Migraine trigger foods



  • craft4fun
    craft4fun Posts: 76 Member
    Yellow cheeses
    Red Wine
    Lunch meats & hot dogs ( the ones that contain sulfates )

    There are more but I can't remember them right now.

    Some say taking magnesium helps.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    MSG, duck eggs, large amounts of dairy... I also think they come on with stress and overtiredness.

    Duck eggs specifically? How interesting! That sucks though!

    I know, weird, right?? My folks used to have chickens and ducks and we knew that eggs gave me migraines but then, when I'd eat them out or at a friends house or at my grandma's I'd be fine! Trial and error, we worked out it was specifically the duck eggs. I've never found out why!
  • madisonsplash
    madisonsplash Posts: 2 Member
    I have about a million trigger foods, whether they're for migraines or my GI symptoms.

    Major ones for me:
    -cheese/dairy (especially mozzarella, though most yogurt is not a problem)
    -artificial sweeteners
    -soy sauce
    -(non-organic) ground beef
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 825 Member
    Wheat and gluten are big triggers for me. Once I slowly eliminated those two from my diet, my migraines became less and less frequent.

    Three years ago, we were moving my son to Seattle. On the drive back to Colorado, we encountered a three hour detour through the mountains (high elevation). Between being dehydrated, stressed, hungry, tired, too much caffeine, too much processed foods and a thunderstorm, I had the perfect storm for a migraine! One of those things alone might not have triggered one but all together, I was a goner!:ohwell:

    It's really an individual thing as to what can trigger a migraine. Try eliminating various foods and keep a headache journal. Hope it gets better for you soon!
  • Becks_26
    Becks_26 Posts: 2
    Pineapple gives me horrible migraines, which sucks because that is my favorite food. :(