SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Nov. 15



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    busy day today. Meeting with a colleague to have a look-see at her approved paperwork for a dissertation. I'm meeting her at a Portuguese bakery, at which I will indulge in dessert for lunch (the first non-made by me dessert item in weeks, I think) The university does things for the proposal like say "there is a 3500 word limit" (this is over ten pages) to a proposal, but gives no bottom guideline. I feel I can explain my research and methodology in an abstract (industry standard is no more than 350 words) and feel that brevity is a good thing. Ugh. I hate this whole writing as if you're paid by the word thing. Except, apparently in posts here...:tongue:

    Also on the schedule for the day: working out with my trainer, hopefully finally some grocery shopping (I've eaten all of the protein options in the house...the cupboard and fridge really are bare at this point), organizing my marking and maybe skimming a few essays, and then collapsing.

    Did the brain work first thing (as is the current method) so that's accomplished.

    Also, per my department chair, my french is "done like dinner", so I am now officially ABD. Celebrations!

    In other news, pants are all loose. (the slightly bigger pants I had to buy at end of summer...) Celebrations? I'd like to add that the pants are looser at 1800 base calories...but my exercise calories have shrunk a bit due to a more accurate calculation. I'm essentially eating between 1800-2000 per day. I am an experiment.

    Awww, Happy Birthday Alex.:happy:

    Experimental boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hope Alex has a good birthday, MM.

    Didn't get the walk in yesterday, but I got a lot done. I'll get one in today. It's cold outside, but it should warm up quickly. I'm calling the doctor today to see if there's anything else I can do for this dang cough. I ate some medicinal chocolate yesterday - chocolate is better than cough drops, but would probably make you sick if you ate it all day long.

    Hoping to mend, boogaloo.

    Oh, and congrats, V!
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Meltdown day.

    Went to gym early after not sleeping well. Did a good warm up and stretching session. Went to class thinking it would be New Body but it was cancelled and replaced with Body Flow. I didn't know any better so I stayed for the class. There were 6 of us in there. Body flow is mostly yoga to music with tai chi moves thrown in. I couldn't do much of it..after 20 min packed up and left feeling ok about it, then when I stepped into the locker room the flood gates opened and I couldn't stop crying for 15 min. Two nice girls tried to comfort me..I was embarrassed because of my outburst and because I couldn't do the class.
    After a long nap and a walk tonight I can say now that it was the demons in my head taking advantage of my tiredness this morning. I caught a glimps of myself in my yoga pants and t-shirt next to the goddesses in the gym and felt like a brick hit me. The demons dragged me down and wailed on me.
    Weird day of self discovery and ultimately tenaciousnes (re: walking tonight).

    Hope you all had a better day than me.

    booger -loo and away.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, congrats! Sounds like you had a pretty good day yesterday.
    Mary, still coughing? Poor thing! I feel so bad for you.
    SMJ, we all have meltdown days. I hope today is better for you!:flowerforyou:

    Sorry for the short comments. I can't stay on here long. The cake thing is not going the greatest. It's going slower than I had hoped and I'm having trouble getting the red fondant to cooperate. :grumble: If I can get it to work then it will be cute, but so not perfect. It doesn't help that I don't have a car so I can get to the store. Speaking of which, I have not done well staying off wheat this week. Since I haven't gone to the store I have to eat what is here and most of it contains wheat. I was going to say I'll be glad when this week is over, but I'm going to be glad anyway. :wink:
    Alex had a good birthday. He got some Matchbox planes last night from friends so he's been flying around the house.
    My work out yesterday consisted of kneading for about an hour or two (i was sweating at one point!), and standing for several hours. Looks like it will be much of the same today. I was SO tired last night. I slept a lot better too. Oh and I'm still not feeling good. It feels like a sinus infection. I sure hope not but in a way it would be better than giving a cold to the rest of the family and missing out on all the activities. I can just be miserable alone this way. :laugh: It may not be an official infection.
    More kneading and rolling boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    SMJ, I had many meltdowns along the way. They're part of the struggle. The compare yourself demon is the worst. I for one am super proud that you were tenacious despite the meltdown. All kinds of weirdness comes up emotionally. Exhausting, but important.:heart:

    Today is an "activity" day...but I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with something. I woke up at 3 in the morning with chills, and I still don't feel warm. I'm super bundled up, and my husband is walking around in short sleeves, so it's me not the temperature. Grrr. I'm still aiming to get out into the sunshine later and at least get some errand walking in. I'm a bit sore from my trainer workout yesterday. I felt totally weak during it (another sign that maybe something's up). Bleh.

    Anyways, sunshine, some shopping (seriously, there is no food in the house now. none.) and some rest.

    Sunshine, at least, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    SMJ - I agree with V, it's part of the process. We all go through that. Keep going.

    I think I finally have a medication that works! It's a 12 hour inhaler. I haven't had a coughing fit this morning - much celebration! The doctor prescribed another medication that my insurance is giving me a hard about - I don't get it. My doc must call the insurance company to tell them I need this medication - he wouldn't prescribe it if I didn't need it - idiotic.

    Today: teach yoga and walk. Also going out to eat for both lunch and dinner - then going to be in San Antonio this weekend, then Dallas next week. I won't be eating at home much, so I need to make sensible choices.

    Keep going, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    The cake is finally done. That's all I wanted to say. :smile:

    Two and a half days later...boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    It's a cute cake, MM.

    We decided to have lunch at home yesterday - good thing, because dinner contained all kinds of butter. It was quite good. Mine was a rice dish with chanterelles - I wish I knew how to cook the different mushrooms.

    Today- off to San Antonio. I'm up early to get a walk in before a class that is sitting around all day - followed by restoratives - oh well. I'm spending the night, so I'll be able to walk tonight as well. I have just one more weekend this year.

    Mushrooms and butter, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well, yesterday turned out to be an extreme rest day. I ended up sleeping for a good portion of the day, and then for 12 hours last night. I'm guessing that this is just a crash from the extreme stress of the past few months, or a mild flare of an ism, but it was a drag. Total calories burned all day yesterday (according to armband thingee): 1695. Total steps: just under a thousand. Ugh. At least I get an idea of what a completely sedentary day burn looks like. Also, I was starving all day and too lazy to go shopping so I overate carby things. So, today it's off of the crap food horse and back to normal.

    I'm aiming for zumba at the gym at 11, followed by a trip to the grocers and home to make soup. I'll eat said soup for lunch and dinner (so minimal labour required). Then, I absolutely must start my pile of marking, and get a few other things organized.

    Mary, the exotic mushrooms cook essentially the same as the regular white button ones. The only complication is that some of them cook faster and some slower. You also have to clean foraged ones very carefully, especially the morels, which make a handy house for little creatures of the forest. You can't go wrong with mushrooms of any kind and butter. (IMHO)

    The cake is adorable, MM. I love the pilot guy's little scarf.

    Get back in the game, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Whew! The party's over and I can relax now. The cake was awesome, not to brag but it tasted really good. Hit the spot! Thanks for the compliments on the cake. No one would have known it was gluten free. I was afraid it was going to be like cardboard. I think we all had a good time. :)
    I need to get back to working out and cleaning the house now. I'm tired tonight so I'm going to relax. Tomorrow I have to work in the nursery again. May take it easy tomorrow afternoon as well. depends on how I'm feeling. I either have a sinus infection or something, so I'm kind of wiped out.
    Oh and we went to get the mustang from the transmission shop this morning. The interior is covered in grease, it has an exhaust leak now, a new rattle and it won't shift out of second. Hmmm. So we left it there again. This is getting past annoying. I am guessing we will turn around and sell that car when we get it back. We don't trust the work.
    Anyway, I need to go get dinner started and spend some time with Alex. I'll try to catch up on posts later.
    Time to chill boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Finally tackling my huge pile of marking. Ugh. Will take a break at noon to go to Zumba, then it's date night this eve to finally officially celebrate the ABD business. Marking is brutal. Kids nowadays have some grammar issues. Also, they say weird things that are just plain not true. (especially gruesome are their historical inaccuracies, which are easily checked).

    Also (probably when I need another break from the terrible essay pile) I need to clean the kitchen floor. So, vacuuming and slopping (I do this thing with twenty towels and hot way better than a mop. better workout, too).

    Made coconut flour brownies for baked good Sunday. V. good.

    "Would of"(grimace) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Just got back from San Antonio and a walk. See y'all tomorrow.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sorry I haven't made more time to comment on your posts or to post myself. I wasn't busy today unless I was just busy enjoying a day off. :)
    Thank the Lord the nursery duty went pretty well. Two of the kids had snotty noses and I am paranoid about germs, especially when I already done feel good. :ohwell: So I am trying to get over my paranoia and just do what's before me. Hand sanitizer was my friend this morning though.
    I have decided to I need to back off on sugar too. I think that's why I couldn't get out of bed this morning. I had a hangover. We took the rest of the cake to church and Steve said there were only a few pieces left so he got rid of them for me. (threw them and the plane out). I am glad he took care of that so I wouldn't be tempted to bring it home. I have a hard time throwing out sweets.
    I really want to get to the place mentally that I can get off wheat and sugar unless I go out to eat. Have it more as a treat than a a regular thing.
    I am glad tomorrow is a bit of a more regular day for me. I need to get some work done on the house and catch up with stuff. All I have to make for Thanksgiving is a fruit salad so I've got it easy. :bigsmile:
    So goals for next week: lay off the wheat and sugar (except on Thanksgiving, though I will try to limit it), and get back into some exercise. I'm getting fat. I hope to get some energy back now that the party is over, but this sinus stuff may knock me out for a couple of days.
    Alex's shirt says "Naturally sweet, no sugar added." I need to keep that in mind about my foods.

    Sugar=lethargic crankiness boogaloo!
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