please, this is worst than the school.

    Look at the content, not at where it is posted, and you have know idea of what I have read after that video to know more about the subject.

    A youtube video posted by a "doctor" is not proof. Peer-reviewed studies are. I know you're trying to help, but when you do things like this, you're only making it harder for us low-carbers to co-exist on this board with the other folks. We have it hard enough. Don't make it worse please. I understand you are trying to help, but you would get your point across better if you had peer-reviewed studies to back up your claims. Any dumbass can make a youtube video and claim to be a doctor or a professor.