SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Nov. 15

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    A new week, and back to braining for me. Although I enjoyed my time off, trying to be as mindless as possible.

    In other news. . .

    I have fitness goals for the week:

    Two days off from working out, with a concentration on "activity" walking, shopping, cleaning, etc. One of these is a "date day" in which I take myself somewhere. I used to do "artist dates" once a week, and I need to start doing that again.

    on the five workout days, four days of dance (or three of dance and one of other cardio) attempting to stay at high intensity. I've discovered that all of the classes at one gym are "vigorous" and all of the classes at my other gym are "moderate", so I'm once again thinking of breaking up with my "moderate" gym, although I hesitate because they're starting to add mid day and early afternoon classes, which would be my ideal. One of those cardio or dance days followed by yoga for flexibility dvd. One day of strength training.

    Continue to log all my food in advance, and try to eat it, while at the same time authorizing myself to listen to physical hunger.

    Back to brain work for an hour every week day.

    Oh, and five minutes of watching "Hoarders" equals at least an hour of cleaning for me. I'll even start cleaning on the commercials. I'm not super-duper tidy, but that show makes me want to be. I have major issues with books, jewelry and sheet music. I dream of living in a super technological future where all of my books could be on one iPad type thingee. Or the day that I have an office that many of my books could go live in.

    Tired from writing the goals, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Goal for the week: to stop coughing, urgh. It got worse yesterday, and though it didn't really keep me up last night, it's still annoying as all get out. I'm going to try to get in to see the allergist soon. This has got to stop. I even had a hard time walking yesterday - my heart rate was higher than it should have been (usually about 110 when doing a moderate walk, it was 134), though Charlie pointed out that I'm on Sudafed.

    I got all my homework done, so I don't need to brain until after Thanksgiving. I'm a little worried about my "10 page paper" that's due at some point. It's been a long time since I wrote something of that length. But, since this is yoga, I seriously doubt I have to worry about MLA standards (I can't even remember what the standards are called :tongue: )

    I'm a bit the opposite of a hoarder. Everything must go! I would love to have a room in the house for yoga - with no furniture in it. Maybe over Christmas break, Charlie and I can go through the house again.

    Today: walk if I can + yoga.

    Bad cough, go away, boogaloo.
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Feeling reflective today. A little down because I don't see much progress after 6+ weeks of doing this. I know I have to be patient blah blah blah.... will think on this a bit more and report in.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    SMJ, are you eating cals equal to your BMI? If you are eating less than your BMI, then maybe you need to up it? I read it takes at least six weeks for the body to get used to what you are changing. Keep working out, and counting cals and it will come off. :flowerforyou:
    Mary, I hope your cough goes away soon!
    V, I think I need to log first then eat as well. I eat first then log it and some times that doesn't work.

    So I am getting back to logging today. I don't want to but apparently that's what works. My sister is going to log her food as well and we'll keep each other accountable. So far today I'm not eating very well. I've really got to snap out of this.
    I will try to get on the TR today for at least 30 minutes and I also need to go through more stuff. I think I should watch hoarders while walking. :wink:
    Goals for the week (or until Thanksgiving): no wheat, work out everyday if possible, log food whether good or bad. I will be working on Alex's cake the last couple days of the week so I may not work out then. I'll be standing for several hours on those days.

    That's it boogaloo!
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    how do I find out how many cals relate to my BMI.. is that calculated here on MFP?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I'm sorry, I said BMI. It's BMR. Go to tools and you'll see a link towards the bottom in the left column. Just put in your weight (may be there automatically from the site), height, age and gender. It'll tell you how may cals you burn if you just laid in bed all day.
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    wow, my BMR is 2269 but the guided goals gives me 1840 to eat. I don't get it.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    wow, my BMR is 2269 but the guided goals gives me 1840 to eat. I don't get it.



    the system is "dumb tool" It just makes a deficit from maintenance calories. Are you set at two pounds a week? This might be why the goal is so aggressive.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Scheduled day off from workouts. Haven't been as active outside of workouts these past few days as I'd like to be (special lady time crash). Trying to focus on that today, and get some walking in. What I want to do with my "steps" is on Fridays, take all the days that I was under my 8,000 steps goal and make them up. This is incentive to get them done. When I can get 8,000 consistently, I want to up to 9,000 and eventually the magic 10,000. Baby steps. (no pun intended.):laugh:

    Have discovered that my fear of my HRM being too optimistic with calories burned was correct (due to my tendency to spike into a very high heart rate). The dance class my HRM said burned around 800 in reality burns a bit over 450 (I have to take the average calorie per minute and multiply, as it doesn't break down per hour or during individual tasks). The good news is, this means I'm in very good shape. :tongue: I'm not measuring until next Monday, but I'm optimistic that my waist is smaller. We'll see...also, I feel more energetic, and don't have (so far, even through PMS) cravings for junk. I wonder how much of the junk cravings were due to actual hunger. Hmmmm...I'm thinking a lot about physical hunger lately...pretty sure if I can hack that, I've got it all figured out.

    Anyways, I hope you all have days full of realized goals and positive energy.

    Positive energy, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,

    We're off to a pretty good start. We remembered to get the car seat out of the car before Steve left for work, so Alex and I can ride with a friend to horse therapy. Did I post that yesterday we missed tumbling class for the second week in a row because we forgot the seat?
    I have a headache again this morning. I had one all day yesterday. I think a front came through last night. We had a loud t-storm come through (loudest one all year), so maybe that's why I've got the headache.
    I got a lot of cleaning done yesterday. My goal was no resting, though I did a lot of that too. lol. The house is looking better but I have a long ways to go. I am going to try to work at it everyday. I also walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes.
    Goals today: log food (good so far), walk on TR for at least 30 minutes, clean some more.

