Did anyone gain from weekend pigouts?



  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    Thought I did great this weekend, but the scale just says I stayed the same! Darn scale!!!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    Weekends are the hardest for me, but I have been doing pretty good recently, until this last weekend. I ended up going out to eat both Saturday and Sunday, and although I had good intentions (checked the menu prior, knew what I was going to order, actually ordered it) Saturday was Indian food and even though it was lunch, and I had grilled chicken, I did eat a lot of hummus (good fat, but still fat) and some pita bread. We had a lot of leftovers so I had that warmed up for the family for dinner. Then yesterday I was out with my mom and aunt. We went to this awesome place me and my mom love. I got the gumbo just so I could order dessert. We had planned to share it between the 3 of us. Well they ordered breadstick with spinach dip (my fave!) so there I was hitting the bread basket again. I ate my gumbo and then we shared a slice of pumpkin cheesecake. I had intended on being back on my program food (Wonderslim) for dinner, but ended up eating the last of the bread stick and spinach dip. Now I feel yucky this morning and cant find my motivation to get on the treadmill.
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    yup - pound and a half after my cake-fest last night :blushing: undid all my good work at the gym!
    never mind, todays a new day - will just have to work extra hard this week and drink lots of water! and i only ever record my weight when it goes down not up - so may have to wait a few days for that to happen again lol
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Seeing a gain does give me some motivation...a lot of it.
  • erinkate82
    I just updated my weight this morning to be truthful and fair to myself - I have gained 3 pounds since my last weigh in... Weekends are brutal!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Down 0.20 from yesterday. I'll probably be around my lowest in years after my workout. :glasses: