Man Salad Suggestions?



  • veggiesnyc
    veggiesnyc Posts: 14 Member
    Just wondering - has he had his bloodwork done lately? If he is eating that little (and that is a little!) and gaining weight at his height, maybe there is something wrong. Thyroid issues come to mind. It's possible be just has a slow metabolism, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure there isn't something bigger going on here.
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    He's 6'7"? I'm no expert, but I think maybe he should eat closer to maintenance, but start a lifting program. Adam Wainwright of the St. Louis Cardinals is 6'7" and 229. I doubt anyone thinks he needs to loss weight. Then, as others have pointed out, add the protein for many reasons.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130

    The most important part of the salad making process is making sure its tossed. For best results, always be sure to toss your husbands salad completely.

    OMG, and I thought the title was bad enough...