    Keep it going boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm hoping to get in to see the allergist again today. I think the cough is getting worse.

    I didn't get to do any yoga yesterday, but I watched a movie while walking and did 5 miles. Movies are amazing that way - just a little more, just a little more, oh, just finish the movie.

    Today - more walking and some yoga at home. My cough is annoying enough that I don't want to go to a class.

    Cat unplugged the keyboard, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Also, SJ...I can't remember if I showed you this thread:

    It uses your body mass index to give yourself a healthy deficit. IMHO, it's some of the best info on the subject. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Thanks for posting that V. I hadn't seen it yet and I passed it on to my sister who just started counting.

    Mary, I hope you got in to the doc today!

    Walked 45 minutes on the treadmill but had lunch with a friend so I need to work some more!

  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    A pretty productive day and a BRAVE day. I almost didn't go to Body Pump class because I felt intimidated. I managed to push through that though and just did what I could, trying not to look at anyone. It was a killer class especially for lower back, but I didn't overdo it which I tend to do with these things to save face. Something in me said it's not worth it if I get injured.

    I did an extra long stretching session after just to make sure I didn't get too stiff. I am very stiff now so I'm glad I did the extra before or else I'd be in bed for the night.

    Mostly I just feel proud that I did it. The instructor came up to me when I was stretching and I told her about my kneeling problem. She said that next time she'll show me some modifications. (she said I had good form too)
    I've avoided yoga for the same reason-knees. I can't kneel really at all without being in severe pain. Feels funny to think it had to take till I was 46 years old to just own the limitations of my body in a class like that and not feel shame.

    I will never eat all these extra calories, but it's nice to know I can have a good supper and not feel deprived.

    yay me! and it's only Tuesday!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    SMJ - any yoga teacher worth their salt would be able to modify poses for you - just in case you wanted to go...
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    good to know! thanks for the tip...
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning!

    Good job SMJ on what you were able to accomplish yesterday!

    It dawned on me this morning that I've got to do some more research today on using fondant for Alex's cake so I can start on it tomorrow! Yikes! I'm not ready!
    So my goals for today are: cleaning more on the house (went through our closet yesterday and got yet another box ready to go to good will!), walk on the TR, log food, school with Alex, and research on cakes. And then there is church tonight unless we have to go pick up the car from the shop.
    I am getting to the point that I don't like holidays. I do but I don't. We had our Thanksgiving weekend all planned and then more family invited us to their house. Now DH is stressing and I'm trying to figure out how we can go to both. :tongue: Why can't people celebrate it on different days? Christmas too. Let's just be a little more flexible people! :wink:

    Too many invites boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    We basically switch every other year, MM - so one year is Thanksgiving here and Christmas in Dallas, then switch. Though we have a new tradition - we all (my immediate family) go to Dallas for Thanksgiving and stay in a hotel. My sister lives in Fort Worth and my Nephew has a hockey tournament the day after, so it works out for everyone - also, not having to cook or clean is nice. My brother usually goes to Colorado during Christmas break, so we almost always move Christmas - this year he gave us the choice of Dec 18th or Jan 22nd :huh:

    Yesterday I got my head examined. Well, my sinus cavities x-rayed anyway. Maybe the doctor will figure out what's going on.

    Today: errands, teach and take yoga, make soup (perfect for throat), do volunteer work, and try to get a walk in. Also - open the windows to see if that helps. I didn't cough much at my parents house yesterday.

    Holiday mess, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Just worked for an hour on my brainy things. Will go to dance class at 9, come home and vacuum in preparation for my trainer session tomorrow, and then go get groceries for dinner. Later (1:30)it's an acupuncture session. I also have to figure a plan of attack for a great big pile of marking, but that may get put off until tomorrow. I'm amazed at how full my days seem now that I'm productive.:tongue: I'm deep into red tape getting everything "approved" so that I can move forward with the next step of my academic work. I sat around with colleagues Sunday, and we came to the general conclusion that if we cut the "dealing with red-tape, departmental delays due to bad management, notifications that we had to track down ourselves because they weren't given, etc..." out of our degree times, we would all be finished by now. Ah...c'est le vie.

    MM...we do celebrate holidays on different days with our family down in the states. Since we both have to miss Christmas down there (working at churches on the holiday itself) we schedule our Christmas between Christmas and New Years, under the church calendar idea that it's actually Christmas from Christmas Eve until Epiphany (12 days). Not sure how to find a loophole for Thanksgiving, though.:tongue:

    Mary, I certainly hope you find answers and relief for your sinuses, and soon!

    Productive boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I think we are going to switch for the holidays after this year. I hate that but it's just too stressful. At least our families live in the same state. :smile:

    Today is Alex's birthday! He's pretty excited. His face was priceless when I brought out his breakfast with candles on it! :laugh: It was a look of shock and fear! Poor kid.
    My work out today will consist of standing in the kitchen cooking for hours at a time. I have to start making his cake today and I'm really nervous about it because I've never done anything with fondant before and I think I've chosen to do something rather complicated! It's just never big enough for me I guess. lol His party is on Saturday.
    I also woke up with a sore throat. I sure hope I'm not getting a stupid cold. I've only been out once since Sunday. How could I get a sick?:grumble: Could be allergy sinus because I've had headaches for about three days.
    But at least over eating shouldn't be a problem because there's not any food in the house! :laugh: So I have to make a trip to the store tonight as well. I don't know how I am going to get all this done. Not by sitting on here!
    Let's hope this goes well!
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